The War of Resistance

Chapter 1058: Guilty of deceiving honest people

Liu Honglu had never seen someone like Shang Zhen who could shoot a gun so accurately. Of course, he had many compliments for Shang Zhen.

Regardless of whether he is a sharpshooter or a master of guns, after all, he can only shoot the gun accurately. After all, it is not the hand of the Creator that can control the overall situation of this battle.

Yes, the puppet troops on the opposite side did not charge at Shang Zhen's group, but then they divided their forces, leaving one part on the spot to shoot at their side, and then separated into two groups and moved to both sides.

"Hey, the idiot has been beaten away!" A soldier from the Northeast Army said happily.

But Shang Zhen felt something was wrong.

Was he beaten away? If those puppet troops were beaten away, they could only return the same way, but what are they doing now?

This is obviously because they have judged that there are not many people on their side and want to outflank them. Li Tantou's puppet army is really difficult to deal with!

Shang Zhen no longer cared about the puppet troops on the opposite side or to the right. He didn't know whether they were detours or escaping puppet troops. He retracted and ran down. After running a few steps, the mountain could cover his body. He turned right again, and when he lay down halfway up the hill, what he saw was another separate group of puppet troops.

Is this a roundabout way? Isn't this just running to the village to escape for one's life? Shang Zhen was confused again.

Originally, he induced Liu Honglu to shoot because he did not want the puppet troops to enter the village.

But this time it was better, the puppet soldiers really ran to the village, and they ran even faster!

Shang Zhen didn't know that although this group of puppet troops was fierce, but with the blessing of his "magic gun", he almost killed all the leaders of the puppet army, so that one even had three platoons of puppet troops. They were divided into three groups.

If one group ran back the same way, they were really running for their lives, and if the other group ran toward the village, it was because this group of puppet soldiers also observed the terrain.

The way they came was through open land, and when they ran back, they were not within the shooting range of the ambushers on the hill. On the contrary, the village was closer to them. Once they got into the village, they would have cover, and the danger would naturally be much smaller. .

As for the group of puppet soldiers who stayed in place, they thought that since the two platoons moved first, they might as well wait. It would be safest to lie down with the dead now!

War has always been a game between the enemy and ourselves. Shang Zhen's head is good, but no matter how good he is, he cannot always achieve the so-called "I predicted your prediction" in the legend, otherwise that kind of Where did the saying that battlefield conditions change rapidly come from?

At this time, Shang Zhen saw that the development of the battle situation was contrary to his prediction, so he could only set up his gun and shoot again.

When the gunfire rang out, he defeated two more puppet soldiers, but the remaining puppet soldiers saw the fatal bullets and chased after them again, but they ran faster and faster towards the village that was almost within easy reach!

Shang Zhen raised his gun and fired again, and this time he saw that another puppet soldier fell to the ground under his shot. But when he pulled the bolt and cocked the gun again, he saw the soldier who had been captured. The puppet soldier who had been knocked to the ground got up again, and then limped forward and ran forward.

His grandma said that a lame wolf can run faster than a good wolf. How could this man be so fast when he was lame?

Shang Zhen thought in his mind and took aim at the gun.

He didn't originally intend to hit the guy who was supposed to have injured his leg.

Since the opponent's leg is lame, he must be injured. The firing rate of this rifle is too slow. If you have the time, wouldn't it be better to knock down another puppet soldier by yourself?

But when he aimed at a puppet soldier in front again, he didn't know why the lame puppet soldier behind was running so fast. The guy jumped forward, and then Shang Zhen's sniper lens The only thing left inside was the guy's back, and that guy actually blocked the puppet soldier in front of him!

This is true, if a person reaches the time of death, even the Great Luo Jinxian will not be able to save him!

Shang Zhen pulled the trigger out of habit, and from then on, there was one less cripple in the world who used a gun to do evil, and there was another evil ghost in the Hall of Hell who was picked up by a fried axe and a fork!

When Shang Zhen flipped the bolt of his gun again to shoot forward, the remaining dozen or so puppet soldiers were already closer to the village and hid behind the pile of firewood in the vegetable garden outside the village.

"It's over. These idiots have entered the village after all." Liu Honglu's voice rang in Shang Zhen's ears.

There was an urgency in that voice. Well, Shang Zhen could just assume that he was concerned about the safety of the people in the village.

"Are there any of us in the village?" Amidst the chaotic gunfire, Shang Zhen turned around and asked Liu Honglu.

"No more." Liu Honglu replied.

Shang Zhen didn't ask why they didn't set up checkpoints in the village.

Thinking about it, this was probably Lu Dahu's order. Perhaps Lu Dahu also knew the character of his soldiers and was afraid that they would disturb the people?

Whether he can enter the village or not, Shang Zhen thought again, but at this moment he heard Liu Honglu say with regret: "The big girls, little wives and old ladies in the village are all in vain. All the good cabbage has been eaten by pigs!"

Although they were in the middle of a battle, Shang Zhen was also amused by Liu Honglu's words.

Inspired by this, Shang Zhen said: "Brother Liu, do you really want to get a bitch?"

"Nonsense! I don't want to be a baby when I stop talking!" Liu Honglu replied.

Um? Shang Zhen immediately realized that there was something important in Liu Honglu's words!

But now is not the time to delve deeper, Shang Zhen immediately said: "Is it against military discipline?"

"That's right, our battalion commander has a bad temper and hates bringing trouble to the ladies the most. Otherwise - hum!" Liu Honglu said.

What would happen otherwise? Otherwise, if you really dare to harm a woman from a good family, you will probably die badly. Shang Zhen felt angry and funny in his heart, but he said: "It's because the woman is not happy, but if she is happy, then... Isn’t it okay?”

"How can a woman be happy about that?" Liu Honglu disagreed.

"Girls, daughters-in-law, old ladies, those who are not married, and those who are married, don't touch them. Aren't there still widows?

You old man really went in and became a hero to save the beauty. You can't bet on any widow - right? "Shang Zhen turned to look at Liu Honglu and winked at him. Everyone on earth knew what he meant. No doubt, you know.

"Hey, that's right!" Liu Honglu grinned widely when Shang Zhen said this, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"But -" Just when Shang Zhen thought Liu Honglu had been persuaded by him again, Liu Honglu hesitated.

"But what?" Shang Zhen was a little anxious. He was really afraid that Liu Honglu would change his mind!

"But what if we can't defeat that group of Japs?" Liu Honglu expressed his worries.

After all, Liu Honglu is also a squad leader. Although he has a burning desire for women, he doesn't want to get his brothers involved in such trivial matters.

"Can our battalion really ignore us when they hear the gunshots?" Shang Zhen retorted without hitting him (without stumbling or hesitating).

"That's right!" Liu Honglu understood belatedly, "Just do it!" He said loudly.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly felt a sense of guilt, because he didn't know whether he was right or wrong in deceiving an honest man like this.

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