The War of Resistance

Chapter 1015 New Ideas

The gunshots in front of them sounded intermittently, sometimes like heavy rain and sometimes like a few raindrops floating in the sky. There is no doubt that Shang Zhen and the others are getting closer to the main battlefield. It is estimated that they are now two miles in a row. The land is gone.

Shang Zhen and the others didn't know where they would appear on the battlefield this time, as long as they didn't plunge into the center of the firefight between the enemy and ourselves.

It's just that although there is danger ahead, it is not the most urgent danger. It can only be called unknown or uncertain risk.

For Shang Zhen and others, the most imminent danger is the group of Japanese and puppet troops behind them who have been unwilling to give up chasing them.

Whenever Shang Zhen and the others ran across a slightly longer open area and looked back, they could see the figures of the Japanese and puppet troops who were also pursuing them.

In order to prevent the group of eleven people from being chased by the Japanese army, they actually moved forward in several directions to prevent Shang Zhen and the others from escaping in other directions!

But even if this is the case, do Shang Zhen and the others really have no chance to escape? The answer is of course no.

This is a low mountainous and hilly area. No matter how high the mountain is, can't Shang Zhen and the others, who are only eleven people, find a nook and cranny to hide?

Therefore, the reason why Shang Zhen and the others were able to be chased here by the Japanese army was that, on the one hand, the Japanese army pursued them closely, but on the other hand, Shang Zhen did not want the Japanese and puppet soldiers behind to lose track of them.

This sounds a bit awkward, but to put it another way, Shang Zhen didn't want to lose track of the Japanese and puppet troops behind him.

An anti-Japanese soldier was killed in battle. Before he died, he would say to his brothers, "You have to avenge me!"

Of course there is nothing wrong with this, but how to take revenge?

In a broad sense, his brother was avenging his brother by killing any Japanese invaders he could kill.

But in a narrow sense, even though his brothers killed many Japanese invaders, were the invaders they killed necessarily the same invaders who had killed their own brothers?

The answer is, that is basically impossible, or not possible at all!

For example, a certain soldier was killed by the Japanese Tenth Division during the Great Wall War of Resistance after September 18th.

And then his brother entered the customs and finally came to this LY. Then could his brother face the Japanese army of the 10th Division? That is basically impossible. What you are facing may be the Japanese Fifth Division, Sixth Division or Seventh, Eighty-ninth Division.

If this battle ends and many Japanese soldiers are killed, it will only be revenge in a broad sense, but in a narrow sense, the Japanese soldiers who really killed your brother are still alive and well!

As the saying goes, "Every wrongdoer has his own debtor," if one can kill it with his own hands, it can of course be understood as meaning that the brother of the dead soldier used his gun to directly kill the group of Japanese soldiers who killed the soldier. This is a happy revenge. !

And this was Shang Zhen's hidden thought.

Now there are people like Shang Zhen. In terms of physical strength, the top three are actually Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng and Da Laobeng.

If the three of them ran with their sticks in their hands, the other soldiers really wouldn't be able to keep up.

In the name of taking care of the weak soldiers, Shang Zhen kept his speed and kept a slight distance from the Japanese soldiers behind him. Others could not see anything. On the contrary, the soldiers felt sorry for Shang Zhen and felt that they were dragging them down. Sir.

No one knew what Shang Zhen was thinking, but now that he was getting closer to the battlefield, Shang Zhen's thoughts became alive again.

He began to observe the terrain ahead.

By now the hilly terrain has disappeared, but it has all turned into low mountains.

The mountain is not very high, it seems to be only one or two hundred meters high. Some slopes are steeper and some are gentler. And those relatively gentle slopes are obviously man-made, like terraces. Usually, there are rows of shrubs on it.

But Shang Zhen didn't know that it was actually not a shrub, but a tea tree, but it hadn't sprouted yet.

Of course, Shang Zhen was not interested in the shrub in his mind, although he could also see that it was some kind of artificially cultivated "crop".

It was impossible for them to go up to the terraces. The terraces were really like ladders, and also like thresholds that became higher one after another.

If they ran up there, they would definitely be dead.

What Shang Zhen was interested in was the area between the two mountains. There was no open space between the two mountains, but only much narrower ravines.

This kind of terrain is good, suitable for setting up an ambush for the Japanese army. This idea jumped out of Shang Zhen's mind.

But at this moment, gunfire rang out from behind the two mountains in front. It seemed that after passing these two mountains, we really entered the main battlefield.

Shang Zhen was thinking about this when Li Qingfeng reminded him from behind: "The little devil is coming up from behind again."

As soon as Li Qingfeng said this, Shang Zhen, who had a new idea, shouted: "Big old idiot, give me your rifle."

Big Boss now carries two rifles, an ordinary Type 38 rifle and a sniper rifle.

After ambushing the elite group of Japanese troops at the earliest, Shang Zhen and the others indeed captured a lot of Japanese sniper rifles. However, as the soldiers died in battle, there were only five or six sniper rifles left.

"You all hide here, I'm going to give the little devil some strength." Shang Zhen ordered.

"Why do we need to hide here?" The old man said he didn't understand as he handed over the gun.

"You can watch from the side but don't show your head." Shang Zhen then ordered, then took the sniper rifle handed over by the old man and went back.

"Don't ask questions." Li Qingfeng turned around and walked back after Shang Zhen, calling him stupid.

"Then you don't have to ask too little." Big Old Man objected.

"I didn't ask everything." Li Qingfeng said.

"Oh." The old fool responded.

As for Shang Zhen and his team, there were frequent disputes, but Li Qingfeng and Big Laoban didn't do that. They had been in this pattern since they were young.

And now Shang Zhen's team has fought from nearly a hundred people at the beginning to seventy or eighty people, and then to thirty or forty people. Now there are only eleven people, and among them, only the remaining veterans of Hao Xiazizi Company are There were only three people left, Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, and Zhu Yichun.

The remaining three people have no one to argue with, which is undoubtedly a kind of sadness when you think about it.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others were at a mountain pass. If they went forward through a winding ravine of more than 100 meters, they would exit between the two mountains, and they should reach the main battlefield.

And now Shang Zhen returned to the outermost position of the mountain pass. What he faced was also a relatively wide ravine. The ravine was full of bushes, but there were still gaps between the bushes. .

Shang Zhen observed the terrain from left to right, then lay down behind a bush, slightly poked the sniper rifle out of the bush, and then aimed over his shoulder.

The Japanese army had already appeared, about 200 meters away.

As for the pursuing Japanese army, they also had to rely on the cover of the bush terrain, and they still used the same cross-cover advance tactics.

In the sniper footage, Shang Zhen saw a Japanese soldier bending down and holding a gun running through the gap between two bushes. At this time, he pointed his rifle at the bush in front.

Just when the Japanese soldier ran through the gap in the middle bush and hid himself behind the third bush, which was the next bush for the Japanese soldier, Shang Zhen made a decisive push towards the bush. The trigger was pulled.

The sound of a gunshot means the start of another battle.

After firing the first shot, Shang Zhen decisively pulled and pushed the bolt to aim again. Then he saw the bush where he shot shake in the sniper lens, and he fired the second shot without thinking.

The bushes shook first, and a Japanese soldier emerged with his head partially pulled out, but he was lying on the ground. After all, he was killed by Shang Zhen's two shots through the bushes.

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