The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 67: It’s too wide, I don’t know how to fight it!

 Chapter 67 is too broad, I don’t know how to fight!

“Li Wula, what **** rapid-fire method this American taught me, how many rounds of bullets should be fired in one minute, I think it’s so nonsense.” Bula found Li Liansheng and said bitterly.

 “Yes, Turtle’s son, thirty rounds of bullets a minute.” Kaname also agreed.

“A base amount of ammunition only lasts three or four minutes. With this style of play, no amount of ammunition is enough.”

“Well, you two are right.” Li Liansheng nodded with deep approval.

“If we were in China, if we were to play like this, we would definitely be scolded by the superiors. It’s a prodigal act, but have you forgotten where we are?”

“Myanmar, have you forgotten what the leader said?”

“We use guns provided by the Yankees, and naturally the bullets are also provided by the Yankees.”

 “Why are you worrying about ammunition?”

Hearing this, Bula and Kaname looked at each other and instantly woke up.


 Why are they worried about ammunition?

The Yankees' style of play regardless of consumption is naturally not suitable for the Chinese army. The main reason is that domestic ammunition is very precious and they cannot afford to consume it.

If they were to play a rapid-fire style of fighting in China, they would probably be greeted by punches and kicks from their superiors.

 Based on the output of their arsenal, I am afraid that not even one division can support such a strategy.

 But it’s different now.

  Behind them are the Yankees, and their ammunition can be said to be piled up in mountains.

 Not to mention that the British have countless ammunition in their warehouses.

 So, they are just worried about the lack of ammunition.

“You son of a bitch, I’m used to living a hard life, but suddenly I’m not used to the lifestyle of a wealthy young man.” Kaname touched his head and said awkwardly.

Who told them that the Sichuan Army had never been rich before and suddenly became rich? I really don’t know how to get rich like this.

“I’m used to it too. I just think about saving ammunition, but I never thought that these are all reimbursed by the Yankees.”

"Li Wula, you are right. From now on, I want to get rid of this petty habit and become generous." Although Bu La said this, his eyes still showed a hint of distress.

The yellow bullet casings were scattered all over the floor, which was really distressing.

“The bullets haven’t been fired yet.” Doubian looked at the ammunition boxes piled as high as a person behind him and couldn’t help but wailed.

  In the past, he had the dream of being a master shooter, and he could squander bullets as much as he wanted.

  After all, the infantry has to consider the consumption of bullets and try to shoot one enemy at a time.

 The machine gunner doesn't have so many worries.

 So Doubiang has always wanted to be a machine gunner.

 Now he has become a heavy machine gunner as he wished, but he regrets it very much.

 According to the requirements of the American instructors, they must use up 10,000 rounds of ammunition before finishing their meal.

 Ten thousand rounds of ammunition.

 In the past, that was the total consumption of a regiment and a battle.

Now he is actually required to polish it all in one afternoon.

 It’s really torture.

  Hit until the barrel of the gun is red, then only half of it is fired.

 There is no other way. After the cold water cools down, disassemble the barrel and replace it with a new one.

 That's right, in addition to weapons, there are also various accessories that can be replaced at any time.

 Normally, a heavy machine gun will be equipped with several barrels.

 The US military is directly equipped with a dozen gun barrels.

  Don't care about consumption at all.

  It just means the same thing, feed enough sharpshooters with ammunition.

Such a powerful logistical supply capability opened the eyes of the soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

“Almost half of it is left. I guess we won’t be able to finish it before dinner.” The deputy shooter next to him also looked desperate.

 Compared with the infantry who only needs 300 rounds of ammunition and the light machine gunner who only needs 3,000 rounds of ammunition, the heavy machine gun has a despairing amount of bullets.

 The original dream has now become a nightmare.

 If he was given another chance, Doubian would never choose another machine gunner.

 Compared to Doubian's despair, the soldiers of the 200 Division who had just joined were not necessarily that good.

 They were also shocked by this generosity.

