The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 5: A shelter full of laughter and joy

 Chapter 5 A shelter full of laughter and joy

“Sir Tuanzuo, you can’t get this meal without a hundred yuan.”

“Just for your meal, you will definitely recruit a lot of soldiers today.” Meng Fangliao said while placing the bowls and chopsticks.

"And why are you running to the shelter? This place is full of veterans, but no officer with any future will come here to recruit troops."

"They are all a group of grass-eating guys. Your meal is enough for them to remember for a long time."

Meng Fanlie is like a monk from the Tang Dynasty, rambling on and on, and the whole thing highlights his lack of understanding.

 Why are you here to recruit cannon fodder?

 Or is he going to form a cannon fodder regiment?

 However, looking at the beautiful equipment behind the opponent, he doesn’t look like a person without background.

"What? Do you look down on yourself so much? Do you always feel like you are cannon fodder?" Cun Yunsheng asked without answering.

"Isn't it?" Meng Fan looked puzzled. Among the soldiers on the ground, which one looked like a soldier?

Even he himself is limping. The cooking squad may not want such a soldier.

"Really? Why do I think you still have the value of reforming?" The smile on Cun Yunsheng's face still did not disappear. He looked at Meng Fansei and then glanced at the people behind him.

 “In my eyes, you are not hopeless.”

“Besides, do you still want to treat this leg?”

 “If it doesn’t get cured, you will be completely lame.”

As a time traveler, a golden finger is a must, so Cun Yunsheng naturally also has a golden finger.

But his golden finger is a little different, that is, cutting down trees.

 That's right, you can get different rewards by cutting down a tree once a day.

 There are weapons, medicines, oceans, gold, etc.

Not only that, as the military rank increases, the explosion rate increases, and the number of tree fellings also increases.

His military rank is now Corporal (specifically Goldfinger rank), and he can only cut once a day.

 How to advance in military rank is based on the number of Japanese soldiers.

 In other words, if he wanted to be promoted to military rank, he could only kill Japanese soldiers.

 This is one of the important reasons why he took the initiative to request military service and requested to enter Burma to fight against Japan.

 The other thing is that the original person promised his subordinates to avenge them.

 Now he wants to use the magic weapon to treat Meng Fanle, which is penicillin, commonly known as penicillin.

 The emergence of this thing is epoch-making, and it can be said to have greatly reduced the casualty rate of soldiers.

“Is it sulfonamide?” Meng Fanlao’s face still had the same expression, without any change.

 But there was a glimmer of desire in his eyes, which was still caught by Cun Yunsheng.

 After all, no one wants to be a cripple.

As for why he seemed very calm, it was because this kind of medicine was nothing to the person in front of him.

"No, have you ever heard of penicillin?" Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said calmly. He wanted to see what Meng Fanlao's expression would be.

Sure enough, when he heard about penicillin, his expression suddenly changed.

 The birth of this miracle drug naturally attracted worldwide attention.

Meng Fanglia happened to know this, so he was particularly eager to have this magical medicine to cure this leg.

 It's a pity that the price is compared to gold, and with the three melons and two dates he has, he really can't afford it.

 He was the one who could afford sulfonamide and tried every means.

 Now that I heard about penicillin, I was naturally very excited.

“Really? Master Tuanzuo, please don’t lie to me?”

"I am a person who can only remember grudges. If you deceive me, you may not know what I will do." Meng Fan looked at Cun Yunsheng in front of him, and his tone was a bit unkind.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng still didn't care, but took a bite of the pork stewed vermicelli that had just been served.

"It's a little lighter, Lao Xue. Don't be reluctant to put some salt and some soy sauce. There's no taste at all." Cun Yunsheng didn't answer Meng Fanjie, but turned to look at Xue Tian who was directing next to him, dissatisfied. said.

“And your lard, put it in too. Don’t be so petty. The young master will make up for you later.”

"Yes, Master." Xue Tian responded helplessly, then took out soy sauce, lard and salt, and sprinkled a large amount of it.

“Enough, enough, too much, too much.” Snake Butt said with distress as he watched spoonful after spoonful of pork being put in.

“This much lard will last you a long time, it’s too wasteful.”

 It's a pity that Xue Tian Dang couldn't hear it and still went his own way.

  "Hold a grudge? What? You still want to beat me up? How are you going to repay me for healing your leg?" Cun Yunsheng ate another piece of pork, nodded with satisfaction, and then said again.

Hearing this, Meng Fanlang looked like he was going to risk everything, and immediately patted his chest to express his gratitude.

“Master Tuanzuo, as long as you can heal my leg, from now on, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west.”

"Whoever dares to object, I will be the first to do it for you."

Looking at the loyal look on the other party's face, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

"Not bad, not bad. It looks like a bit of a loser. I happen to be short of a communication soldier. From today on, no, from now on, you are my communication soldier and you must be within three meters of me."

“The best thing is that I can slap you in the face.”

 “How? Isn’t this condition harsh?”

Hearing this, Meng Fan looked confused. He was also a lieutenant after all, but he wanted to be a communications soldier?

And it’s the kind of distance that can be reached easily.

"Think carefully. If you can do it, I will keep your leg. If you can't do it, you will remain a lame."

Cun Yunsheng's words completely shattered the little dignity in Meng Fangliao's heart.

 “I agreed.”

 “Come, salute, let me take a look.”

“Yes, regimental commander, Lieutenant Meng Fanner is reporting to you.”

"From now on, I will be your messenger. If you say east, I will never go west."

 “There must be my presence within three meters.”

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try." Meng Fangliao tried his best to support his body and stood at attention and saluted a military salute that was not a standard.

“Then give it a try.” Cun Yunsheng stretched his palms, and Meng Fan was so frightened that he stepped back. He didn’t expect that the group leader in front of him was serious.

"Ha ha ha ha."

 Seeing Meng Fanxiao retreating, many people laughed.

 “I’m laughing at you.”

Even though Meng Fanglia was embarrassed in front of Cun Yunsheng, he was never afraid when facing other cannon fodder.

 “Hey, I’m sorry, I became a communications soldier and became more arrogant.” The snake’s **** mouth is also unforgiving.

“That’s right, I’ll have to trouble Meng Communications Soldier to take care of me in the future.” Bula also agreed.

“I’m sorry, you’re just a turtle, a donkey, and you’ll fall out whenever you want.” The veterinarian also said with disdain.

 For a time, the entire shelter was filled with laughter and laughter.

 While more people kept their heads down and ate wildly.

Some people even find it troublesome to use chopsticks and eat directly with their hands.

God knows how long it has been since they had such a feast.

 The scent of the air floated farther and farther, and more and more broken soldiers rushed towards the shelter.

 Only Cun Yunsheng's eyes flashed with an inexplicable emotion.

 (End of this chapter)

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