The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 3: The venomous tongue is annoying!

Chapter 3: The venomous tongue is annoying!

Before Cun Yunsheng and others could speak, the defeated soldiers at the shelter started talking about it.

  The most talked about thing is Cun Yunsheng, what is its origin.

 After all, the all-American equipment behind him is no joke.

So, no matter how bad they are, they don’t dare to talk too loudly.

 The crimes committed by non-speaker officials may be serious or minor.

They are all veterans and there is no way they would make such a stupid mistake.

Looking at the criticism from several people in the distance, Cun Yunsheng smiled slightly and then raised his voice.

“My name is Cun Yunsheng, the former lieutenant colonel of the 126th Division Independent Regiment of the 45th Army of the Sichuan Army. I was ordered by Shangfeng to form an independent regiment to enter Burma and fight against Japan.”

With Cun Yunsheng’s introduction, many people frowned slightly.

 Some veterans even murmured that they were recruiting cannon fodder again.

 They hate this kind of thing deeply and naturally they won’t look at it well.

Of course, on the surface, he still has a smiling face.

“Sir, how can you deceive us into becoming your soldiers just by saying nothing?”

“Although we people are going to die, we are still worth some money.”

  After hearing what Cun Yunsheng said, Meng Fanglia took the lead and couldn't help but retorted.

His temper is like this. If he doesn't like it, he will naturally say a few words.

 Of course you will give in when you should give in.

 Seeing that Meng Fanxiao was speaking, Cun Yunsheng glanced at his lame leg.

 Immediately, he said with a smile again.

“I don’t know what kind of sincerity I should show before I come to recruit troops?”

 “Just be a soldier and you’ll be given ten pieces of gold?”

“Three months of additional military pay?”

“Or do you mean, as long as you come to serve as a soldier, you will be given fine weapons and equipment?”

Every word Cun Yunsheng said seemed to hit everyone's hearts hard.

 The ocean, military pay, fine weapons and equipment.

These are what they desire.

 But seeing Cun Yunsheng's smiling face, many of the defeated soldiers secretly felt sad.

 In their opinion, maybe they don’t deserve these.

"Sir, you don't need to use these things to stimulate us. Our lives are just dead and not worth these things." Meng Fan was still self-aware, and his tone was a little cold immediately.

Hearing this, the smile on Cun Yunsheng's face never stopped, and he immediately said again.

“It seems like you don’t need it. How about I treat you to a meal of pork stewed vermicelli?”

“It can be regarded as a welcome gift that I brought with me when I first arrived.”

As soon as these words came out, many defeated soldiers swallowed their saliva subconsciously, and many even had their eyes gleaming.


 Haven’t eaten for a long time.

 In the past, when we were fighting, we could still eat meat occasionally.

  Then they continued to be defeated. After they fled here, no one cared about them. Apart from the meager monthly relief grain, they could hardly eat meat.

Now when they heard that someone invited them to eat meat, it felt like pie falling from the sky, which made everyone excited.

“Sir, as long as you can get pork stewed with vermicelli, my life, Li Liansheng’s, will be yours.” Li Liansheng, who had been lying down, stood up without saying a word when he heard that there was meat to eat.

 Cun Yunsheng was not surprised at all by Li Liansheng's reaction.

At the same time, I felt secretly happy. Taking this person down meant that the one on the second floor was not far away.

 After all, Li Liansheng is the only fellow countryman he has left.

 Don't look at it normally, Milong punched and kicked him, and he didn't look good.

 But when Li Liansheng was in trouble, Milong helped him a lot.

 Later, Li Liansheng died in battle, and Mi Long carried him all the way back.

"Okay, stand on my right side." Cun Yunsheng nodded, and then looked at the others. "What about you? If you want to eat meat, stand on my right side."

At this time, many people were trotting excitedly.

“Sir, are you telling the truth? Can you really get pork stewed with vermicelli?”

“Yes, sir, please don’t lie to us.”

 “Sir, seriously?”


Cun Yunsheng naturally knows why these people are worried.

 Obviously, I was so cautious because I was deceived countless times by Shangfeng.

"A gentleman's words are hard to chase." Cun Yunsheng raised his voice. His words were full of magic, making many defeated soldiers subconsciously choose to believe them.

“Old Xue, take a few people to buy a pig and vermicelli, etc., and prepare them all. Today I want to treat everyone to pork stewed with vermicelli.”

Xue Tian behind him frowned even deeper when he heard this. This is a lot of money.

 Especially now, pork is still in short supply.

“Master, French currency may not work here.” Xue Tian said softly.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't say much, took out a money bag from his pocket and threw it over.

 The money bag fell into Xue Tian's hands, and the sound of collisions inside made many soldiers feel relieved.

 The ocean is much easier to use than fiat currency.

Even Meng Fan, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he looked at the money bag.

 At the same time, I thought that if I had so many oceans, I wouldn't be lame.

The thought of the price of replacement medicine on the black market made him feel sad.

"How is it? How are you thinking about it?" At this time, Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fandai again and said with a smile.

“Don’t rush to answer yet, you still have time to think about it, I’ll just wait here.”

"You guys go and prepare firewood and mountain spring water."

“You, take a few people to inform other defeated soldiers. As long as they are willing to serve as soldiers, I will treat them to pork stewed vermicelli today.”

"The premise is that if anyone dares to run away after eating my food, don't blame me for not recognizing people because of the gun in my hand."

"Yes." Several defeated soldiers who were called immediately got people busy. Even Li Liansheng, who had always been lazy, began to direct people to start working.

 Meng Fangliao was a little upset. He didn't know how to make a decision.

This officer who looks very young is not sure whether he is reliable or not.

 If it’s unreliable, wouldn’t it be the end?

 After all, it is not easy for him to survive until now.

 “Excuse me, is this officer reliable?”

“Yes, do you think we will really get pork?”

"You ask me, who am I asking? You should ask Commander Ayi, after all, he brought the people. Besides, a bunch of grass-eating things really want to eat meat?"

“We are defeated soldiers, cannon fodder, things that no one cares about, and we still want to eat meat.” Meng Fangli was upset, so he spoke rudely.

Even the angry veterinarian was speechless.

However, everyone was used to Meng Fan's words, so they cursed one after another and said no more.

 But everyone’s eyes were fixed on the busy people in the field.

Some people even ran to the door, hoping to see the pork coming back.

 “A bunch of **** who still want to eat meat.”

 “Can you make pork stewed with vermicelli?”

“Have you ever seen pork stewed vermicelli?” At this time, Mi Long, who was hiding in the canteen, finally walked out slowly, holding a watermelon fan in his hand. While eating the watermelon, he cursed at everyone.

“Li Liansheng, you are so busy, can you do it?”

"Don't be embarrassed. If you are like this, whoever recruits you as a soldier will be in trouble."

 “Don’t let us lose the face of the four eastern provinces again when the time comes.”

 (End of this chapter)

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