The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 69: All you have to do is use up all the bullets!

Chapter 69 All you have to do is use up all the bullets!

"The other party refused?" Dai Anlan was not surprised. If it were him, it would be impossible for him to agree to such a condition, which is almost a death penalty.

 So the only option left for him is to let the 600 regiment cut off the rear.

 The rest of the troops broke out from the east across the Sedan River.

Now that the decision had been made, Dai Anlan naturally no longer hesitated and immediately asked Liu Shaofeng, the commander of the 600th Regiment, to lead two battalions of soldiers to stay behind.

 Liu Shaofeng, who received the order, did not hesitate at all, saying that the city was there and the people were there.

“Master, there’s one more thing. The Chinese in the city are clamoring to leave the city.” Liu Shaofeng felt that since he couldn’t hold on anymore, it would be better to let those people leave the city to save them from causing trouble.

 “Let them get out of the city.” Dai Anlan didn’t want to bear this reputation either.

 “Notify us, we will break out tonight.”


 On the other side, the Sichuan Army Corps at the airport is also preparing to retreat.

 Before this, the reconnaissance company had all been dispersed.

"There are almost more than 10,000 Japanese troops in the east. They are reinforcing their positions. It is obvious that the Japanese army should have guessed that the 200 Division will break out from the east." The information Dong Dao brought back made everyone feel sad.

This means that their retreat route will overlap with the 200th Division.

 The best way is to change the route.

“Tuanzu, if that doesn’t work, why don’t we try another route?” Meng Fangliao suggested, and others also followed suit.

“Where is the west side?” Cun Yunsheng also knew that the routes overlapped and the unpredictable risks were too great.

Does the 200th Division listen to the Sichuan Army Corps, or does the Sichuan Army Group listen to the 200th Division?

 If the communication is not good, the Japanese army may find a gap to intervene.

The Japanese army is still very capable of taking advantage of every opportunity, and is especially good at catching fighter planes.

 So, the best way is to change the route.

"Where is the path we came from? Can we walk on it?" Cun Yunsheng asked again.

“No, the Japanese troops at the Sedan River in the east are already on guard, and they are very likely to set up an ambush there to wait for our arrival.” Dong Dao shook his head and said.

 Now we are in trouble.

 Everyone realizes that the current situation is critical.

 “Where is the west?” Cun Yunsheng pondered for a while, then looked at the map and asked.

"Ximian has sent people to investigate, but I think Ximian is not suitable." Dong Dao hesitated and expressed his opinion.

 “Why?” Cun Yunsheng motioned for the other party to continue.

“Due to the hasty retreat of the British army in the west, a large number of fortifications fell into the hands of the Japanese army.”

"The Japanese army relied on those solid fortifications to completely block us. Even if they were able to bite us off, they would pay a heavy price."

“Not only that, there is also the 33rd Division chasing the British army to the west. Once they learn that we have broken through from the west, they can go back and block us. By then there will be enemies in front and behind, and we will be unable to escape.”

Dong Dao's words made everyone nod. Although the 33rd Division had been chasing the British army for two days, some soldiers were still left to defend the west.

“Then we can only choose the east side.” Cun Yunsheng also nodded.

Although the Japanese defense force on the west side is not large, the possibility of breaking through is very high.

 But once they break out, they will plunge into a larger encirclement.

Because nearby are the Japanese 33rd Division, 55th Division, and 56th Division, as well as the upcoming 18th Division. I am afraid that when the Japanese army will mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress their lone army, it is almost impossible to break through. It's impossible.

"Send a telegram to the 200 Division and tell them that our Sichuan Army will take the lead in the evening, just so they can see how our Sichuan Army fights." Since he decided to break out from the east, Cun Yunsheng would not hesitate anymore. He wanted Dai Anlan to take a good look at how strong the fully armed Sichuan Army was.