Although the 200 Division is not short of ammunition, it is the first time that it has encountered hundreds of rounds of ammunition at every turn, and no food is allowed until all is fired.

“It’s like this bullet is free of charge, so it’s wasted like this? It would be great if I could save it to fight the little devils.” Wang Yunqi said with a cluck of tongue.

“I thought the 200th Division was heroic enough, but I didn’t expect that compared with others, we are just a bunch of rubbish.” The soldier next to him said.

"Okay, be careful what you say in the future. We are members of the Sichuan Army Corps now. If we can't open and shut up, we are the 200 Division. The impact will be bad." Wang Yunqi glanced around and then said in a low voice.

“This Sichuan Army Corps definitely has a better future than the 200 Division. It’s absolutely right to follow them.”

 “Old Wang, are you betraying me now?” The companion looked at each other in confusion.

"What is betrayal? We are soldiers of the Sichuan Army now. We must carry it out clearly, otherwise we will not know how we will die in the future." Wang Yunqi looked like he hated iron.

"Ah? Lao Wang, we really can't go back?" the companion said with some reluctance.

"What are you going to do? There are only eight thousand soldiers like us in the 200th Division, not ten thousand. If we want to be promoted, it's not our turn."

"But it's different here. With our military quality, I believe we will be reused soon. The prerequisite is that we have a clear grasp of the situation. Otherwise, no matter how capable you are, others will not use you." Wang Yunqi shook his head and said.

He doesn't have such deep feelings for the 200th Division. Although it has the reputation of being the best mechanized division in the world, its record is just that.

 There are also a lot of internal battles. If you want to get promoted, in addition to mastering profound theoretical knowledge, you also need to rely on connections and luck.

Wang Yunqi’s words aroused the recognition of many people.

 The reason why they were assigned to the Sichuan Legion was because they had no connections and their strength was not top-notch.

 But now, the Sichuan Legion is different. They have countless opportunities.

As long as you work hard, you will definitely be promoted.

 Because they found out clearly that several battalion and company commanders were originally cannon fodder, the kind that no one wanted.

 Now not only has he become a battalion company commander, but he has also enjoyed great success. It feels so good to hold the lap of the US military and have an unlimited supply of ammunition.

 As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely make a decision.

“Well, what you said makes sense. It looks like we have to perform well.” The companion nodded with deep understanding.

At the headquarters of the Sichuan Army Corps, Cun Yunsheng looked at Lin Yi and asked.

“How are the people from the 200th Division? Are they still honest?”

“They are basically quite honest, and their training is not sloppy. I have to say that their military quality is much higher than our soldiers.”

"Especially in the use of new weapons, they can learn much faster than our soldiers." Lin Yi sighed lightly. He did not expect that the gap between the two sides would be so big.

"It's normal." Cun Yunsheng didn't have much reaction.

 It would be really strange if these people were not as well trained as the Sichuan Army.

“Not to mention that they are directly under the mountain city, and the supply of ammunition is never interrupted. In terms of per capita literacy, they are much better than us." Cun Yunsheng explained.

“After another period of testing, if there are no problems, they will be promoted if they should be promoted. Let them join the Sichuan Army to serve as the backbone and improve the overall combat effectiveness. Otherwise, why would I bother to get them?”

 “Are you really going to support me as an uncle?”

"Yes." Lin Yi did not refute Cun Yunsheng's instructions.

 He also believes that having these people serve as the backbone will definitely improve the overall combat effectiveness of the army.

“Also, let Mi Long prepare more dry food. We don’t have much time left. It’s time to withdraw.” Cun Yunsheng sighed and ordered again.

"What? Are you going to withdraw? Aren't you going to fight in Tonggu?" Lin Yi looked at the other party in confusion.

As a combat staff officer, Cun Yunsheng could not hide some combat plans from the opponent, so he naturally knew the plan for the battle with Tonggu.

 “The British guys ran away, and they even gave me a hammer.” Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

 “If you stay any longer, you will be surrounded by little devils.”

