The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 65: The leader’s explosive operation!

Chapter 65: The leader’s explosive operation!

"Are these for us?" Zheng Tingji looked at the equipment in front of him that could equip a battalion, and his breathing quickened a lot.

 I didn’t expect that this guy would be so generous?

 Actually, it's not so generous. Mainly, he doesn't like these weapons.

More than 300 Springfield rifles.

He now dislikes this bolt-action rifle.

Since we have the US military behind us, what else do we need for a bolt-action rifle?

  It’s really a loss of points.

 The starting point must be the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle.

Browning automatic rifles serve as squad fire support weapons.

In addition, it is equipped with two Thompson submachine guns.

 Make the entire infantry squad's firepower extremely powerful.

With such a configuration, facing the Japanese army will be a dimensionality reduction strike.

 So the proud Cun Yunsheng directly gave all the unopened Springfield rifles to the 200 Division.

 In addition to these, there are 20 60mm mortars, 5 81mm mortars, and several artillery shells.

 Five Browning heavy machine guns, but no light machine guns.

Mainly, the U.S. military does not have any light machine guns that it can use. The only Browning automatic rifle used as a light machine gun is Cun Yunsheng's unwillingness to give it to him.

In addition, five anti-tank rifles were given. As for the promised tanks and heavy artillery, they were not available, so naturally they were not given.

Even so, it was enough to make Zheng Tingji speechless.

Although this guy is difficult to get along with, he is really generous.

If it had been him, he would have hesitated for a long time, but the other party didn't even blink.

 This is the gap.

But he also comforted himself that he could be so generous if he had the US military behind him.

Of course these are just thoughts. After all, the consequences are too great and he cannot afford it.

 Not everyone is as bold as Cun Yunsheng.

“Tanzuo, you are really generous. Those weapons will definitely fetch sky-high prices on the black market.” Mi Long appeared behind Cun Yunsheng at some unknown time and said with some distress.

 “What’s the matter? Are you feeling distressed?” Cun Yunsheng asked without answering.

“I do feel a little distressed. They are all good things. There are so many mortars and artillery shells.” The distress on Milong’s face was not fake, and he didn’t understand why his team did this.

I heard that tanks and heavy artillery will also be provided.

 It’s too wasteful.

"My things are not that difficult. You don't think that a company of soldiers will send me away, right?" Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Milong immediately gave a thumbs up.

 In terms of insidiousness and cunning, our group is definitely one of the best.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and asked angrily.

“How do we provide food for those Americans? We don’t know how to cook foreign food. Isn’t this making things difficult for me?” Mi Long quickly expressed his difficulty.

Hearing this, Cun Yun was speechless for a while. Is this such a nonsense?

 He thought, what big deal was it?

"They eat whatever we eat. During the war, how can we have time to give them so many tricks?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the dragon and said angrily.

“But, don’t all foreign devils eat steak? And red wine?” Milong said weakly.

"Tell me, where do you get steak? This is a **** war, not playing house, and steak. I've never eaten steak, why should they eat steak?" Cun Yunsheng has always been disgusted, what's the matter? preferential treatment.

Our own people gnawed bitterly at the corn buns, while the foreign devils had a lot of fish and meat.

It’s really selfless and dedicated.

 There are not so many tricks here. What they eat is what the foreigners eat.

“Ah? It’s really about what we eat and what they eat? Wouldn’t that be bad?” Milong always felt that it was not good to mistreat international friends like this. It would be bad if something happened.

"Okay, these instructors are paid military salaries. Don't give us too much preferential treatment. They can eat whatever we eat. In addition, there is no need to prepare rooms for them, just tents." Cun Yunsheng warned again.

This made Milong murmur a little, if you do this, people won't be angry?

 Would it be disrespectful to others?

 It would be bad if there were any disputes.

Hundred years of weakness have made them feel inherently inferior when facing foreigners from the world's largest industrial power.

"What's wrong? Milong, what are you muttering about?" At this time, Meng Fangli looked at Milong who had just walked out of the regiment headquarters, muttering something, and asked in confusion.

"No..." Milong was about to shake his head and say it was okay, but then he thought about it and asked Fanla for advice.

As he spoke, he repeated what he just said.

"This is other people's habits. We must respect other people's habits. The leader is right. People get military pay, while foreigners get money to do things. There are not so many tricks." Meng Fanxiao said with a smile.

 Seeing Meng Fanxiao say this, Milong simply stopped worrying about it.

At lunch time, Steve and the other instructors looked at the food in front of them and couldn't help but feel confused.

baked beans?

What is this stuff?

 Where's the steak?

 What about coffee?

 What about red wine?

 Why is there none?

"What's wrong? Can't you eat?" Cun Yunsheng said in sudden realization, looking at the confused expressions of Steve and others.

“Oh, I forgot, you foreigners are not used to eating it on the grill, it’s okay, let’s eat mashed potatoes.”

 As he spoke, he peeled the potatoes and mashed them vigorously.

That's it for a serving of mashed potatoes.

 Such an explosive operation not only dumbfounded Steve and others, but also Meng Fanglia and others.

 That’s how mashed potatoes come from?

"Try it, it tastes very good, add some salt, it will definitely taste delicious." As he said that, Cun Yunsheng took the initiative to add a little salt to the other party's mashed potatoes. Looking at the mashed potatoes in front of them, Steve and others looked at each other.

They wanted to refuse, but seeing everyone gnawing potatoes, they really couldn't say they wanted steak, so they had to bite the bullet and eat mashed potatoes.

