Chapter 9 Laozi Shudao Mountain!

 Looking at the equipment all over the floor, Cun Yunsheng's lips curled up. It would be great if the explosion rate could be this high every time.

But he also knew that this was impossible.

 This time it was a pure explosion of character.

 Fortunately, as time goes by, he believes that this situation will become more common in the future.

Looking at the busy people in the courtyard, Cun Yunsheng suddenly felt bored, and then he took a few people to wander around Zenda City.

Turning around, he suddenly remembered a promise he had made.

“Sir, when you go back, if you find my sister, please help me take care of her. Her name is Chen Xiaocui.” These were the words of Chen Xiaozui’s brother Chen Xiaojiu before his death.

At that time, Cun Yunsheng had just been promoted to major and battalion commander. He was high-spirited and led his men to rush to support a position.

When they arrived, all the defenders on the position were wiped out.

 After a **** battle and repelling the Japanese army, the search for survivors began.

As a result, Chen Xiaojiu was found. For the sake of being a member of the Sichuan Army, Cun Yunsheng asked him what his last words were.

Hearing that he was taking care of his sister, Cun Yun became lively and immediately said that he would definitely find his sister and take care of her as his biological sister.

Now by some strange combination of circumstances, I didn’t expect that after going around in circles, I actually came to Zenda.

Thinking of that cute girl, Cun Yunsheng was speechless for a moment.

 Think again of the mature young woman opposite Nantianmen.

Cun Yunsheng always felt that he was getting closer and closer to the Cao thief's path.

 Shaked his head to get rid of these messy thoughts, and then began to look at this small border town rich in history.

I have to say that this city still has a different kind of beauty.

As he walked, Cun Yunsheng felt something was wrong.

 Because people passing by in a hurry had a strange smile on their faces.

Cun Yunsheng suddenly realized when he looked at the signs hanging on the doors around him.

Having come, Cun Yunsheng felt that he still had to fulfill his promise.

 Immediately, I came to a house and saw that there was no sign on the door. I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

 It probably hasn’t started yet.

Just when he was about to knock on the door, he heard the sound of arguing coming from inside the door, and it became more and more intense.

 “Get out, get out, get out of here, let me work in Shudao Mountain.”

There was a unique Sichuan accent, with a hint of vitriol in it, but this vitriolic voice was mixed with a hint of crying.

Cun Yunsheng outside the door frowned slightly. He probably guessed something.

I sighed slightly in my heart, this **** world.

 Forcing people to become ungrateful.

 If possible, who wouldn’t want to be a good person?

At this time, the quarrel inside the door became louder and louder.

“Sister, your brother has been dead for a long time, and the Sichuan Army has been gone for a long time. They all died on the battlefield a long time ago.”

“Besides, you are still so young, and the current price is very high. Otherwise, in a few years, you will be old and yellow, and you will have to end your life.”

“I know you haven’t had enough to eat for a long time. Here are a few cans. Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon. I promise it will be soon.”

 “You bitch, are you still pretending to be noble?”

“Three cans, do you know the price?”

 “Don’t be so shameless, you bitch.”

 At first it was inducement, but later it became direct insults and threats.

Cun Yunsheng couldn't stand hearing it anymore and kicked the door open.

 I saw a soldier inside, who was about to take off his belt. It was obvious that he was going to use force.

Even if Xiaozui is very aggressive, he has no power to resist against the powerful soldiers.

If he comes a little later, it might be really bad. "Go away, you are looking for death." Cun Yunsheng yelled immediately.

 The soldier was naturally unhappy when his good deeds were disturbed. He turned back angrily to see who had disturbed his good deeds.

 When he saw Cun Yunsheng holding the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was stunned for a moment.

 What a lieutenant colonel from the Sichuan Army.

 But when he saw the fully armed, all-American equipment behind him, he was silent for a while.

 Obviously, the opponent is not an ordinary ragtag army.

 Even the ace among the motley crew.

 After all, many troops do not have American equipment.

 “Sir, I am from the Central Army...”

"Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Once I'm done, it'll be your turn. Don't worry, I'll be quick." The threats that originally came to his mouth softened again.

It’s just that Cun Yunsheng didn’t care about him at all.

 Instead, he directly took out the Browning from his waist, opened the safety cover, and faced him.

  "If you still don't get out of Shudao Mountain, don't blame me for killing you with a shot."

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, the soldier was startled and calmed down a lot in an instant.

He also didn't expect that the other party would draw his gun whenever he disagreed with him, showing no regard for martial ethics.

 Normally speaking, we would discuss it first, and then draw the gun if it doesn't work.

It is simply unreasonable for someone to draw a gun as soon as they come up.

He wanted to be tough, but looking at the murderous look in his eyes, he suspected that if he said one more word, he might be shot.

“Sir, you can’t bully others, we have to agree on a first-come, first-serve basis.” The soldier still wanted to struggle hard.

 As a result, Cun Yun was so angry that he laughed.

“She is my sister, you want to reason with me?”

Hearing this, the soldier stopped talking for a moment and quickly apologized.

 I don’t dare to think about the beautiful thing just now anymore.

At the same time, I cursed secretly that I was so unlucky that I didn’t expect to meet a brother who was a soldier.

That’s not right. Isn’t her brother dead?

Although he was full of doubts, considering that the other party clearly wanted to bully him and he did not have the advantage, he decisively gave in.

“Get out of here while I’m still in a good mood, otherwise I’ll kill you.” Cun Yunsheng saw that the other party was still hesitating and scolded him immediately.

  "Yes, yes, sir, I'm going to get out of here." The good man didn't want to suffer the immediate disadvantages and ran away decisively.

Seeing the other party withdrawing in despair, Chen Xiaozui on the side chuckled.

People who were extremely vicious just now are now like timid mice. The gap is really huge.

  It made her laugh uncontrollably.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng turned around and looked at the innocent girl in front of him.

 I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, what a good girl.

 If it weren't for this **** war, she would be very happy now.

 Have a brother who loves her, and find a husband who cares for her.

 Giving birth to several fat boys, what a beautiful picture.

 It’s a pity that all this was ruined by this **** battlefield.

“Master Jun, are you really my brother?” Chen Xiaozui blinked and asked with a smile.

"What? I can't be your brother?" Cun Yunsheng pretended to be sad.

"No, it's just that I have a brother. His name is Chen Xiaojiu. He is also from the Sichuan Army. Do you know him?" Chen Xiaozui looked at the other person with expectant eyes, hoping to get a confirmation from his mouth. Answer.

Hearing Chen Xiaozui’s words, Cun Yunsheng couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart.

 The atmosphere became extremely silent for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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