The War of Resistance

Chapter 1023 Annihilating the remaining enemies

The Japanese troops really withdrew.

It's like an autumn rain that lasts for several days. It feels lingering when it rains, but it stops just as soon as it stops.

However, although the Japanese brigade withdrew, small local fighting continued.

For example, gunfire continued in a ravine at this time.

Lu Yifei, Lu Yichun and two soldiers were on the top of the mountain where they were staying, aiming their rifles at somewhere at the base of the mountain.

The roots of the mountain there are steep, that is, perpendicular to the ground, so under the mountain wall is a blind spot for shooting on the mountain.

The soldiers on the mountain were sure that Japanese soldiers were hiding there. When the Japanese soldiers rushed out from there just now, they were knocked down by Shang Zhen's burst of rapid fire. The soldiers then saw at least two Japanese soldiers retreating back to the mountain. wall.

On the top of the mountain, in addition to the four soldiers who were preventing the Japanese troops from rushing out again, there were two other soldiers who each held a gun and maintained a shooting posture to keep vigilance at both ends of the ravine. This was to prevent another attack at both ends of the ravine. Japanese soldiers appear.

These were all arranged by Shang Zhen when he discovered that the Japanese army was retreating. They finally took advantage of the terrain to keep a few Japanese soldiers behind while the Japanese army was retreating.

The few Japanese soldiers who fell on the ground outside the blind spot were dead, and the few Japanese soldiers hiding in the blind spot of shooting, Shang Zhen and the others tried to let them die too.

Of course they could be alive, but they must have been captured by Shang Zhen and others. Shang Zhen and others had not captured Japanese prisoners yet.

The soldiers above were all arranged, and Shang Zhen was taking the remaining soldiers down the mountain.

It stands to reason that the word "downhill" is not enough to describe the speed of moving forward in battle, but in fact, Shang Zhen and the others are indeed going down the mountain, and the speed is not fast.

As the saying goes, "It's easy to go up the mountain, but hard to go down the mountain."

It is absolutely impossible to get up quickly when going down a mountain, especially when going down a steep mountain like this.

If one accidentally fell down, the two Japanese soldiers who fell to death earlier would be examples for those who came down the mountain.

You know, at that time, Ma Erpao only used his bayonet to cut off the stem that the first Japanese soldier was holding. The Japanese soldier above fell down and hit the Japanese soldier below.

Then, the two Japanese soldiers fell down the mountain. It was really a fall.

Although it didn't turn into a piece of meat, it was completely lifeless when it fell to the bottom of the mountain.

Shang Zhen distributed his several soldiers in an orderly manner, covering those who should attack and those who should attack. Of course, everyone's attention was on the place where people could hide.

Although the Japanese troops cannot be seen there for the time being, everyone can imagine that those Japanese troops have no ladder to reach the sky or the ground. What they rely on is the steep mountain wall, and this prerequisite is that Shang Zhen and the others are gone. Grenade.

Then those Japanese soldiers must be like ants on a hot pot, spinning in circles on the mountain wall like a donkey.

The Japanese army has retreated. If they don't rush out, they will die there sooner or later, so those Japanese soldiers must rush forward!

Sure enough, after a while, everyone on the mountainside saw another Japanese army rushing out.

The Japanese troops were already in the ravine at the foot of the mountain, and the only way they could escape was through the ravine.

They were in an unfavorable terrain, so of course they would run for their lives when they rushed out of the hiding place, but no matter how they ran for their lives, they would not run in the unprotected ravine, but would try to find another bunker as much as possible.

This was what Shang Zhen and the others expected. Sure enough, when the Japanese army rushed out, they used the cover of the shrubs at the foot of the mountain and then rushed to another steep mountain wall.

But if they could really rush out, they would treat Shang Zhen and the other soldiers as blind men.

At the moment when Japanese soldiers rushed out of their hiding place, gunshots rang out from the mountainside, and two more Japanese soldiers were shot and fell.

But almost at the same time, Ma Erpao screamed and slipped down the hillside. Ma Erpao even dropped his rifle in order to stop his slide!

Others only thought that Ma Erpao slipped away without paying attention, but at this moment Ma Erpao felt bitter in his heart, but he told someone that he didn't know who fired a shot on the mountain just now, and the bullet missed, but it was It brushed his shoulder and flew past.

At that time, he felt that his shoulder was numb and his arm was no longer working, so he fell down.

Now his arms are working well, but there are no bushes on the hillside under him, but there are a few clumps of wormwood. However, when he slid past, he reached out to grab the dry wormwood, but either the dry wormwood was broken or It was pulled out by the roots, and that little resistance could not stop the power of the over 100 kilograms!

And during the sliding process, the hillside was not all smooth. There were also protrusions under the feet.

Just now Ma Erpao saw a protruding stone under his feet, and he eagerly stepped on the stone with his feet that were already underneath.

But the moment his feet stepped on the stone, his speed slowed down, but the huge forward force caused his knees to bend, and then his upper body was lifted up.

Damn, that’s not good! Only then did Ma Erpao realize that he had made a mistake.

As he rushed down in such a hurry, as soon as his feet stepped on the obstacle below, it was inevitable that his body would rush forward due to inertia.

This is like when a person falls from a height and his feet hit the ground, his body will definitely roll forward. Those who have practiced will do a forward roll to remove the force, but those who have not practiced will also fall out, but this fall Whether you can get up after going out is up to you.

But just when Ma Erpao felt that he was in danger, the stone that was half-hidden in the mountain at his feet was actually not that big, but he finally smashed it down with his weight and the acceleration of gravity, and it rolled away from the mountain. fell down.

As a result, Ma Erpao's body was airborne for a moment, but in the end he avoided the bad luck of somersaulting down the mountain.

But so what, Ma Erpao's decline speed is slow but it is still declining.

"Fuck you!" Ma Erpao couldn't help but cursed as he fell. Could it be that he had suffered retribution because he had cut off the stem and killed two Japanese soldiers?

No, there’s no fucking reason for this!

The Japanese devils killed Chinese people. If you kill the Japanese devils yourself, you should be rewarded well!

In Ma Erpao's wild thoughts, he finally slipped to the top of the steep wall where the Japanese troops were hiding, and then fell down. Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng, and Da Laobeng who were also on the mountain wall were still a few meters away from Ma Erpao. At a distance of thirty or forty meters, they could only see the shadow of Ma Erpao who "jumped off a cliff".

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others were also anxious. Seeing that they were not far from the ground, they also slipped down.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen and all of them heard gunshots in the ravine.

That gunshot——

When Shang Zhen looked up again, he saw a Chinese soldier appearing on the left side of the ravine, holding a rifle and shooting at the mountain wall at his feet.

As the Japanese troops retreated, Chinese officers and soldiers finally arrived from a distance.

When their own position was far away, Shang Zhen and the others did not dare to run out of the ravine for fear of being accidentally injured by their own side. But since the officers and soldiers from far away rushed into the ravine, they were not afraid anymore. The Chinese Japanese people can always tell.

Moreover, if we say that these people are puppet soldiers, then there is no way to explain the Japanese soldiers who were beaten down by them in the ravine.

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