The War of Resistance

Chapter 1052: Incomprehensible style

There was no need to set up sentries, no need to lie in the wilderness to look at the stars in the sky, and no need to find hay or other support. Shang Zhen and the others could finally sleep peacefully.

The so-called happiness is only a relative concept.

Those who ride in carriages envy those who ride in cars, those who walk envy those who ride in carriages, lame people envy those who can walk on two legs, and those with high amputations envy lame people.

Being stronger than yourself is happiness.

But does everyone feel like this, and when things get better, they suddenly become unaccustomed to it?

It was getting dark, and when Shang Zhen and the others were lying in the firewood shed of a house, Xu Shenwei said exactly this feeling: "You said, there are people standing guard for us all of a sudden, but why don't we feel safe in our hearts? .

I woke up several times in the middle of the night in the past few days, and I felt more at ease after touching this firewood stick. "

The firewood stick Xu Shenwei was talking about was a short wooden stick with a forearm thick and less than a foot long.

It is said that weapons are the life of a warrior, at least in the case of Xu Shenwei, this is particularly obvious. If he cannot touch the stick next to him while he is half asleep, he will really hit him from that half-awake moment. The cream wakes you up.

And the reason why he felt at ease when he touched the wooden stick was because he subconsciously thought that the short stick was a gun!

But just before going to bed these days, Shang Zhen had ordered all of them to put their guns against the wall and store them together.

The veterans all understood the reason here, and the following soldiers also understand it now.

If everyone really sleeps with a gun in their arms, and is frightened by some unexpected noise while half asleep, or has a nightmare, let alone actually touching the gun to hold the fire, it will be like swinging the butt or bayonet. If you get up, the people next to you will definitely not be able to bear it!

"You look like a loser. Don't tell us about this. Go and tell Wang Xiaodan. It's best if you and Wang Xiaodan sleep next to each other. Hehe." Ma Erpao laughed after answering.

Counting the sophomores in high school, there are only twelve people in total, so it can be considered as one class.

The recruits and veterans have lived together and died together, and even fought with others. Now they are finally in harmony. The recruits dare to talk to the veterans, and the veterans no longer play cowardly with the recruits. In other words, even if the veterans play cowardly, the recruits Not afraid anymore.

"Second artillery, what are you laughing at?" Lu Yifei asked.

"I'm laughing. If we really let these two sleep together for fun, do you think they would both wake up in the middle of the night? One's fart and the other's would interpret it as a gunshot, and then the two of them would start fighting!" Ma Erpao said with a smile.

It was getting dark but it wasn't dark yet. No one was asleep yet. Ma Erpao's words caused a burst of laughter in the room.

"Fuck, that was such a loud fart!" Lu Yifei answered.

When everyone was laughing again, Hu Chuang said: "It's not necessarily that two people will fight. Then maybe two people will hug each other and sleep together, making it look like a man and a woman."

Everyone laughed again, but the laughter subsided as soon as it started. It was because everyone felt that although the joke was funny, it was inappropriate. As expected, Li Qingfeng was already very unhappy and said: "Hu Chuang, what are you talking about?"

Hu Chuang realized that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly closed his mouth, but that didn't mean that other people wouldn't laugh, but the laughter was just for schadenfreude.

It is said that war makes women go away. War is a battlefield for males to fight for hegemony, but it is different now. The reason is because Gao Erya is still with them, but she is in the corner next to the firewood pile.

The reason why Li Qingfeng was unhappy was because the person next to him in his second year of high school was none other than the old fool!

A few days before Gao Erya came, Shang Zhen and the others actually persuaded Gao Erya to go back to her brother, the regimental leader.

But now Ya, the second grade of high school student, is still with them, which means that no one persuaded her, so no one persuades her now.

After all, it is inconvenient for a female soldier to be with a male soldier.

The male soldiers could give him the corner position, but there would always be someone next to her, so who else could the person next to her be but the big old fool?

The second-year high school girl came here because of the old fool. The other male soldiers wanted to be with the second-year high school girl, but who dared to say it out loud.

Of course, the eldest idiot doesn't agree with him sleeping next to the sophomore girl, but again, the sophomore girl is here for you, the eldest idiot, so why don't you sleep next to anyone, even though your master said women are tigers.

The Chinese have a lot to say about tigers.

Some people say that a tiger's butt cannot be touched, while others say that the tiger's beard belongs to the tiger.

To say that a woman is a tiger is a metaphor after all. At least Gao Erya is a tomboy with a sassy personality, but others will never see her as a man at a glance.

Because of this, it was impossible to tell Yalu Suna, a second-year high school student, that she didn't have a beard, and she wasn't the kind of woman who, even though she was a woman, had some thick hair on her mouth that looked like a beard.

A sophomore in high school doesn't have a beard, so the old fool will naturally wear it out in the middle of the night.

