The War of Resistance

Chapter 1060 Killing Prisoners

The emotions of soldiers in battle are contagious to each other.

The battlefield is large and the terrain is complex. It is impossible for a soldier to see the entire battlefield.

But the sound of a gunshot is loud but can travel far.

The sounds of gunfire are all "pop" and "pop", but the "pop" and "pop" are just onomatopoeia. It is true that written language cannot accurately simulate the sound of shooting.

For veterans, the various gunshots are familiar to them. Even the same rifle sound can be accurately judged in their ears whether it comes from their own side or the enemy, whether it is an old sleeve or a water gun. Is Renju the Chinese official or the Japanese's 38th cover?

Although friendly forces cannot be seen, being able to hear friendly gunfire is a comfort to a soldier fighting alone. The gunfire at least lets him know that he is not fighting alone.

Of course, this situation is true for both the enemy and ourselves.

Now, the puppet troops who rushed into the village encountered such a situation.

And all this just stemmed from the fact that when they were shooting at the hill in the distance, one of their soldiers suddenly shouted: "Here comes a guy, oh my mother, he runs so fast!"

Then came the sound of rifle shots.

The puppet soldiers all found hiding places, some behind fences, some behind firewood stacks, and some behind broken walls.

But the puppet soldier who shouted was hiding behind a large firewood and haystack, so the firewood and haystack blocked the sight of other puppet soldiers.

But this did not prevent other puppet soldiers from hearing the sound of rifles at the firewood stack. It was obvious that the person who fired the shot was their companion.

After the sound of the rifle, the puppet soldiers did not take it seriously, but what was heard immediately was the "pop" and "pop" sounds of the box cannon's short bursts.

At this moment, the other puppet soldiers realized that something was wrong.

None of them use box cannons.

The puppet soldiers greeted each other and surrounded the firewood pile, but at this time, the sound of bursts of bursts from the box cannon sounded rapidly. Those puppet soldiers who were still alive may have heard the thumping sound of their companions falling or watched. It got to the point where his companion was shot and fell down.

Even when a puppet soldier nicknamed "Heizi" looked up, he saw three companions who had ducked out from behind the fence on his right and shot him in a short and rapid manner. He was shot almost simultaneously and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, another companion shouted, "The idea is too tough, shit!" Then the firing sound of the box cannon sounded again, and Heizi saw that companion throw away the gun and fall directly from the roof!

What the hell is going on? I don't care what the situation is, hurry up!

Heizi turned around with his rifle and headed into the village.

The leader of these puppet troops, Li Tantou, was originally a bandit. However, Li Tantou took his ruthlessness to the extreme, so he had more and more subordinates, and Heizi followed Li Tantou all the time.

Bandits have a bandit nature, which is as ruthless as a wolf and as cunning as a fox.

When you are alone, you are not afraid of death. When you encounter a soft persimmon, you pinch it hard, but when you see that the situation is not good, it is faster than a rabbit. In this regard, the knives in the northeast and the northwest are There is no difference between thieves traveling from Shandong.

Heizi was not the only one who could think of this? Several more puppet soldiers also made their way into the village.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was chasing after him, fired a shot at the puppet soldier he saw running at the back.

But this time, his shooting technique, which was rarely inaccurate, did not hit the guy after all. He only hit the corner with smoke.

After firing the shot, Shang Zhen stopped and did not rush forward.

The suddenness caused by his one-man attack no longer exists. The remaining puppet soldiers have already hid in the village. So the next battle, whether it is a positional battle or a street battle, will not be easy to fight anyway. .

Gunshots were heard at the other end of the village. Lu Dahu must have heard the gunshots at this end and sent troops to help.

Lu Dahu put most of his troops in that town and placed more or less guard posts in the surrounding villages, so the town is right behind the village where Shang Zhen is now.

Not bad, at least if you hear the gunfire, you don't even know how to lead troops to help or send troops to help without even sending your own sentry.

Not only did we know how to send troops for reinforcements, we also knew how to use tactics and bluffing shots. This undoubtedly told the enemy that our team was strong.

In this case, why should I pretend to be a hero and fight the puppet soldiers hiding in the village alone?

As a veteran, Shang Zhen understands very well that in a battle like this, it is extremely difficult for both the enemy and us to take advantage. What we are fighting is a war of attrition. It is normal for three or five enemies to die and two or three for our own side!

If he steps forward rashly, the puppet soldiers hiding in the dark can shoot him through with just one shot.

Understanding tactics and knowing how to advance and retreat is the only way for a veteran to survive!

Shang Zhen hid in a corner and stuck his head out to observe, then retracted his body and walked around the village from his hiding place.

Of course he had his own thoughts, but he didn't notice and couldn't notice that while he was running, his figure was looked at by Liu Honglu who was already approaching the village.

Soon, Duan Chao, commander of the second company, rushed into the village with the men of his company to join Liu Honglu's soldiers, Shang Zhen's soldiers.

But when they began to search the village for remaining enemies, Shang Zhen was lying on top of the tallest bungalow in the village.

That bungalow was really just a bungalow. Shang Zhen didn't know what the bungalow was used for in the village, but its roof was really flat.

But at this time, Liu Honglu was lying next to Shang Zhen.

Liu Honglu glanced at Shang Zhen with admiration. He saw Shang Zhen finding a ladder to climb up on the roof, but he really couldn't figure out how Shang Zhen climbed up to this place, which was four or five meters tall. Meter-high roof.

"What's the use of looking at me? Look where the Japs are!" Shang Zhen said suddenly.

Shang Zhen's words really shocked Liu Honglu. This guy is really smart. How did he know that I was looking at him?

Liu Honglu hurriedly said "Oh", then he also stretched his head and blinked into the alleys of the village.

There were a few more gunshots out of their sight, and then came a Shandong accent: "Don't shoot, I surrender!"

That was because the puppet soldiers who were found no longer resisted and raised their hands to surrender.

But at this moment, there was a cry, and it was "spare my life", but the "spare my life" stopped abruptly with the sound of another gunshot!

Without seeing it, the scene they heard was enough to arouse Shang Zhen and Liu Honglu's associations, and the association situation can be described in only two words, that is - kill the prisoners!

Neither Shang Zhen nor Liu Honglu was moved by this.

Liu Honglu was originally a soldier in Lu Dahu Camp. It can't be said that he was a common sight, but at least it wasn't the first time.

Shang Zhen is a veteran, and he has done this himself.

They say, "You can heal the sores in front of your eyes, but you can dig out the flesh in your heart." But for the sores in front of your eyes, you have to dig out the flesh in your heart!

Who among today’s armies and soldiers would think so far ahead? The entire Anti-Japanese War was short-sighted from the highest level of the Anti-Japanese War team. Otherwise, why did that great man's "On Protracted War" play a deafening and inspiring role in the whole of China as soon as it was published?

"It's almost done, let's go down too?" Liu Honglu asked.

Shang Zhen also observed for a while, and saw that there was really nothing abnormal. He was about to nod and say yes, but then he and Liu Honglu suddenly heard a woman's sharp voice coming from a small courtyard in front and below. Shouted: "Let go of my Ni'er!"

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