The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 86: Allied Forces Headquarters is a piece of paper!

 Chapter 86 The Allied Forces Headquarters is like a piece of paper!

  "Clearly powered on?" Everyone present looked at each other in confusion, especially those who were under great pressure.

 Why is it about the British army again?

"Yes, power on clearly." The communications staff officer looked at the stressed man with a complicated look, which made the other party feel bad.

Sure enough, Stilwell’s expression changed drastically when he received the telegram.

 “What’s going on?” Alexander asked quickly.

"You can see for yourself." Stilwell looked at the other party with pitiful eyes, and then handed over the telegram.

After receiving the telegram, Alexander felt his blood pressure soar, and his nostrils almost turned up in the air.

 “Asshole, asshole, asshole.”

Alexander scolded three **** in a row, which was enough to show how angry he was.

 “That idiot Rutgers, that son of a bitch, he has brought disgrace to the British Empire Army.”

 “Asshole, I’m going to kill this guy.”

You must know that the British army has always been extremely arrogant, and they simply look down on these people in the Far East.

 In their eyes, the British Empire is the representative of civilization.

 The people here are ignorant and unenlightened.

The results of it?

This is the kind of person who actually made senior officers of the British Empire kneel on the ground and lick the uppers of each other's shoes.

 Such a humiliating way, Colonel Rogers actually accepted it.

This is simply a great shame.

You should know that Rutgers represents the British Empire Army.

This kneeling means that the British Empire’s face has been humiliated by the other side. It means that the British Empire’s face has been pressed to the ground and rubbed by the Japanese army.

From then on, the Army of the British Empire became a joke to others.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng wanted to say that from now on, the British Empire’s Army will indeed be a joke.

There are more generals than tanks.

 What else could it be if it wasn’t a joke?

But at this time, the British Empire’s army was still synonymous with great powers.

 But this kneeling did tear off the last fig leaf of the British Empire.

 At least the way Stilwell looked at him was full of pity.

How could I be so stupid as to believe in this group of British soldiers who were greedy for life and afraid of death?

 They are no longer the same British army as before.

Thinking of this, Stilwell made up his mind to build an expeditionary force.

 Form them into a sharp-edged army, and the British army cannot count on them.

"Lord Alexander, I hope you will pay attention to this matter, otherwise it will cause a huge shock. You know, if this matter is not handled well, it will cause an immeasurable blow to the morale of the entire Allied Forces." Stilwell looked at the other party and said solemnly.

“I hope your Excellency can reorganize the British and Burmese troops. Their fighting will needs to be improved.”

This sentence is almost like pointing at the opponent's nose and scolding them. If the British and Burmese troops are not rectified, they will be even more embarrassed by then.

This time, Lord Alexander rarely showed a shameful expression, saying that he would rectify the British and Burmese troops when he returned.

 In fact, by the time the telegram reached London, it had already been decided that Alexander's future was over.

  After all, no one can accept this kind of rubbing the face of the entire British Empire Army on the ground.

The reason why the Japanese army clearly energized this photo was to trample on the face of the British Empire.

 At the same time, it also lets all countries in Southeast Asia know that the British Empire has declined, and everyone can safely follow the Japanese Empire.

 At least the indigenous people in Myanmar really cheered when they saw this photo.

To them, the British army, which had always been aloof, actually knelt in front of the Japanese army, licking the uppers of their shoes and begging for mercy.

 It shows that the invincible British army is also vulnerable to the Japanese army, which is like a heavenly soldier.

The number of Burmese indigenous people joining the Aung San Volunteer Army has increased, and more and more Burmese indigenous people have joined the Leading Party and are responsible for providing intelligence and supplies to the Japanese army.

 For a time, the difficulties faced by the expeditionary force became even greater.

“These natives really deserve to die.” Yu Xiaoqing roared through gritted teeth.

After several days of walking in the woods, he led his men, who had only about 400 men left, to successfully walk out of the dense forest and arrive near Lashio.

 As soon as they walked out of the woods, the locals revealed their whereabouts and attracted the Japanese army.

The Yu regiment, which had run out of ammunition and food, was stranded and depleted of men and horses, was no match for the Japanese army with high morale. They broke up and fled after a single charge.

Had it not been for the desperate efforts of his subordinates to protect him, Yu Xiaoqing would probably have really confessed here.

When it was safe, Yu Xiaoqing couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, he regretted very much why he didn't follow Cun Yunsheng's suggestion.

 Don't trust the British army, don't trust the natives.

Had he been able to put aside his arrogance and prejudice at that time, maybe the outcome would be different now.

 I regret it!

It’s a pity that everything is too late.

“Tuanzuo, don’t think so much. No one thought that those natives would help the Japanese army.” Zhang Lixian advised in a low voice.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing waved his hands. He was not the kind of person to blame his subordinates.

“This time I really didn’t know the person well. Others kindly reminded me several times, but I couldn’t listen to their advice. I even looked down on the other person because of his young age. It was all because of my arrogance.”

“I always feel that with beautiful weapons and equipment, I can defeat the Japanese army.” Yu Xiaoqing blamed herself.

 He has deeply realized that even if it is a beautiful weapon, it cannot guarantee victory.

"Tuanzuo, we still have a chance. As long as we return to Nujiang and re-arrange our troops, we still have a chance to fight back." He Shuguang also advised.

Only Yu Xiaoqing shook her head bitterly and said. “You don’t understand.”

 They really don’t understand!