  The aroma of mashed potatoes made their eyes light up, especially the sense of satisfaction from their taste buds, which whetted the appetites of Steve and others.

  Why are the tastes of the same mashed potatoes so different?

Would it be better to turn baked potatoes into mashed potatoes?

 This is the unified thought of all foreign instructors.

“Tuanzuo? Is this mashed potato?” Meng Fanglia came over and whispered.

He simply couldn't believe that such an explosive operation could be done by his own team.

 But when I think about the courage of my group, I feel that this is normal.

They have never thought of treating these Americans as uncles.

“Right? If potatoes are mashed, aren’t they just mashed potatoes? Could they be anything else?”

“Cut it into slices, fry it, and it’s French fries.” Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan in confusion, wondering why the other party would ask such a low-level question.

“I always thought mashed potatoes were something fancy, but I didn’t expect them to be mashed potatoes.” Meng Fanlao’s face turned red.

 He really didn’t expect it to be so simple.

 After all, in the past, I heard others say that foreigners only eat mashed potatoes, vegetable salads, etc., which sounded very high-class, but he didn't expect it to be like this. It was beyond his expectation.

“You guys, don’t think of Western food as so high-end. To be honest, what foreign devils eat is not as good as our pigs.” Cun Yunsheng said seriously.

“Huh? Our pigs only eat grass or some rice bran. Could it be that what foreigners eat is not as good as pigs?” Not only Meng Fan was surprised, but others were also surprised.

 Only Krupp remained silent, as if he was recalling some bad memories.

“Do you know what a vegetable salad is?” Cun Yunsheng felt that he should educate these people, otherwise they would all yearn for Western food.

 “I don’t know.” Several people shook their heads.

"Just wash all kinds of vegetables, cut them, stir them with some salad dressing, and eat them raw." Cun Yunsheng's words made Krupp tremble subconsciously.

“Is it similar to what our pigs eat?”

They were confused by Cun Yunsheng's metaphor. How could it be used like this?

 Only Krupp doesn’t understand why his family knows so much about Western food.

The vegetable salad is really no different from what pigs eat.

“That’s not right, don’t all foreigners eat steak and drink red wine?” Mi Long also came over and asked curiously.

“That’s because their recipe is too simple, so they can only eat steak. Do you think they don’t want to eat it?”

“How simple are their recipes? Breakfast is milk, eggs, and bread. This is the treatment of middle-class families.”

“Ordinary people don’t enjoy such treatment, so it would be nice to have black bread.”

“Lunch will be either mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, etc., and maybe steak for dinner.” After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he looked at the snake’s **** again.

 “Snake butt, think of a way to give them some extra food tonight.”

“Huh?” Ma Dazhi, who was watching a play, looked at Cun Yunsheng blankly.

“Tuanzuo, all we have left in our group are potatoes and the like, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

 He does have good cooking skills, but it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

 How can he get it if there is no ingredients?

“There are jungles near the airport. I’ll try to get some traps or something to see if I can get some food.”

"As for the supply of materials, don't worry. General Stilwell has promised that the next batch will be shipped to us." Cun Yunsheng said that he didn't need to worry.

"Ah? Can those foreigners get used to eating it?" Ma Dazhi hesitated for a moment, feeling that foreigners might not be able to eat those things.

"As long as you don't tell them, they won't know what it is. If they do ask, they can just find a reason to fool them." Cun Yunsheng said nonchalantly.

With these words, Ma Dazhi was full of confidence. After eating, he led a group of people to the jungle.

 Steve and others were also very dedicated and began to teach the soldiers of the Sichuan Legion after eating.

 The first step is to inspect the weapon to see how well it is maintained.

 Steve was still curious about the beautiful weapons and equipment owned by the Sichuan Legion, but after hearing that they were captured, he didn’t ask any more questions.

"Li, your battalion's weapons are not well maintained. Look, the weapons are all black and gray. They are unqualified." Lieutenant Louis, the armorer, gestured to the white gloves in his hand and shook his head.

Li Liansheng looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

 He knew about maintenance, but it was the first time he heard about the need for such meticulous maintenance.

 Even having to clean up the dust inside is really troublesome.

However, due to the order from the regiment, he did not dare to refute, and could only say that he would strengthen maintenance.

"No, no, no, Lee, your soldiers need to take classes. They need to know why they need to maintain their weapons." The armorer, Second Lieutenant Lewis, shook his head, and then offered to give classes to everyone.

Now Li Liansheng has an even bigger headache. They are a bunch of old men who can't read a single Chinese character. They still have to go to class?

 Do they understand?

But I dare not not listen.

 As a result, a group of rough guys are like listening to the book from heaven.

 On the other hand, Krupp's artillery battery performed very well.

"Your artillery battery is very good, and the weapons are very well maintained. I heard that you studied artillery in Germany." After inspecting the artillery battery, Evans couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Hearing that the other party studied in Germany, He even praised him again and again.

"But your soldiers don't seem to understand the parameters of the artillery. They need to learn."

Krupp did not refute this, but agreed with it.

 Originally, he would have been too busy on his own, but now that they have joined him, he can finally feel a lot more relaxed.

 After an afternoon of searching, Steve came to Cun Yunsheng with a serious expression on his face.

“Sir, the literacy rate of your men is too low. I don’t understand how you managed to defeat a Japanese brigade head-on and even kill more than 500 of them.”

The fourth update, the update of Ten Thousand Thousands, is still very voluminous. I will try to come back at 11 o'clock. I was delayed by something at night, and now I have to put the baby to bed! Will update after I finish!



 (End of this chapter)

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