The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 94: Be a good dog in your next life!

Chapter 94: Be a good dog in your next life!

“Tuanzuo, things may develop more smoothly than we imagined.” Not long after, Long Wenwen returned to Cun Yunsheng with a complicated look on his face.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked confused. He seemed to have guessed something, but he still wanted to confirm it.

“Have you found the ship?” Cun Yunsheng asked curiously.

“More than just finding it, it’s as if we knew we were coming beforehand.” Long Wenwen said with an extremely complicated expression.

"What's going on? What do you mean you know we're coming?" Meng Fanxiao asked anxiously.

There are thousands of people behind us waiting to cross the river.

If the Japs come after them, the Sichuan Army is not afraid. The key thing is what will happen to the refugees?

 Let them go against the Japanese army unarmed?

Isn’t that a living target?

"It's like this. As soon as we got out of the woods and came to the river, we met a few indigenous people. Before we could step forward to say hello, they came over on their own initiative and made gestures with me. Fortunately, there were people in the team who knew the indigenous language. ”

“After his translation, I learned that they had been waiting for the Japanese troops on the river bank for a long time. They also knew that boats were needed to cross the river, and they even had the boats ready. They could cross the river with just one order.”

“Even their ferries can transport tanks, armored vehicles, trucks, etc.”

“Not only that, the natives saw that we were marching hard, but they also rewarded us with a lot of fruits.” Long Wenwen never thought that one day he would be treated so warmly.

 What's more important is that the natives treat them as family members, which really makes him helpless.

If he was so welcomed and enthusiastic in the name of the expeditionary force, he might be very excited. What would be the result?

 What the other side welcomes is the identity of the Japanese army.

"Where is the British army? Where is the British army on the other side? Should we just leave everything alone? Watch the natives collect boats? Transport us across the river?" After absorbing all this, Meng Fangli asked speechlessly.

"The British troops have long since fled, and Myitkyina is now taken over by a few volunteers, waiting for us to take over." Long Wenwen sighed and said with an extremely complicated expression.


 Not only was Meng Fanlao confused, but Cun Yunsheng was also a little confused.

At first, you thought the British army was pretending to be dead, but ended up running away?

I can only say that they are worthy of being a British army.

 Taken the ability of escape to the extreme.

“So, we don’t have to do anything now. We can easily take over Myitkyina by pretending to be Japanese soldiers?” Meng Fan opened his mouth wide and asked after a long time.

"Yes, that's what I want to say. Things are developing even more smoothly than we imagined." Long Wenwen nodded heavily.

"It seems that the plan we made before is of no use at all. We are just worrying about everything." Cun Yunsheng finally understood what it meant that plans could not keep up with changes.

 Originally, he was prepared to cross the river and directly take over Myitkyina by force if the British army resisted.

 After all, he had Stilwell's appointment in his hand, so he didn't have to care about the British army's opinions.

 Now it seems that I have thought too much.

The British army simply fled without caring about anything else.

"In that case, let's cross the river. Have you figured out how many of the natives there are?" Cun Yunsheng didn't want to waste time here and asked.

"Well, I figured it all out." Long Wenwen nodded and said.

"Okay, let's cross the river first, and then control the natives. Once you find something is wrong, you can solve it directly without me saying anything. They are not of the same mind as us. Be careful of being betrayed." Cun Yunsheng warned again.

  “Yes, I understand.”

 Next, Cun Yunsheng led the guard company and some soldiers of the first battalion across the river wearing Japanese military uniforms.

After crossing the river, the leader of the volunteer army personally led Cun Yunsheng and others.

They said that they had occupied the headquarters of the British army in Myitkyina and could help lead the way.

Cun Yunsheng happily accepted this behavior, and then followed the natives towards Myitkyina.

 There was no resistance along the way.

In fact, there would be no resistance. When the British army learned that Lashio had been occupied, they began to pack their bags and prepare to run away.

 At the same time, I finally understood why the Japanese army could easily occupy cities such as Bhamo and Jingdong.

 After all, there are so many leading parties, how can it not be easy?

He was curious whether the natives would regret taking the initiative to lead the way, transport supplies, etc. to the Japanese army one day when they discovered the true identity of the Japanese army.

But this day is not very far away. After the Japanese army fully occupies Myanmar and the Pacific Ocean is in danger, they will begin to plunder Myanmar's resources. At that time, these indigenous people will regret it.

It didn’t take long for the British army’s former military camp to completely become the headquarters of the Sichuan Army. The acceptance was very smooth and there was no obstruction.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to receive Myitkyina so smoothly." Cun Yunsheng looked at the natives and said happily.

The natives on the opposite side had not yet reacted. Cun Yunsheng spoke in Chinese and subconsciously replied.

 “This is all what we should do…”

Before he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong and asked anxiously.

 “Sir, do you speak Chinese?”

“Yes, I’m Chinese, why can’t I speak Chinese?” Cun Yunsheng looked at the other person with half-smiling eyes.

 The natives on the opposite side were pale and looked at each other with disbelief.

 “Chinese people…”

"That's right!" Cun Yunsheng nodded: "We are an expeditionary force, specially here to fight the Japanese."

Hearing this, the natives screamed and wanted to step forward to resist. As a result, he was directly kicked to the ground by Long Wenwen, who had sharp eyes and quick hands.