But the other soldiers really didn't know whether the old fool would touch the tiger's butt in the middle of the night, and they could only make malicious speculations in their hearts that belonged to the bad nature of men.

And the reason why they could only speculate in their hearts and dare not say it out loud was because of the existence of Qingfeng Li.

It is recognized that among them, the old fool is the most capable but he is an honest person. It is also recognized that Qingfeng Li is as thin as a monkey but has sharp ears and sharp teeth.

The soldiers are not afraid of Big Boss but they are afraid of Qingfeng Li! Not only are latecomers like Xu Shenwei and Hu Chuang afraid, but veterans like Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei are also afraid.

The reason is very simple, they are just having fun without being impatient. But if they are really impatient, they will have to fight, but it is limited to fighting. It will definitely not work if they use guns.

Well, there’s no need to mention the Big Boss, because the Big Boss is the best at fighting.

But who among them could beat Qingfeng Li? Let alone fighting alone, Qingfeng Li's skill with a bayonet might not be as good as theirs, but when it comes to fighting, even if they are trying to flatter each other, they are not as good as him!

So, now that Li Qingfeng has spoken, even though Ma Erpao and the others will gloat at Hu Chuang's misfortune and say the wrong thing, they will never offend Li Qingfeng, so the room fell silent, and in this silence, the sky finally turned brighter It got dark.

At this time, the rustling sound of firewood sounded in the corner.

No one went there to look, because looking there was in vain, the room was already dark.

The soldiers' malicious speculations about the old fool were just speculations. In fact, they didn't know that the old fool was sitting up and meditating cross-legged again. As for what the sophomore girl was doing, they really didn't know.

Is it true that a monk meditating is indifferent to the woman next to him? The soldiers were thinking wildly and sleepiness gradually came over them.

But at this moment, they heard Gao Erya's voice.

Conscience of heaven and earth, it was really the first time for them to hear the always fiery Gao Erya speak in such a low voice.

It was just that the night was too quiet, and Gao Erya was used to speaking loudly, so even though she had lowered her voice, some soldiers still heard her.

What Gao Erya said was: "Master, please teach me how to sit cross-legged and meditate!"

The night was still so quiet, but that didn't stop a few pairs of ears from listening attentively in the night. The owners of those ears wanted to hear how the big old fool answered.

Don't tell me that the old man actually replied, but what he said was: "You can't teach me this. I'm just a kid."

If those eavesdropping soldiers dared to speak, then there would definitely be a shout in the room at this moment, "Old fool, you are so damn stupid, what are you talking about?" What you practice is boy's kung fu. Is it possible that someone who was a sophomore in high school was like that? No, did you do anything like that?

"Master, what you said is as if I am not a boy, girls are also boys." Gao Erya's dissatisfied voice came.

Not to mention, this high school sophomore really knows this. There is nothing wrong with this! Girls are children too!

Let's see what the big old fool should say this time. The few people in the darkness continued to listen, but Xu Shenwei was thinking about whether the big old fool would answer whether men and women should have sex or not.

Xu Shenwei's guess is not wrong. After all, among the group of people, he and Big Old Ben have read the most books.

Only this time, Xu Shenwei really overestimated Big Boss.

Because what the big old idiot said next was: "There's no way to teach it, men and women look different!"

What the hell is this called? Another silent cry broke out in the silent night. Isn't this nonsense? That and so on, men are like that and women are like that and so on, they look different, you still have to say it?

However, these words reflect the straight man's true nature.

People who study Buddhism and practice Taoism all explain the nature of the heart, and they are all true minds. To put it bluntly, they tell the truth and cannot lie. Isn’t this the true nature of a big old fool?

And just when the eavesdropping people were guessing what Gao Erya would say, the stupid voice of the old man came again: "Because the looks are different, the circuits of the true energy are different. Master has not Teach me, if something goes wrong, someone will die."

To be honest, only Qingfeng Li, who has also practiced kung fu, can understand what the old fool said. As for others, including Shang Zhen, they don't understand what "infuriating energy" means. "But they all know what "really annoying" is!"

"You don't want to teach me? I don't believe that a woman like me can still practice kung fu next to you!" Gao Erya started to act dishonest.

This sentence from Gao Erya really expressed the feelings of all the eavesdroppers.

But then the old man replied disapprovingly: "If you can practice it, I am practicing the White Bone View now."

And with the words of the old fool, another big invisible question mark rose up in the dark night and reached above the room. What is the White Bone Temple?

But before the big old fool could reply, Shang Zhen finally spoke: "Go to sleep when you need to. If you have anything to say, talk to me tomorrow!"

No one dared to disobey the superior's words, so the practitioners who pestered the students and those who eavesdropped no longer made any sound, and eventually the room was filled with the sound of slight snoring.

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