The War of Resistance

Chapter 1013 Response (1)

"What?" Xu Shenwei asked Dong Qiu as he lay on the ground, his face was filled with panic and his heart was beating fast.

But when he saw Dong Qiu turning to look at him, he knew that Dong Qiu didn't know what to do.

The two of them had already rushed out from behind the hill, but just when they rushed out, the platoon guns on the flanks rang out, and then the two of them saw Li Dabai and Li Dabai chasing each other in front. Ma Chuncai fell down.

beat? That is definitely unbeatable.

The place where the two of them were hiding now was just a ridge, which could barely block the two of them lying down. This was only if the enemies in the distance didn't notice them when they rushed out of the hill.

run? They couldn't run.

Because the ridge was very low, the two of them didn't dare to get up. They didn't know if the enemy had noticed them when they lay down just now, but if they dared to get up now, they would definitely be able to find them.

The two of them grabbed the rifles that were already on fire and watched the enemy appear in the distance, running towards the place where Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai fell. Unexpectedly, there was a trace of sadness in their hearts. They were still alive and kicking just now. How can we say that these two people are gone?

And as the enemy on the flank approached with guns drawn, the two of them were surprised to see the color of the clothes. The other party turned out to be a puppet army!

"Why are these two Japs worse than the Japanese?" Xu Shenwei sighed.

Dong Qiu remained silent.

"Then what will we do if the two Japs come back to us?" Xu Shenwei asked again.

"What are we going to do? Let's fight hard. We can't let them capture us alive and cut off our ears!" Dong Qiu spoke this time, and he spoke with gritted teeth and a fierce tone.

"Well, even dying is better than being a pig." Xu Shenwei agreed. What he meant was that only pigs would have their ears cut off.

And he immediately shuddered when he thought of Xiao Dizi's ears being cut off by the puppet soldiers and being stabbed at the injured area with a small stick. Yes, he would rather die than suffer that punishment!

While they were talking, they saw that the puppet army was divided into two teams this time. One team was still running towards the place where Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai fell, while the other team turned around and ran towards them!

The puppet soldiers were not stupid. They should have seen that Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai were dead, and probably returned to search again.

It was meaningless to say anything else now. Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu looked at each other and tightened their grip on the rifles in their hands.

"Put it closer and fight again, and try to kill one of them!" Dong Qiu said.

Xu Shenwei said "Yeah".

Talking about new recruits and veterans is an internal matter for Shang Zhen and the others. Talking about new recruits is just a comparison with veterans. After fighting a few battles, Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu are no longer timid when it comes to shooting and killing people. They just aim and pull the trigger. Once you have done this set of shooting movements, God will arrange the rest.

"Get ready. If I say fight, the two of us will fight together." Dong Qiu added.

Xu Shenwei said "Yeah" again.

Now both of them had their heads drawn back.

That's of course because the two of them are only more than a hundred meters away from the place where Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai were killed. The only way they can survive is on a ridge. If they look up at the puppet army in front of them, the puppet army will turn around. Naturally you can see them too.

The two of them shrank their heads so that they could at least hold on for a while without being discovered by the puppet troops.

But it only took a moment to shrink their heads, and then the two of them had to shoot. Otherwise, when the puppet soldiers came closer with guns drawn, they would see the two of them lying on the ground with guns next to them, but their bodies were already Shaking like chaff, wouldn't that be a big joke!

"One, two, three, fight!" Dong Qiu counted and shouted, then he and Xu Shenwei raised their heads and took out the rifles. Their guns were also pressed against their shoulders. They even saw the puppet troops coming in front of them leaving them. It's only seventy or eighty meters.

But then gunshots rang out, but the gunshots were not fired by them or the puppet soldiers, but the rapid bursts of "pop", "pop" and "pop" from the box cannon.

Who knows what's going on ahead. Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei's guns had already been fired and the butts were on their shoulders. Now they had their arrows ready. Out of inertia, they pulled the triggers on the approaching puppet troops.

"Pa", "pa", the two of their guns also rang, and the puppet soldiers who came over at this time not only saw them, but also subconsciously turned around to look!

Just because the shot from the box cannon was fired from the woods in another direction, when the shot was fired, the puppet soldiers had already fallen to the ground!

At this time, there were not only the "pop" and "pop" shooting sounds of box cannons in the woods, but also the sound of rifles. In the sound of shooting, I saw Li Dabai and Ma Chuncai approaching. A few of the puppet troops there fell down.

"Oh, it's sir!" Xu Shen said happily. As he spoke, he pulled the bolt again to eject the cartridge case, pushed it again, and shot over his shoulder again.

"We have to survive as long as we can!" Dong Qiu said urgently. At the same time, he pulled the trigger again. A puppet soldier who was aiming at them was hit by the gunman. Although the gun fell, the man was also shot. Go down.

Xu Shenwei glanced at the other end. As far as he knew, who else besides Shang Zhen could use the box cannon so well?

But the problem is that we are outnumbered, but now where is the time for him to steal the opportunity?

He was also a new recruit with no experience, so he missed the mark, but his shooting movements were also slow. This was because he had no combat experience! Now the two of them are in danger.

Due to the addition of Shang Zhen Kuaiqiang and the puppet army's intention to check on the two anti-Japanese fighters they defeated, the battle that would have been slightly longer became shorter.

The puppet troops were divided into two teams. Most of the puppet troops went to check on the two dead anti-Japanese soldiers, but few came to Xu Shenwei and the others.

The place where the box cannon fired was only seventy or eighty meters away from where Li Da understood and they died. That place was in an open area and there was no place to hide or tuck.

Shang Zhen was hidden on the hill and his marksmanship was both accurate and fast. He was using his gun to hit a living target. In a short time, Shang Zhen knocked down nearly twenty of them!

Those puppet troops are ridiculous even if they think about it.

Originally, they were also ruthless bandits, but then again, who would compare the scores of these ruthless bandits?

For example, a gangster on the street can make an honest child tremble when he looks at it, but when a gangster meets a big brother from society, he can only kneel down.

And if the eldest brother of the mixed society encounters state tools like the police deliberately trying to punish him, then he will still be nothing.

The police are powerful, but when the police encounter a young and vigorous army, it won't work. Just like the current anti-Japanese war, there are police who resist the Japanese, but their combat effectiveness is incomparable to that of regular troops!

When a Siberian tiger meets a northwest wolf, they think I'm awesome and think that people from the south are just little sheep. But when it comes to life and death, who's tougher, who has better marksmanship, and who has high fighting qualities, that's the only criterion.

A toad in a bubble feels great when it quacks twice, but if you throw it into the mighty Yangtze River, it will drown if it doesn't stay intact!

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