The War of Resistance

Chapter 1065 Indescribable ways of luring enemies

"Amitabha" "Sin!" the old man muttered while walking with a bag on his shoulders.

"Stop chanting, I'm almost confused by your chanting! Amitayus Buddha!" ​​said Qingfeng Li, who was walking with Big Boss.

Qingfeng Li's words are always easy to talk to the old idiot, but this time the old idiot didn't listen. He still kept mumbling "sin, sin, sin" and "Amitabha" while carrying the bag.

"Old fool, what's the use of chanting Buddha like this?" Xu Shenwei, who was walking with them, asked.

The old man ignored Xu Shenwei's question and continued to carry his bag and chant his own Buddha.

When Xu Shenwei asked, Hu Chuang, who was also holding a sniper rifle with the three of them, also looked at Big Boss.

But when he looked at Big Ben, of course he would see the bag that Big Ben was carrying, but he hurriedly averted his eyes, as if the bag contained the god of plague!

If the bag is also a container, it can be understood as "invisible".

If the bag contained bundles of branches, it would naturally be in the shape of a barrel.

If it were filled with cotton, it would be round.

If there are only a few watermelons in it, the two ends of the bag will sag, and a few round shapes will naturally appear at the two ends.

And now, the bag that the veteran is carrying is like this.

Seeing Xu Shenwei asking Big Boss but not answering, if it was normal times, Li Qingfeng would definitely speak for Big Boss again.

However, Qingfeng Li did not do it this time. Instead, he said with a sarcastic tone, "Repent for your karma, and save the dead to ascend to heaven."

"What?" Xu Shenwei didn't understand, nor did Hu Chuang, so they both looked at Qingfeng Li.

"It's just to kill people. I'm afraid that the dead people will turn into ghosts and come back to settle accounts, so I just draw a big picture and say that you are destined to die. It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I will help you ascend to heaven." Li Qingfeng Then explain.

Just when Li Qingfeng said this, even Xu Shenwei and Hu Chuang realized that what Li Qingfeng said was wrong!

At this time, Xu Shenwei realized that although Big Old Ben and Li Qingfeng had always been nice, one was a believer in Buddhism and the other was a believer. This was probably why Li Qingfeng was dissatisfied with Big Old Ben chanting Buddha's name all the way here. .

Thinking about it, if they came from behind to get here, they would have to walk four or five miles, but the boss and Ben Zui were never idle.

Confucius and his elders said they had heard good music, but they no longer played it, but the music would still linger for three days.

The same is true now for the old and stupid people to recite the Buddha's name. Now all they are thinking about is the "Amitabha Buddha" that the old and stupid people are reciting.

Although Qingfeng Li's words were a bit obscure, Xu Shenwei had read books after all, and he seemed to have understood something.

At this time, Qingfeng Li went on to explain: "This is like the chef in a restaurant who will mutter the same words before killing chickens and fishes, chickens and fishes, don't blame me, you are a human dish. "

"Chicken, fish? That's not one dish, it's two dishes!" Hu Chuang protested.

"Shut up, do you understand?" Xu Shenwei saw that what the sharp-tongued Qingfeng Li said was interesting and he wanted to continue listening.

Although Xu Shenwei can be considered a veteran now, he still felt that the bag carried by the old man made him feel the kind of panic that sent chills down his back in broad daylight!

"He was obviously the one who killed me, but he's still saying that it has nothing to do with him, so don't kill him if you can, huh!

It’s like saying you can’t eat meat, yet talking about three kinds of pure meat and five kinds of pure meat. "Qingfeng Li then expressed his dissatisfaction.

Qingfeng Li's mouth was really powerful, and it was the first time for Xu Shenwei and Hu Chuang to see Qingfeng Li expressing dissatisfaction with Big Old Ben. Or it could be said that Qingfeng Li, a Taoist priest, was dissatisfied with Big Old Ben's monk belief.

It's just that the old man really has a good temper, or it's not known whether he fell into meditation while walking and chanting Buddha's name, but he still walked forward in a hurry and ignored Li Qingfeng.

"Oh, I said you can walk so fast while carrying a bag, can't you walk to the back? You don't want me to make trouble when I see you coming out!" Li Qingfeng continued to scold the old fool.

But the old idiot's way of dealing with Li Qingfeng is to let you talk like a lotus while I still remain the same. How stubborn!

"Don't you Taoist priests also know how to draw talismans to ward off evil spirits? Why don't you show your skills, little Taoist priest? I heard that you went to a widow's house a few days ago and summoned the soul of that little girl?" Xu Shenwei asked.

"Where am I going?" Li Qingfeng replied and stopped talking.

He went to the widow's house, but he didn't go to wake up the little girl's soul.

People in the world say that people have souls, but Qingfeng Li's Taoist priest is actually a fake Taoist priest. He doesn't believe it. Anyway, he has never seen what a soul looks like in the past.

Then why did he go to the widow's house? He was sent by Shang Zhen to the widow's house to inquire about the news, and the only thing he inquired about was whether the widow was a widow.

Qingfeng Li is young, but don't think that he doesn't understand.

He originally thought that the officer Shang Zhen had something on his mind, but it turned out that Liu Honglu entered the widow's house that night.

As for what Liu Honglu did when he entered that house, he didn't know.

Because of his age, he was so trustworthy that he secretly went to see her. Liu Honglu came out of the widow's house the next afternoon, and the way he walked looked like he was stretching her crotch!

So, why did Liu Honglu go in? Do you still need to ask?

Although Qingfeng Li is young, don't say that he doesn't understand. He actually understands much more than the average person. He is even better than the many soldiers in the army who have never even touched the hands of other women except his own mother. , know more!

He is a Taoist priest, and a serious Taoist priest. He knows the acupuncture points of the human body by heart.

His master had a small bronze figure used for acupuncture.

That little bronze figure is of course used to practice acupuncture and mark acupuncture points, but it can also be regarded as a physical model of the human body.

This is like a person who has been learning anatomy since he was a child. Although he will remember Baihui and Fengchi, he also knows where the perineum is. So what do you think he doesn't understand?

He would not be like Big Old Clumsy's master who said "women are tigers". Only Big Old Clumsy would be fooled by that!

Li Qingfeng was about to make up a random excuse to distract Xu Shenwei from talking about entering the widow's house, but at this moment, the four of them who were walking behind saw someone in front of them running back quickly. That was Shang Zhen!

"Quick, quick, pour everything out of the sack and place it in the middle of the road. By the way, don't forget to put on those big caps too!" Shang Zhen said quickly, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" Li Qingfeng asked hurriedly.

"There are really two Japs coming. There are sharp soldiers in front, and there are many people behind. I guess there must be a battalion anyway!" Shang Zhen replied.

When Shang Zhen said this, the old fool stopped chanting Buddha and threw the bag he was carrying directly to the ground. When he untied the mouth of the bag, pulled the corner of the bag and dumped it on the ground, from the bag There were actually several heads coming out of Gulu!

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