 “Bah, you son of a bitch, you’re a dog for a little devil, and you still feel proud?”

“Just because you guys are like this, you can only be used as dogs by little devils.” Long Wenwen sneered and then cursed.

Cun Yunsheng stepped on the opponent's head and said in a complicated tone.

“You said, what’s not good about being a dog? And why should I be a dog? And it’s a little devil’s dog?”

"Bah, are you a good thing? The heavenly soldiers are here to rescue us and get us out of the sea of ​​misery. We have been oppressed by the British for hundreds of years." Even if the natives were stepped on their heads, they still shouted loudly.

"I deeply sympathize with your suffering, but I'm sorry. You shouldn't be treated like dogs by the little devils. You know, what I hate most in my life are traitors, so I'll give you a ride and be an obedient child in the next life." Dog." As he spoke, Cun Yunsheng took out his pistol and shot the native.

 Slowly close your eyes in the disbelief of the other party's eyes.

 “Do it!” Following Cun Yunsheng’s order, everyone opened fire, and the natives fell in the hail of bullets.

 “Clean up and take over Myitkyina.”

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

 The takeover was not very smooth and encountered resistance. After all, the natives have been yearning for the Japanese army for more than a day or two.

As the indigenous people said before, they have been oppressed by the British army for hundreds of years. Now the Japanese army is using the slogan of rescuing them, and they are naturally extremely enthusiastic.

 So, when other natives in the city knew that it was not the Japanese who occupied Myitkyina, they immediately began to harass them.

 “It’s not good, group seat.” Long Wenwen came to Cun Yunsheng worriedly and reported.

"What's wrong?" Cun Yunsheng was studying the defense map and asked casually.

"There is more and more chaos in the city. Some natives have begun to harass our soldiers. Several people have been injured. I suspect that there are not only volunteers but also Japanese spies in the city." Long Wenwen explained.

 “What are you going to do?” Cun Yunsheng did not answer, but asked instead.

"It's too troublesome to lure the snakes out of their holes. It's too troublesome to search them like this. Just lure them out and catch them all once and for all." Long Wenwen said.

"Just do what you said. This is the approval note. Any troops except the guard company can be mobilized." Cun Yunsheng quickly wrote a approval note and gave it to Long Wenwen, and told him to find those spies as soon as possible.

On the other side, in a private house, Lieutenant Jingxia scolded the subordinates in front of him with an angry expression.

“Are all your volunteers pigs? Can’t you even tell the difference between the imperial army and the expeditionary force of the empire?”

He was sent by the 56th Division to conduct complex reconnaissance intelligence. Later, when he met the natives, he encouraged them to spread rumors that the Japanese army was about to attack.

  The British army in Myitkyina, which had long been frightened, ran away decisively.

 As a result, as soon as the city was captured here, the Japanese army was reported to the other side.

Lieutenant Jingxia also had doubts in his heart. After all, this place is quite far away from Lashio. Even if he marches quickly, it is impossible to reach it so quickly?

But the other party said that those people were wearing Japanese military uniforms and spoke fluent Japanese. There were only more than a hundred people in total.

Lieutenant Jingxia was a little skeptical at first, but when he heard that there were only more than a hundred people, he suddenly realized.

  It should be a small detachment, so immediately ask your subordinates to mobilize the natives to find ships to help the imperial army cross the river.

 The next thing happened, he lost communication.

Because the men responsible for crossing the river have long been controlled by the Sichuan Army, it's a ghost that he can receive the news.

Later, he happily waited for the arrival of the imperial army in the city, only to find that it was not the imperial army at all, but the expeditionary force in disguise.

Lieutenant Jingxia almost vomited blood because all his hard work was gone.

I originally thought that with this merit, I would definitely be promoted to captain, but now not only is there no hope of promotion, but my life may be in danger.

"How many more indigenous people can be summoned? The only way now is to attack the train station, blow up the supplies there, plunge Myitkyina into chaos, and wait for the arrival of the imperial army." Lieutenant Jingxia said.

“We can gather about a hundred people, but it’s a pity that so many supplies were destroyed.” The subordinate said with some distress.

 In fact, Lieutenant Jingxia was also a little distressed, but there was no other way. Now the only way to delay the expeditionary force's takeover of Myitkyina was to create chaos.

 Otherwise, once the expeditionary force completely captures Myitkyina and takes over those solid fortifications, it will be much more difficult for the imperial army to capture Myitkyina.

“Compared to those supplies, taking Myitkyina is the most important thing.” Lieutenant Jingxia shook his head and said.

"Excuting an order."


 As soon as they left the private house, they were targeted.

“Sir, according to the confessions of the neighbors, they have just moved here in the past few days, and they should be spies of the Japanese army.” A Sichuan Army soldier reported to Long Wenhui.

 Long Wenwen's method is also very simple, that is, the continuous sitting system and rewards for those who take the initiative to report.

Those who take the initiative to report will be rewarded, especially when white rice and pounds are thrown out, and the target will be quickly identified.

  After all, there are many poor people among the indigenous people, and they cannot bear the high rewards.

"It looks like we should go out to connect people. Wait until they gather all the people, and then catch them all." Long Wenwen put down the telescope and sneered.

I just discovered that it’s the beginning of the month. I can ask for a guaranteed monthly pass and get on the list by the way, hahaha!



 (End of this chapter)

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