The War of Resistance

Chapter 1042 Soldiers are not spectators!

The subsequent development of the battlefield situation was beyond the expectations of onlookers like Shang Zhen, because the cavalry belonged to the Chinese army.

The horses' hooves clanked, and they saw a group of horse shadows rushing out from the southwest of the road.

People who use telescopes, such as Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng, can see clearly, but soldiers without telescopes can also imagine their own cavalry waving shining sabers on the galloping horses.

It was almost noon, and they saw not only the huge horse shadow, but also a shining cold light above the horse shadow.

As the saying goes, "The broadsword cuts off the enemy's head." Who dares to say that the saber used by the cavalry is not a broadsword, so does the broadsword used to chop the invader's head have to be the machete used by the infantry?

"Bring it on!" Ma Erpao, who always had a gun-like temper, cheered loudly.

Although those shining sabers had not yet struck the invaders' heads, he could still imagine the cavalry rushing into the Japanese infantry formation, with the sabers slashing from above and below. The heads of the Japanese were like watermelons in the watermelon field. Generally, it's rolling around.

"Keep your voice down!" Lu Yifei, who was next to Ma Erpao, reminded him, but he had completely forgotten that he also shouted "Keep your voice down".

They have always seen the Japs showing off their power on Chinese soil, but have they ever seen their own sabers flying up and down among the Japs' swarming heads?

Xiangma Second Artillery and Lu Yifei were veterans who had seen cavalry before, but recruits like Dong Qiu, Xu Shenwei, and Hu Chuang had never seen such a cavalry charge. They were so nervous. His mouth widened and his eyes widened, and the fingers holding the gun couldn't help but use strength.

"What if the kid shoots this?" Xu Shenwei was worried.

"The cavalry rushes fast, and there are always more left than fallen. The little devil will not be able to survive when he rushes forward." Gao Erya explained that she was the regimental leader's sister, but she was very familiar with the cavalry's fighting methods.

What's more, the northwest region is already full of Gobi deserts, and there are horse bandits there. The second-year high school girl Ya'er, who has been in the military camp since she was a child, is naturally much more knowledgeable than a recruit like Xu Shenwei.

"What if the Japanese use heavy machine guns?" Xu Shenwei asked again.

"You idiot, the kid is running away, how can you stand up with that heavy machine gun?" Ma Erpao scolded angrily.

"That's not necessarily true." Xu Shenwei retorted in a low voice.

Xu Shenwei is a bit bookish and likes to take everything seriously, although he himself is not very tough when facing veterans.

From Ma Erpao's point of view, how could he think about the little devil mounting a heavy machine gun? Are you wishing that our own people suffered heavy losses?

What's more, how can you care so much during a war? Fighters are fleeting, so you have to charge when you should? If you are afraid of wolves in the front and tigers in the back, there is no need to fight this battle.

But in reality? But in fact, from a combat perspective, Xu Shenwei's idea makes sense.

So if fighting a war is not an exhaustive strategy, why not avoid it if you think of it?

They, the bystanders, only talked about how fast the cavalry was running. The cavalry that rounded off from the other side of the road was already approaching the road. This time, they could already see the horseback without using binoculars. The figure of the Chinese soldier brandished his saber.

At this moment, gunshots rang out from other directions except where Shang Zhen and the others were.

The Japanese army discovered that the Chinese cavalry was about to fire, and the firepower of the Chinese infantry chasing from the south also increased greatly, and the void was filled with bullets.

At this time, the soldiers hiding on this side of the road saw the Chinese cavalry who were desperately charging towards the road. Some of them were shot and fell off their horses, and some of their horses were shot and fell off along with them.

"Sir! Let's fight too!" Ma Erpao became anxious when he saw someone on his side fell. "We are soldiers too, we are not here to watch the fun!"

When Ma Second Artillery shouted this, the soldiers who could not see any casualties on their side became excited, and those who were less courageous had their hearts pounding, but no one responded to Ma Second Artillery's suggestion. be opposed to.

At Ma Erpao's shout, everyone turned to look at Shang Zhen.

But then they were surprised to find that Shang Zhen had disappeared.

When they ran here to hide, Shang Zhen was on the edge of them. The Chinese cavalry had just charged. They were all focused on the battlefield and did not look at Shang Zhen. However, they never thought that Shang Zhen now—— Their commander has disappeared!

"There!" Hu Chuang shouted.

Following Hu Chuang's voice, the soldiers saw that Shang Zhen was already lying down fifty or sixty meters away, and the rifle had been raised.

And when they saw Shang Zhen's gun, Shang Zhen's gunshot rang out.

As for how accurate Shang Zhen's marksmanship is, other soldiers except Gao Erya naturally know it.

But in this chaotic battle, whether Shang Zhen hit the Japanese army is not where Shang Zhen is, so who can see clearly?

But what does it matter? Following Shang Zhen's gunshot, a Japanese light machine gun that was shouting happily went silent.

So, who else besides Shang Zhen could have shot this shot?

"Let's fight too, we are fighters too, we are not spectators!" Xu Shenwei shouted.

The soldiers woke up from a dream and pulled the bolts of their rifles one after another and started shooting at the Japanese troops on the road.

Shang Zhen's group really didn't have many troops. There were only twelve people in total including the second-year high school student. However, when their gunshots rang out, they still caused chaos in the Japanese army.

The Japanese army's attention was all on the Chinese cavalry charging towards them from the south and back to the west. The firepower of the Chinese pursuers in the south also increased greatly. Now, there was sudden firepower shooting at them from the east of the road. This was Attacked from three sides.

Although the gunfire from the east was not very dense, it could not withstand the accuracy of the marksmanship from the east. Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers were only more than a hundred meters away from the road, not to mention Shang Zhen, a sharpshooter?

How could Shang Zhen shoot randomly, but he specifically selected Japanese machine gunners to shoot.

As long as he found the shooter of the Japanese light machine gun or the Japanese light machine gun fired, he would be fired. As for the Japanese heavy machine gun, it was also set up, but at this time the Chinese army's cavalry finally rushed in.

Even in the era of hot weapons, once the infantry is rushed into the position by the cavalry, the battle between the horse and the company is inevitable.

Japanese soldiers continued to be hacked by sabers, and similarly, Chinese cavalry also continued to fall off their horses. Some Japanese soldiers were frightened by the huge impact of the horse, so they got up to avoid being hit by the huge horse. The tragedy of being trampled by horse hooves.

But those Japanese soldiers who got up immediately became targets for Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers!

In battle, life and death, all combatants focus on their shooting targets.

Shang Zhen, who was still awake during the battle, saw his own cavalry rushing over from the other side of the road to block his sight. As he reloaded his rifle with bullets, he couldn't help but sigh.

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