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

On the other side of the Japanese 144th Regiment stationed at the Sedan River, Colonel Masao Kususe is inspecting the defense line.

“Dig the trench deeper and be careful of the expeditionary force breaking through.”

"Yes." The subordinates responded immediately and began to strengthen the fortifications.

 In fact, many Japanese soldiers believed that it was completely unnecessary.

 The defenders in the city have been trapped to death. Unless they are seeking death, they will break out from the east.

The way Takeuchi left for the defenders of the ancient city to break out was from the south, so the Japanese troops defending the east didn't take it to heart at all.

 Unless they are looking for death, it is absolutely impossible to break out from the Sedan River.

Colonel Masao Kusuze didn’t think so, because the Sedan River behind him was less than one meter deep and could be flowed through.

Once the expeditionary force really fights to break through, there is still hope.

 After all, it took them three days to rush to Tonggu after occupying Yangon.

 Basically, they did not bring any heavy weapons, and they only had light weapons. There were only more than 200 mortars, and they were assigned to various regiments, not many.

  The artillery regiment on which the division relied most heavily was still in the rear and had not caught up.

 Soon, it was late at night, and most of the Japanese troops were already tired and sleepy.

 After all, they marched 200 kilometers in three days, and they were still carrying weapons, so everyone was already exhausted.

As everyone knows, their scene has long been noticed by Dong Dao's reconnaissance company.

 “Send a flare.” Dong Dao motioned to a scout to release the flare.

 Three red flares slowly rose into the sky.

 Almost the moment the signal flare took off, the artillery battery behind them also roared.

  From the 60mm mortar to the 81mm mortar, and finally the 120mm mortar, fire in sequence.

 Although the training lasted only one day, with the help of the US military instructors, the artillery battery fired faster this time.

 One shell after another landed accurately on the Japanese defensive position, instantly blowing away the Japanese defensive position.

  After all, it is a temporary fortification and is not that strong.

 Especially in front of the 120mm heavy artillery, one shot will blow up a position.

Cun Yunsheng's order to the artillery company was to shoot out all the artillery shells. It is now time to retreat and break through. It is difficult for artillery to play a role on the road, especially in Myanmar's complex terrain, where it is difficult for artillery to play a huge role.

 So the artillery shells are just a burden, so it’s better to shoot them all.

"Baga, enemy attack, direct lineage." Colonel Masao Kusanagi was awakened by the deafening sound of artillery, recovered his senses, and shouted immediately.

 Unfortunately, the Japanese army was already in a mess at this time and wanted to enter the fortifications for defense. As a result, they were attacked by artillery shells as soon as they entered.

“Nani, how come there are so many artillery shells?” Colonel Masao Kususe was also a little confused looking at the rain of artillery shells.

 Especially the shells mixed with the 120mm heavy artillery, which made him feel a little bit uneasy.

 “Are you really going to break out from here?”

Originally, he thought that even if the expeditionary force broke through, it would be a tired division that had fought hard for more than ten days and had run out of ammunition and food. He never thought that it would turn out to be an elite force.

 Especially the countless artillery shells, which completely stunned the Japanese army.

Not only that, one illumination bomb also rose at the same time.

 There were countless shouts all around.

 At this moment, Colonel Masao Kusuze felt very painful in his heart.

 His troops, in addition to simple trenches, rifles and machine guns, are some grenades and small-caliber mortars.

The key mortars had already been lost in the attack just now.

 Therefore, there is no need for him to keep guarding now.

 For a moment, he thought of retreating.

 But if he retreats without permission, the death penalty awaits him.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, the Chinese firepower is too fierce, we can’t defend it at all.” His subordinates ran up to Colonel Kususe Masao in disgrace and shouted sadly.

“Baga, the soldiers of the empire will never allow failure.” Masao Kusuzu said through gritted teeth.

 “Yade Sui attacks, everyone defends their position, waiting for reinforcements.”