Why should Yu Xiaoqing reorganize the Sichuan Army when he clearly has a profound family background? He can be the leader of the main regiment.

"Forget it, let's find a way to go back first. Now that Lashio is occupied by the Japanese army, it means that the entry into Myanmar has failed completely. The Japanese army will definitely continue to attack northward. We need to return to the Nu River as soon as possible to build a new line of defense to stop the Japanese attack. "Although Yu Xiaoqing is proud, she still has a clear mind.

It was immediately guessed that after occupying Lashio, the Japanese army would definitely continue to sweep across the northern region, and would even use Lashio's massive supplies to attack Tengchong, Wanding and other places to completely cut off the Burma Highway.

 In fact, after the fall of Lashio, half of the Burma Highway was abandoned.

 If you want to transport supplies, you can only rely on air routes.

“Yes.” Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yu Xiaoqing cheering up again.

“In addition, send a telegram to Cun Yunsheng’s Sichuan Army Corps, telling them that Lashio has been occupied by the Japanese army. The Japanese army will definitely continue to attack northward and completely block the road back.”

"Let the Sichuan Army find a way to bypass Lashio as soon as possible to avoid being ambushed by the Japanese army. I will meet him on the edge of the Nu River." Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and said again.

“Yes.” Zhang Lixian did not answer, but responded immediately.

 He knew that his group members were completely letting go of their pride and choosing to take the initiative to make friends with each other.

On the other side, as the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division retreated to Mandela, Sun Liren looked at the telegram sent and fell into distress.

One telegram was sent by Du Yuming, hoping that he would immediately lead his troops to the north, withdraw to Nankan and the area of ​​​​Bamo, and return home from there.

 The other was a telegram jointly sent by Luo Zhuoying and Stilwell, asking him to withdraw to Yewu and thus enter Imphal.

There, the US military will reorganize the newly formed 38th Division, which will be completely in accordance with the US military's organization.

 It is even possible to expand the new Thirty-Eighth Division into an army.

 One side is to go back and continue to suffer.

 On one side are greater opportunities.

It can be said that Sun Liren was extremely confused at this moment.

His original tax police headquarters had beautiful weapons and equipment, and they were good at fighting, but they couldn't be reused.

 We know it from his newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division, which is a temporary new unit for entering Myanmar.

Moreover, they were all veterans of the Tax Police Corps, and there were not many new recruits at all.

 Compared with elites like the 200 Division, there is a huge difference.

If it weren't for his excellent military quality and the ability to defeat the underlings of the Tax Police Corps, I am afraid that he would have collapsed in the face of the Japanese attack.

 So if he wants to achieve something, he has to stand in line.

 You may have to sit out again when you go back.

 If you don’t go back, under the reorganization of the US military, you will definitely become famous in a foreign land in the future.

Thinking of this, Sun Liren had already made a decision.

“Send a telegram to Commander Luo Zhuoying and tell him that the staff will lead the new Thirty-Eighth Division to Imphal.” Sun Liren took a deep breath, knowing that his decision would completely offend the people in Shancheng.

 Even your life will be very miserable in the future.

 But it’s no longer important. All he has to do is take all these brothers back.

 “Yes.” His subordinates are all his confidants and will not ask so many questions.

Back to Tangji, Cun Yunsheng sneered after receiving the telegram.

"Let me attack Lashio? Is Stilwell's brain like Watt?"

“Ahem, cough, cough, please keep your voice down, be careful that the walls have ears.” Meng Fangli coughed and motioned for him to keep a low profile. After all, there were instructors from the Sichuan Army Corps and the US Army. It would be bad if they knew about it.

"What are you afraid of? The whole group is my people. What do you have to be afraid of a few foreign instructors? If you **** me off, isn't it normal for a few people to die on the battlefield? Foreign instructors are not gods and have immortality." Cun Yunsheng sneered. A sound, not caring at all.

 For him, killing a few foreigners is not a big deal.

 After all, only a few hundred British troops were killed, and a few more would be nothing.

 As for whether it will be found out?

 Let him check, they are all Japanese territory. He did not believe that Stilwell was so courageous.

“Ahem, cough, cough, you’d better keep your voice down.” Meng Fan couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, and then asked.

 “How do I call you back now?”

"How do you call me back? Just tell us that we have suffered heavy losses and are unable to attack Lashio, and ask Stilwell to send us planes to airdrop supplies. Do you still need me to teach you if we suffer miserably?" Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

"Yes, I understand."

“But what do you think of this telegram from Yu Xiaoqing?” Meng Fanlai hesitated for a moment and asked again.

"Yu Xiaoqing is indeed capable of bending and stretching, and his future achievements are still not low, but he is too stupid. If he really goes back, he will not be able to control everything." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said with emotion.

"Let's just say that we are directly under the Allied Forces Command, and all actions must be obeyed by General Stilwell."

Hearing this, Meng Fanglia almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

The previous telegram was directed at the Allied Headquarters, and the next telegram also said that we must obey the Allied Headquarters.

I'm sorry to you, the Allied Forces Headquarters is like a piece of paper to wipe your ass. Take it out when you need it, and throw it away when you don't.

Cun Yunsheng's shamelessness and boldness really blinded him.

At the same time, this hand operation is so cool that it is beyond his reach.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly and said slightly dissatisfied.

It’s the fifth update, and I’m close to the limit of 16,700 per day. My fingers are very sore, but I will continue to persevere! Also, thank you for the tip! Your support is my biggest motivation! thank you very much!



 (End of this chapter)

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