“Two divisions, nearly 60,000 men, are enough to destroy 200 divisions. Even if all the main force of the Fifth Army arrives, it will be in vain.”

“The British army is unwilling to send out fighter planes, so we can only be bombed by the little devils.”

“The 200 Division has the advantage of tanks. Facing fighter jets, it can only be bombed. Should we stay and die?”

The battle has reached this point, and everyone knows that without air superiority, dispatching tanks will only result in bombings.

"But, just withdraw like this? The 18th Division will not fight?" Lin Yi asked anxiously.

"Who told you that the 18th Division will not fight?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party strangely.

"Aren't you going to withdraw? How can we fight?" Lin Yi was even more confused.

"Ah Yi, use your brain more. After the Japanese army takes Tonggu, they will definitely divide their troops. Let's ambush the Japanese army on the way forward and just keep an eye on the 18th Division."

"If I guess correctly, after the Japanese army captures Tonggu, the 18th Division will definitely move north to Tangji. By then, we will be in this area, ambushing and catching the little Japanese off guard." Cun Yunsheng felt Lin Yi, who had never fought in a war, still had a weak sense of smell on the battlefield.

 If it were Meng Fanxiao, he would definitely be able to guess his true thoughts immediately.

After listening, Lin Yi showed an expression of sudden realization.

“Yes, I will inform Mi Long right now.”

 After Lin Yi left, Cun Yunsheng looked at the map, sighed and muttered.

"Dai Anlan, what do you decide? Or obey the order honestly? Go back from Savage Mountain?"

On the other side, at the 200th Division Headquarters, Dai Anlan frowned slightly as he read the telegram sent from the expeditionary force headquarters.

 Before this, Stilwell also sent a telegram.

  I hope that the 200th Division can continue to hold on to Tonggu. As long as it persists for a while, the main force will arrive.

Not only that, the Sichuan Army Corps at the airport will also cooperate with them to defend Tonggu.

Stilwell even promised to provide a batch of weapons and equipment.

  It can be said that the conditions are very good.

 If it had been anyone else, they might have agreed.

 After all, Stilwell was the Allied headquarters, and his orders could be obeyed.

 But Dai Anlan still pretended not to see it.

 Glancing at the contents of the telegram, Dai Anlan took a deep breath.

 He did not expect that the situation would turn out like this.

 The original plan was that after the arrival of the Fifth Army, the Tonggu Battle could be launched.

 But now the Fifth Army has retreated, and the 200 Division is also required to retreat eastward, and then northward to the Lashio area.

As a direct descendant, he naturally wanted to implement Du Yuming's plan.

"Is the master's seat going to be evacuated?" Zheng Tingji asked worriedly after reading the telegram.

Had they known they were going to withdraw, they wouldn't have had to trade people for weapons.

 Can't we just return the weapons to others now?

 Get the person back?

 This is really embarrassing.

Dai Anlan didn't think so much, but thought about how to retreat.

 It is necessary to leave a broken unit, otherwise the 200 Division will be in danger if the Japanese army bites it.

 Just who should be left behind?

 Three infantry regiments, the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, it was really hard for him to make a choice.

 For a moment, he looked at the map and the location of the airport.

 “Sichuan Army?”

"What reasons should be used to convince them to stay and divorce?" Dai Anlan couldn't help but have a headache.

"Master, why don't I lead the 598th Regiment to stay and break up the rear." Zheng Tingji stood up and said.

"Let me think about it again." Dai Anlan did not agree immediately, but hesitated.

“Let someone contact the Sichuan Army and ask them if they are interested in garrisoning in Tonggu City.” After thinking for a while, Dai Anlan said.

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Tingji and others looked at each other. The other party was not a fool. How could he agree to such an act of risking death?

"Send someone to ask. If they agree to garrison in Tonggu, I can give them another company of soldiers."

 “Yes, Master.”

Today’s first update. I’m so sleepy that I went to bed. I’ll continue to update when I get up tomorrow! Keep updating, roll it up!



 (End of this chapter)

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