"Hai." When the subordinate heard this, he said firmly with a look of death on his face.

On the other side, Dai Anlan, who had just assembled his troops, looked at the fierce explosions in the Sedan River to the east and couldn't help but feel envious.

His troops had been fighting for more than ten days and had already run out of ammunition and food. If the Sichuan Army Corps had not supported a batch of weapons and equipment, it would have been difficult for him to even gather the sharp knife team to break through.

 Now I see people bombarding me as if they don’t need money, and I’m very envious.

 Whenever, he can do the same.

During the Battle of Kunlun Pass, he had already proved that the Japanese army was not invincible. As long as they had enough sophisticated weapons, they could completely overwhelm the Japanese army.

"Master, the Sichuan Army has torn apart the Japanese army's frontal defense line and is crossing the Sedan River. They sent a telegram to tell us to hurry up and catch up to prevent the Japanese army from catching up." Zheng Tingji came over and said seriously.

"So fast?" Dai Anlan was very surprised. He didn't expect the Sichuan Army's combat effectiveness to be so strong?

In less than ten minutes, the Japanese defense line was torn apart from the front. This was really shocking.

But when I thought about the fierce artillery fire just now, I felt it was normal.

 The wave of shelling just now involved at least thirty or forty mortars, which was definitely a very large number for a regiment.

You must know that his division only has a hundred mortars, most of which are 60mm mortars, and the number of shells is even pitiful, not even as good as the wave of shelling just now.

 This is the gap!

 Finally understood why Shancheng was willing to pay such a high price to receive military assistance.

"Notice, let's set off immediately." Dai Anlan stopped talking nonsense and immediately ordered the troops to set off.

At this moment, Li Wula led a battalion on the battlefield, charging and fighting all the way. When encountering a stronghold that was difficult to break, he would either greet him with grenades or ask for support from the artillery battery.

 Thanks to the support of American instructors, each battalion and company has now established primary liaison students with the artillery company.

In other words, they can call for artillery support at any time.

Of course, it is still far from the state of being on call.

 But it is much stronger than before, and the artillery fire will arrive in no more than five minutes.

  It can be said that at this moment, the Sichuan Army has begun to explore the coordinated operation of infantry and artillery.

 Coupled with their powerful squad firepower, the Japanese army was powerless to fight back in the face of such terrifying firepower.

“Baga, why is the firepower of this expeditionary force so powerful?” Colonel Masao Kusuase said in disbelief. From the sound of the explosion to now, half an hour has passed, but the enemy’s shells have not stopped.

Not only that, the expeditionary force actually dispatched infantry to break out under the bombardment of artillery fire.

 His central defense line has been torn open, and more and more expeditionary troops are forcibly crossing the Sedan River, which makes him feel very bad.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, withdraw. The Sedan River has been dyed red by the blood of the heroic imperial soldiers.” His subordinates came over with blood on their faces and urged them hard.

 The powerful firepower caused scores of Japanese troops to fall into the river. The originally clear water was already stained red with blood.

However, the enemy's attacks were like waves, one after another, and it was impossible to defend.

The enemy's bullets, artillery shells, and grenades were thrown at them one after another as if they were free of charge.

  No matter how strong the troops are, they cannot withstand this upstart-like style of play.

Not to mention, they have no heavy weapons at all.

 A disastrous defeat is doomed, and there is no point in continuing to persevere.

 “No, continue to hold on, and must not retreat.” Colonel Masao Kusuze stubbornly refused the proposal of his subordinates.

 He would rather die fighting than retreat.

Seeing this, his subordinates said nothing more and led the soldiers to launch a suicide charge towards the expeditionary force.

It is a pity that their courage was only slaughtered when faced with a large number of automatic weapons.

 The soldiers of the Sichuan Army Corps carried out the orders of the regiment very well.

What you have to do is to use up all your bullets!

   Old rules, change first and then change, and more! Don't panic!



 (End of this chapter)

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