The War of Resistance

Chapter 1019 The next link in the chain reaction

Talk about fear of fire, and the guy who makes Chinese soldiers feel fear of fire is really here.

Shang Zhen and the others were watching from the top of the mountain. First, a small group of Japanese troops came over to check the situation. When the Japanese troops saw that some of their own people were suffering losses here, they did not add many more troops. But at noon, , but dozens of Japanese troops came, and they came with a mortar.

But at this time, Shang Zhen and the others were hiding well on the top of the mountain.

In order to prevent being discovered by the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they naturally disguised themselves at the place of observation.

Based on past combat experience, if you are peeping in the dark and do not want to be discovered by the enemy, what is the most important thing to cover? Of course it’s the forehead or the top of the head!

Everyone can imagine that when a person lies there, he can see as long as his eyes are exposed, but his forehead must be exposed.

The so-called "eyes are higher than the top" is just an idiom. If the soldiers really have eyes higher than the top, then they don't even have to pretend.

So their solution was to cover their foreheads with shrubs or something, and there was dirt underneath, so only their eyes were exposed in the middle.

Shang Zhen and the others hid themselves so secretly that they did not shoot on the mountain. The Japanese army did not expect that Chinese soldiers would climb up such a steep mountain. It was impossible for the Japanese army to just catch them on the top of a hill and climb up. There were so many hills. Got it!

To put it bluntly, if anyone wants to be a deserter, he can just climb up a hill with little use value and hide on it. If he has enough food, he will not be discovered even if the war is over. Just because There are so many mountains on this earth that no one has ever climbed!

Shang Zhen's current location is on the flank of the battlefield, which is far away from the main battlefield. It is seven or eight hundred meters away from the Chinese main position.

In the direction of the Japanese army's main attack, there is terrain that is more conducive to the Japanese army's attack. Naturally, people will not come here.

But this time, the Japanese army seemed to have appeared in this ravine, and the Chinese army, which had been prepared for a long time, used heavy machine guns to "penetrate" half of the ravine, thus attracting the attention of the Japanese army. .

The Japanese reinforcements brought a mortar directly. They wanted revenge!

At this moment, Shang Zhen watched the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain move or lift the disassembled mortar parts to the corner of the ravine. Somehow, he thought of the word "chain reaction" , this word was something he heard when he was with Leng Xiaozhi and his students.

Shang Zhen couldn't explain clearly what the chain reaction was. Shang Zhen had forgotten the specific details. That is, a small ball rolled on this side of the seesaw, and the ball rolled on that end, and one end of the seesaw tilted up.

The small string connected to the end of the seesaw pulls the float in the water cup to reduce the water.

Anyway, it's something like this, and it ends with a rope pulling a light bulb switch and the light comes on.

However, Shang Zhen now knows that this series of battles will be a chain reaction.

My team was chased here by the Japanese army, and I fired a few provocative shots at the national army.

When the national army was prepared, they deployed light and heavy guns to guard there, so they and the others played a golden cicada escape and dodge the Japanese army.

As a result, the Japanese army was suddenly attacked by the Chinese army waiting in the distance with light and heavy machine guns.

But next, next, the Japanese army brought in mortars again in order to retaliate.

So, who cares what the next link of this chain reaction is? Anyway, this link is to destroy the little devil's mortar no matter what you say!

In order to prevent people like himself from dying, Shang Zhen could turn a blind eye to the Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain, but he absolutely could not tolerate the Japanese troops hitting the heads of the Chinese defenders with mortar shells, which would cause huge casualties to the Chinese defenders!

Shang Zhen and the others lay on the top of the mountain and watched as the Japanese soldiers began to assemble the mortars they had brought over under their eyes.

Shang Zhen and his original group had captured this kind of mortar.

In terms of power, it is naturally much larger than a grenade and has a longer range, but it is just too heavy.

In order to slow down the recoil caused by shooting, a thick iron plate was placed directly under the mortar.

There is no iron thing that is light, so even if an iron plate with a thickness of one centimeter has an area of ​​one square meter, it would weigh a lot.

Shang Zhen didn't know what the Japanese were thinking, why they made weapons like mortars that need to be moved lightly so heavy, but made the tanks used for attacking fortresses so small.

But now there is none of this. At least Shang Zhen has never used mortars made by the Chinese.

As far as the current Chinese industry is concerned, forget it, let alone mortars, the steel that can be produced is limited.

"Everything is ready. We can't let go of these little devils without grenades. We will shoot in a moment and kill the artillery of the little devils below!" Shang Zhen spoke.

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers naturally had no objection.

Yes, no one wants to die, but they don’t want to see the Japanese army actually firing artillery shells into their own positions!

The soldiers began to touch their guns.

In order to be able to see the situation in the ravine, they naturally could not hold long rifles. Even under Shang Zhen's order, they did not load the bullets. Originally, they planned to hide until dark.

But at this moment, Big Old Man crawled over from behind Shang Zhen and the others.

When Shang Zhen and the others were observing the Japanese army earlier, the old man shrank down and crawled away, and others did not pay attention to him.

But when he moved now, others noticed him. Qingfeng Li turned around and gave the old idiot an angry look.

Just because the Japanese army is right under their noses now, if they accidentally knock off a piece of earth or a stone while moving around on the top of the mountain, it would be weird if it didn't arouse the alert of the Japanese army!

The old fool also knew that what he was doing was inappropriate. He grinned apologetically, and then whispered to Shang Zhen: "Shang Zhen, come with me and take a look."

When Shang Zhen and Big Boss Li Qingfeng first got together, they just worked together to fight the Japanese. Big Boss had no concept of a commander at all, and Shang Zhen had never used the authority of a commander with Big Boss. Only an old fool would call Shang Zhen by his real name.

Shang Zhen was stunned when he heard the big old fool made such a request, with doubtful eyes on his face.

"I can't see clearly, so I have to let you go and have a look." The old fool said.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but glance at the old man in surprise. Of course he knew that the look in his eyes was not ordinary.

Regardless of whether the world admits it or not, those who have truly practiced meditation may indeed have sharper senses than ordinary people because of their calm mind.

Shang Zhen thought to himself, you can't see clearly, how can I see clearly?

However, seeing the pleading look on his face, he crawled back.

After all, Big Boss is a new recruit and may not be able to figure out some situations.

Besides, the Japanese mortars haven't been assembled yet.

As far as Shang Zhen knew, even if the Japanese army assembled the mortar, it still needed to be tested. It was so far away from the defenders' position that they couldn't hit it with the first shot.

Avoiding the sight of the Japanese army, Shang Zhen followed Big Laoban.

There is a bend of dozens of degrees in the middle of this ravine, and the Japanese artillery was set up just past the bend.

But Da Laobeng went to look at the bend of the ravine from the top of the mountain. If Shang Zhen couldn't move, he couldn't see it at all.

"Look there, those two Japs at the back." After reaching the place, he carefully poked his head out and said.

While Shang Zhen was watching, the big boss spoke again: "Look at the Japanese guy at the back. Do you think he is carrying a burden? Are those two buckets filled with food?" The big boss said. Stupid said with bright eyes.

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