The War of Resistance

Chapter 1006 Observing the Results

There is a saying in later generations that there is nothing that money cannot settle.

In fact, those are all bullshit by the nouveau riche. If this is true, then there is no such thing as "wealth cannot be promiscuous, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot bend."

If that were the case, everyone would become philistine and follow the trend, but after all, there are people and things in this world that money cannot fix.

To say that the only thing that can definitely smooth out people and things in the world is time. There is no time to smooth out the grievances, ranging from changes in the sea to changes in the world, and as small as "in the old days, the king's swallow in front of the hall flew into the homes of ordinary people."

No, after the hustle and bustle last night, at dawn, the mountains and fields finally calmed down. There were actually birds singing and flying across the mountains and fields, as if the battle last night had never happened.

But as the saying goes, "When people are free, the osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet in the spring sky. The moonrise scares the birds, and they sing in the spring streams."

There is one understanding of this poem, which is that because of the cries of the birds, the tranquility of the spring mountains is even more apparent.

However, at this time, someone did not understand it this way. Instead, he whispered in the woods on the hillside: "This is too damn quiet." The person who spoke was Li Dabai.

It's impossible to say that his words didn't reflect some kind of worry, but then he was scolded, and someone next to him said: "What's wrong with Jing? Are you scared? There wasn't anything last night." Let you come on!"

It was Ma Chuncai who was confronting Li Dabai, and right next to Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai, hiding in the woods and looking out, were Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei.

Last night, Shang Zhen and the others raided the Japanese camp. Soon after they returned, it was daybreak.

Although Shang Zhen had predicted that the night attack would not be quick before attacking the enemy, he did not expect that it would take a whole night.

After returning, Shang Zhen and the other five ate something and went to bed.

This is a land of mountains and wilderness, and there is no place to hide people. The Japanese army is only a squadron. Since Shang Zhen and the others don't have a fire, they naturally don't worry about being found by the Japanese army.

Shang Zhen and the others rested, but Li Da understood that they were feeling itchy.

Last night, they listened to the faint gunfire and explosions in the distance but couldn't participate in it. How could they not feel itchy?

So the remaining soldiers discussed it, and the new and old soldiers each selected two people, and they came here with binoculars to observe the results of the battle!

"Am I afraid? Am I afraid? I'm worried about the little devil's plot!" Li Da Ming was unhappy with Ma Chuncai's attack on him.

In order to prove that what he said was reasonable, he turned around and asked Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei, "You think what I said is right?"

Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei didn't want to get involved in the bad things between the two veterans. They glanced at Li Dabai. Dong Qiu was still observing with the telescope, while Xu Shenwei stretched his neck and looked into the distance.

They were only here to observe the results of the battle, so naturally they had to choose a commanding height to watch from a distance.

There is a path in the mountains and fields ahead, and the nearest place is more than a hundred meters away from them. The Japanese army will always transport back those who died in the battle last night.

"Fuck, I'm talking to you two!" Li Da knew that he was not happy when he saw the two people trying to restrain themselves.

"I don't know if the little devil has a carriage." King Xu Shenwei looked around and asked him.

"Fuck!" Li Da understood and scolded again.

In front of the veterans, Li Da knew that he had been scolded, but now he wanted to show off his power in front of the two recruits. Although Shang Zhen said that he would not let the veterans bully the recruits, he could not change his habit. Changed.

But at this moment, Ma Chuncai, who was also holding a telescope in his hand, shouted in a low voice: "Don't tell me, there really is a carriage!"

Of course they didn't have carriages, and of course the carriages belonged to the Japanese army.

Li Da knew that he couldn't care less about being a coward, so he stretched his head and looked ahead.

A carriage really appeared in front. Not only was there a carriage, but there were also Japanese soldiers peeking out from behind a hill.

It's just that it's too far away, and you have to adjust the focus to see it with a telescope, let alone with the naked eye?

Li Da Ming didn't understand and stretched out his hand. He was just about to grab the telescope in Dong Qiu's hand, but then he finally remembered what Shang Zhen said. Veterans can't bully new recruits!

In the end, he could only put down his raised hand angrily.

