The War of Resistance

Chapter 1035: Childhood Skills and Deep Worry

Shang Zhen and the others did not walk quickly, and Shang Zhen had no intention of urging everyone.

In any case, it finally subsided. This lull was not only because of the really grueling fight they had with the Forty Army, but also because Shang Zhen and the others had been fighting continuously.

This kind of continuous fighting will exhaust everyone who survives, both physically and mentally.

Three veterans, Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, and Lu Yichun, followed Shang Zhen. They were asking Shang Zhen about what kind of people Shang Zhen's original gang was.

However, the more junior soldiers like Xu Shenwei and others focused their attention on Big Laoban and Erya.

Erya is not ugly, but she is not very beautiful either. The words commonly used to describe women, such as elegance, orchid-like temperament, and gentleness, have nothing to do with her.

But there is a saying that says, "Youth is a kind of beauty."

Erya is nearly 1.7 meters tall, which is considered quite tall among women. She also has long legs and a graceful walking style. Naturally, she has a swagger that men don't have.

It is precisely because Erya has such a personality that she is good at making decisions and keeping up with Shang Zhen and the others, of course, mainly with Big Laoban.

Da Laobeng is a straightforward person, and Erya is not the same.

After they caught up with Shang Zhen and the others, they made it clear that they wanted to learn martial arts from Big Boss. As for Shang Zhen's style of scheming to lure enemies and find opportunities to defeat them individually, in Erya's opinion, that was just cheating. It’s not shameful for a woman like her to be treated like this!

Erya saw and said this, and Shang Zhen just smiled and didn't refute it at all, even though Shang Zhen was thinking about the movie about a girl who didn't know how high the world was.

It’s just that the old idiot is extremely uncomfortable with Erya’s appearance. Ever since Erya appeared in front of him and expressed that he wanted to recognize him as his master, the older idiot only glanced at Erya, and then as long as Erya talked to him, he He didn't say anything, lowered his head, and didn't look directly at the person, as if his eyes were always on Erya's feet!

The old fool stared at Erya's feet for so long that Dong Qiu and the other recruits secretly muttered, "Does the old fool think Erya's feet are too big?"

You know, this is the Republic of China now.

Which "dynasty" preceded the Republic of China? It can be called the Beiyang Warlord Period, and then it was the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty fell in 1912 AD, and now it is 1931, which is less than twenty years.

Given the current poverty and backwardness of China, influenced by the legacy of the Qing Dynasty, many women still have their feet bound, which is the so-called "three-inch golden lotus".

In a later movie depicting the War of Liberation, there was a female character named "Li Dajiao".

Why call him Li Dajiao? Of course, it was because there were women with small feet to compare with. The name "Li Big Foot" can be inferred that there were not many women with bound feet during the Liberation War, but it was definitely very common!

Of course, the movie about Big Laoban being dissatisfied with Erya's big feet is just a random guess made by the recruits.

The reason why they were winking at each other was because Big Boss once said that his master once said, "Women are tigers." Although Erya was brave and heroic, she was still a woman, and she was also a tiger.

Not long after the old little monk Da Laobeng said that women are tigers, why did the tiger follow him? How could the new recruits be unhappy?

And this naturally leads to the next topic.

"Hey, what kind of skill are you talking about, old fool? Why are the crotches of those pants tougher than other people's feet?" A recruit named Liu Boyer asked in a low voice.

It's just convenient to call them recruits. Compared with veterans like Shang Zhenma's Second Artillery, their qualifications are too shallow.

So these new recruits didn't dare to raise their voices even if they wanted to stay together and talk about others. Big Laobong was very good at martial arts but also had a good temper. They were not afraid of Big Laoban, but they were afraid of that sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued ghost. Excellent Qingfeng Li.

"What are you talking about? The crotch of your pants is harder than someone else's feet? Is that something inside the crotch harder than someone else's feet?" Xu Shen slightly glanced at Erya who was like a follower and refuted Liu Haier's statement. .

"What's that in your crotch?" Liu Boyer pouted, "Then what do you call it?"

"Call——" **, ***, ***, several words commonly used by the ancients passed through Xu Shenwei's mind, and several words commonly used by Chinese people nowadays also passed through his mind. .

But those ancient sayings were only found in those gold, bottles, plums, or lamps, grass, meat, balls, Xu Shenwei felt it was indecent.

