Chapter 54 The airport is lost!

“Squad leader, you said that if you blow up this tunnel, the little devils won’t be able to get around it?” A soldier from the Third Engineer Company who was in charge of dismantling the rails in a railway tunnel outside Tonggu Airport suggested in a low voice.

"You bastard, this was built by the British. They only asked us to destroy the railway, but they didn't ask us to blow up the tunnel." The squad leader knocked him on the head, then shook his head and said.

“If the British guys blow up their tunnel without their consent, then I will be blamed. Do you think I, the squad leader, can bear the responsibility?”

“I’m afraid our battalion commander can’t afford it.”

Hearing this, the soldier felt that it made sense. After all, it was not easy to build tunnels these days.

Hundreds of thousands of people were required to build the Burma Highway, and mountains and bridges had to be built in the middle, which was very difficult.

It’s a pity that it exploded like this.

"Don't think too much, we are in the north, there is no way the little devil will appear here."

“The mountains are so high and the forests are so dense that it’s impossible for a kid to get around it.” The squad leader said confidently.

It’s no wonder that you are so confident. The mountains are so high and the forests are so dense that most people would be frightened when they see it. Who dares to get into it without any trouble?

The French army in World War II also thought the same way, and as a result, the German army actually passed through.

“Okay, let’s get to work quickly. There’s still a big section that hasn’t been dismantled. This British guy is good at repairing it, but it’s really hard to dismantle it.” The squad leader complained, and then motioned for his subordinates to continue working.

   Not far away, a group of seven to eight hundred Japanese soldiers were weaving through the dense jungles high in the mountains.

The person leading the way was a local aborigine. He was seen moving back and forth in the mountains and forests nimbly, reminding the Japanese soldiers to pay attention to their steps from time to time.

The slogans used by the Japanese army in Myanmar are really attractive to the indigenous people.

 So many aborigines became guides, leading the way and providing intelligence to the Japanese army.

 Hope they can drive away the hateful British army as soon as possible.

 So when the Japanese army asked for a guide to take the small road around to Tonggu Airport, the aboriginal people were very active.

“Sir, in ten minutes we can pass through the dense forest and reach the railway tunnel outside Tonggu Airport.” After visually measuring the distance, the guide turned his head and said respectfully.

"Yo Xi, this is a reward for you. Thank you for your contribution to the imperial army." Major Tanaka, who led the team, looked at the guide in front of him and said with great satisfaction, and at the same time motioned to his subordinates to take out a gold watch.

 These are trophies captured from the British army, and normally they are kept privately.

 But in order for these aborigines to better help the imperial army defeat the British army, they still have to pretend to be very generous at this time.

 Seeing the gold watch, the guide's eyes showed a greedy expression.

He didn’t expect the reward to be so generous. He took the gold watch respectfully and then worked harder as a guide.

“Order, prepare for battle, leave the dense forest, and seize the airport as quickly as possible.” Major Tanaka turned his head and issued combat orders to his subordinates.


 After receiving the order, the Japanese troops cheered up and got into battle formation.

 The search team follows the guide closely and will immediately warn if something is wrong.

 The Japanese army was extremely excited when they broke out of the dense forest.

 They didn’t expect to actually go around the back of Tonggu Airport through a small road.

“Report, the China Expeditionary Force was spotted ahead and they are destroying the railway.” The soldiers of the search team reported immediately.

“Baga, order the troops to speed up and capture the airport as quickly as possible.”


The soldiers of the engineer battalion who were working hard had no idea that the Japanese army was approaching them.

“Hey, where are the footsteps coming from?” A soldier was dismantling the rails when he suddenly felt the ground shaking and subconsciously raised his head.

 He saw a scene that made his pupils shrink sharply.

 Countless Japanese troops appeared in front of them.

At the same time, bullets were already heading towards them.

"The devils are coming, the devils are coming." In an instant, the soldiers in the engineer battalion were in chaos.

 Some people subconsciously want to escape, while others want to fight back.

 But as a burst of intense gunfire struck, the resistance disappeared instantly, and everyone ran towards the depths of the tunnel.

“Squad leader, are you listening? Did you call the little devil?” The soldier raised his head, listening to the noise in the distance, and asked doubtfully.

“Are you hallucinating again?” The squad leader got angry and wanted to hit him on the head. As a result, he saw a dozen soldiers running towards him, shouting in horror.

 “The devil is coming, the devil is coming.”

"What? How is this possible?" Many soldiers were confused. Isn't this the north?

 How come there are little devils?

Before they could think about it, they heard intense gunshots from behind, which frightened them and led them to run away.

 The soldiers of the engineering battalion in front ran very fast, and the Japanese soldiers behind them also chased them fiercely, while bullets greeted them.

"What did you say? The kid is here?" Battalion Commander Li Shuzheng was stunned when he heard the news. How did the kid get here?

Didn’t we agree to go to the north of the ancient city?

 Isn’t it very safe?

 Why did you go around to the airport?

 What did the defenders of Tonggu City do for food?

 Or is it lost with the ancient city?

 For a time, Battalion Commander Li Shuzheng lost his ability to think.

“Batalion Commander, don’t be in a daze, run away. There are so many little devils, at least a thousand of them, and we can’t stop them at all.” The lieutenant looked at the dazed battalion commander and shouted quickly.

Before he finished speaking, a sharp whistling sound came from the sky.

 A large number of mortar shells hit the airport position.

“Don’t run away, stick to the airport, and never lose the airport.” Battalion Commander Li Shuzheng knew that once the airport was lost, he would be finished.

 He knows his master's seat, and he is ruthless.

Moreover, if the airport is lost, the British air support will be lost, and the ancient city of Tong will also be lost by then.

Then the responsibility is even greater.

Battalion Commander Li Shuzheng's blood ran cold at the thought of his head being in danger.

The lieutenant looked at his battalion commander in disbelief. Counterattack?

We are an engineering battalion?

 It’s okay to do hard work, but defend?

 How to defend?

Haven’t you seen the Japanese mortars?

 There is no other way, he also knows that losing the airport is a heavy responsibility.

  Simply started to call on his subordinates to organize a counterattack.

 The machine guns deployed previously worked and temporarily curbed the Japanese offensive momentum, but they were soon focused on by Japanese mortars and grenade launchers.

 Soon, all the machine gun positions were destroyed.

 For a time, the situation became very critical.

“Battal Commander, we can’t hold on, the Japanese offensive is too fierce, and our brothers have suffered heavy losses.” The lieutenant begged again.

 “Withdraw.” Looking at the Japanese troops coming from all directions, Li Shuzheng also felt a little desperate. His engineer battalion itself was not suitable for fighting.

 It is not easy to persist until now, and I am worthy of being a master.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and gave the order to retreat.

 After receiving the order, the soldiers of the engineering battalion immediately started running towards Tonggu City.

 The Japanese army took the opportunity to occupy the airport and did not send troops to pursue it.

It’s a shame. I’ve reached the third level of Nine Yang Magic. It’s really amazing. My throat is like a razor blade. I’m speechless. I woke up before three o’clock in the middle of the night. I coughed for an hour and almost fell asleep. Cough me to death.



 (End of this chapter)

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