"How many Japs are there on the carriage? I mean dead!" Li Da knew that he couldn't see clearly and could only ask.

And what can Ma Chuncai say with a telescope? There is always a process to observation.

"Wait a minute, why are you so anxious? The commander has been fighting the Japanese all night, and this is all you have to do?" Ma Chuncai said as he watched.

At this time, Xu Shenwei, who also didn't have the telescope, was also anxious. He asked Dong Qiu from the side, and Dong Qiu's answer to him was naturally "Wait a minute, I can't see clearly either!"

As the four soldiers chattered, the Japanese troops in the distance finally came closer and closer.

Of course, the path between the mountains and fields is not very wide. The Japanese army walked in the shape of a long snake formation with the character "one".

In the end, not to mention the two people with telescopes, even the two people without telescopes could see almost the same. There were only two Japanese carriages.

Not many carriages nowadays have tires. In Northeastern dialect, they are called "rubber wheels", and the wheels of the two Japanese carriages are all made of wood.

Although the wooden wheels of the carriage were too narrow for the bumpy ride, it still avoided the misfortune of getting a tire punctured in the wilderness. This is probably the only benefit brought about by China's underdeveloped science and technology.

As the Japanese army got closer and closer, not to mention using telescopes, even Li Dabai and Xu Shenwei, who did not use telescopes, could see clearly.

The carriage in front was pulling some sacks containing things, and there were a few people in the carriage behind, but those few were sitting. Just imagine, how could dead people be sitting? That sky was the Japanese army. The wounded!

"This, this - can't it?" Li Dabai opened his mouth and said as he looked at the Japanese troops getting closer.

He didn't say all of this. What he meant was that Shang Zhen and the others wouldn't just give out a few wounded to the Japanese last night, right?

And at this moment, Ma Chuncai said: "Hey, that guy who knows a lot about football, did you see clearly what was in the sack on the carriage in front of you?"

For the time being, it is impossible for most of the troops to have female soldiers, but it is a purely masculine world.

The way men talk to each other is not vulgar, but it is also very rough. As soon as Dong Qiu's name was known to the veterans, his nickname came out, which means knowing the ball, which means knowing the ball.

Dong Qiu didn't say anything about this. In fact, when someone gives you a nickname, especially those veterans, it actually means that they recognize your identity.

This is like the graceful Northeastern woman who looks gentle, graceful and charming on occasions.

But when she returned home and talked to her old men, the straightforwardness and roughness of the Northeastern people was fully exposed.

Northeastern dialect has a bit of a bad taste in it, and you must know that this big trouble is gender-neutral.

Do you think any northeastern woman would ask her husband at home, "Can my little girl do the courtesy of Duke Zhou?" Instead, she would angrily scold her husband. "Can you do it? If you do, I'll be stunned!"

There's no way, there's only one side of the country with water and one side of the people.

"I was looking at it, and it felt round and round, like a watermelon, and it was bright red." Dong Qiu replied.

"That's nonsense. Where can we find watermelon in this season?" Ma Chuncai retorted.

Yes, it's only early spring and the grass has just sprouted. Where did the watermelon come from?

"What are you two talking about?" Li Dazhi didn't have a telescope in his hand. He could only see four or five bulging sacks on the first carriage. As for what was inside the sacks, he really couldn't see.

But at this moment, Ma Chuncai and Dong Qiu shouted almost in unison: "Heads!"

"What heads?" Li Dabai and Xu Shenwei were confused at the same time. Were there several sacks of heads on the first carriage?

"What kind of head? How many bags are there?" Li Da Ming muttered in shock.

"Whose head? Nonsense, of course it belongs to the Japanese! Even if all of us have done that, we will never be able to collect those bags!" Ma Chuncai said angrily.

"Ah?" Li Dabai was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized and shouted, "Sir, they have killed so many Japanese devils!"

"Oh, please keep your voice down, you are all veterans!" Xu Shenwei reminded nervously at this time.

At Xu Shenwei's reminder, Ma Chuncai and Dong Qiu subconsciously lay down and put down the telescope.

They were always holding telescopes, and just when Xu Shenwei reminded them, they saw that someone among the Japanese soldiers actually turned to look at their position!

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