"In the words of our chief, it's called 'Rangdang'." He said with an idea.

When he said this, several recruits beside him laughed. It was not just a toy!

"That's called Iron Crotch Kung Fu, do you know?" A soldier named Hu Chuang joined the conversation.

"What's the iron crotch skill? It sounds uneducated." Hu Chuang's statement was directly refuted by Xu Shenwei.

"What is it called Iron Crotch Kung Fu?" Hu Chuang asked.

"That's called horizontal training of kung fu, and it's called golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt. Once you've practiced it, you'll be invulnerable, you know?" After all, Xu Shenwei knew a little more than the other soldiers.

Xu Shenwei was educated. Although it was the first time for the soldiers to hear what he said, they didn't understand "training kung fu", but they could still understand "golden bell cover" and "iron cloth shirt".

A bell made of gold is attached to his body, and the outside of his body is as hard as a cloth shirt made of iron.

Of course, the bell was made of gold, but that was only the understanding of these soldiers.

So, when that guy from the Forty Army kicked the cover made of golden bells and the cloth shirt made of iron, his face was not hurt? To say that his feet were kicked to the ground is an understatement. Looking at the way the guy held his feet in his hands and screamed miserably, it was estimated that one of his toes was broken.

The recruits spoke really lowly. The three veterans of the Ma Second Artillery were walking with Shang Zhen, but they were not in front of them. If the veterans were here, they would definitely say, "What the heck with the golden bell cover and the iron cloth shirt, I'll give you a gun." Try it? No matter how hard you train the skin on your body, how can you still be as tough as a little devil?

But the new recruits were different. They didn't have the ferocity of the veterans. Instead, they all looked at Xu Shenwei in surprise, or perhaps they were shocked by the tyranny of this kind of kung fu.

"There is also a saying that the kind of Kung Fu practiced by the old man is called Tongzi Kung Fu." Xu Shenwei enjoyed the somewhat shocked and ignorant eyes of his companions admiring the knowledgeable, so he began to learn from unofficial histories, romances, and novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Everything he came up with was told in a nutshell.

"What is the Boy's Kung Fu?" Xu Shenwei continued, "It is something you have been practicing since you were a child. You can refine the Qi into essence and turn the essence into spirit, so that your body can be as fine as fine steel."

"So powerful?" His companions were surprised again.

"That's not true!" Xu Shenwei's expression was serious. There are some things in this world that even if you know they are false, just like a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. If you tell it too many times, even the person who told the lie will believe it!

"But, now I think Big Boss is in trouble." But then Xu Shenwei said with a worried expression.

He is young. If he were older, he would definitely have a "Chuan" tattoo on his forehead just by looking at his solemn expression!

"What's the trouble?" the recruits asked together.

"What's the trouble?" Now Xu Shenwei seemed to have become the wise man who had the foresight to guide all living beings. "Didn't I say it just now? This kind of skill depends entirely on not letting out the Yuanyang. Do you understand what Yuanyang is?"

"I don't understand." The soldiers shook their heads in unison.

"Forget it, I won't tell you this, and you won't understand if I tell you this." Xu Shenwei felt like a crane and a chicken dancing, and all the soldiers felt ashamed. It's really not good for an illiterate person to be blind, not only If you say others look down on you, then you also look down on yourself!

"The primordial yang is not released, which refers to the matter between men and women. If you are with a woman, then the primordial yang is released." But Xu Shenwei explained it again.

But even though he explained it this way, the soldiers next to him still didn't understand.

The reason is that these recruits are all pure young men!

They all come from rural areas. How can the current government provide them with a textbook on "Physiological Common Sense"? There is no one to do science for illiterate people. They also know how to meet good-looking women of the same age. There will be physical and mental reactions, but I really don’t understand the matter of men and women!

If this is really not surprising, then in later generations, there will be men and women who have been married for several years but still have no children. When they went to the hospital for a checkup, they said, right? Forget it, it’s too gossipy, so I won’t talk about it!

"Anyway, Yuanyang is related to women.

Now Erya is here. If Erya and Da Laobeng have been together for a long time, Da Laoban may not be able to control it. If the Yuanyang is released, the kung fu will not work! "Xu Shenwei's voice became lower and lower. It was really, really, really worrying.

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