The War of Resistance

Chapter 1070 Refusing to Cross Guanyin

No one expected that Shang Zhen would bring up this topic, but since the commander had no intention of participating in the war, the soldiers could only listen to it.

So the enemy and we are still fighting fiercely on the battlefield that is not far or close, but the narration of the old man can be heard in this forest.

As mentioned before, the reason why the big old fool is called the big old fool is just because he calls Xiao Qingfeng that. The big old fool is not really stupid.

When the old man told the legend of the man who refused to cross Guanyin, although he was not very emotional, he spoke it fluently, and from time to time he would add some Buddhist nouns.

In fact, there are many terms in Chinese culture that come from Buddhism, such as the universe, fate, moment, ghosts and monsters, personal teachings, etc.

This is a cultural phenomenon. It doesn’t mean that Buddhism doesn’t exist if you don’t like it. On the contrary, everyone will talk about it to some extent.

Therefore, in Big Laoban's narration, the soldiers also understood the outline of the legend of the man who refused to cross Guanyin.

It turns out that in ancient times, a Japanese monk came to China and fell in love with a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he thought of inviting him back to Japan.

But when he was about to go to sea in Zhejiang, he encountered weird weather.

And when he asked the ship to go back and not go to sea, everything became calm.

Several times in a row, when the ship went out to sea, there would be waves or fog, so it would be impossible to sail.

At this point, the Japanese monk realized that it was because Guanyin Bodhisattva refused to go to their Japanese islands.

Therefore, Buddhist believers built the Putuo Mountain Dojo in Mount Putuo, Zhejiang Province, and enshrined the statue there. People in the world also called the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva the Reluctant to Cross Avalokitesvara.

Most of the soldiers present only knew the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. As for giving birth to a son, Avalokitesvara. If a family wanted to have a son or encountered some difficulty, they should go to the temple to worship Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. That was all they knew.

Isn’t there a saying in later generations? In fact, Chinese people are the most realistic at heart, and the various gods and Buddhas they worship are all useful to them.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva is responsible for rescuing people in distress, the Wenchang Emperor is responsible for getting names on the gold medal list, the Zhao Gongming God is responsible for making money, the Door God is responsible for exorcising evil and avoiding ghosts and keeping the house safe, the Earth God is responsible for a good harvest, and the Dragon King is responsible for It's about the rain, so wait.

This really has nothing to do with culture, or in other words, it is a culture in itself, a culture that is integrated into the bones of Chinese people who can’t even read a single Chinese character and are not aware of it, and yet they give this a high-level name. That’s called “national inheritance”!

Isn’t this a national heritage? Of course, look, are there any white people who inherit this kind of high nose bridge and blue eyes? Are there any black people who have white teeth and black nipples everywhere in their mouths? And is there any little Japan that became the invader even though they are also of the yellow race?

Okay, but what most of the soldiers present know is that the gods are in charge of their own affairs.

But the old fool gave them a simple explanation, that is, "Guanyin Bodhisattva came to this world to save people, and Guanyin Bodhisattva refuses to cross the sea to Japan, doesn't that mean he refuses to save the Japanese?"

"What is saving people?" Wang Xiaodan asked curiously.

"Saving people means——" The old man was about to explain but was interrupted by Shang Zhen.

"Bad people will go to hell when they die. If Guanyin Bodhisattva refuses to save them, then they will have to stay in hell. They will be picked up by bulls and horses with forks and thrown into the frying pan every day, a thousand and eight times a day." But Shang Zhen was. He gave an explanation that couldn't be called saving people at all.

The old fool mentioned to Shang Zhen what saving people meant, but Shang Zhen himself was confused when he heard it, and he expected that his group would be even less clear about it.

However, Shang Zhen didn't understand what saving people meant, but he knew what his soldiers liked to hear the most. The soldiers were much more interested in what he said than what saving people meant!

Although only ghosts know what it looks like after a person dies and becomes a ghost. Although this is indeed a bit of "Ah Q" spirit, it must be admitted that sometimes this Ah Q spirit is really effective.

"Yes, kill all those Japanese devils, have them pick up nugget and horse noodles with a fork every day and throw them into the pot for frying, pour them with excrement every day, prick them with needles every day, so that they will never be reincarnated!" Shang Zhen gave full play to his ability! own imagination.

"Yes!" As soon as the soldiers heard what Shang Zhen said, everyone laughed and started talking about it.

They used all the most vicious imaginations to imagine how to harm the Japanese devils, and even came up with the idea of ​​making Japanese children have no buttholes. Suddenly everyone became interested.

Actually, this is normal. How many people don’t have Ah Q?

People in later generations buy various lottery tickets, and although they may only win ten yuan at most, they also think about how to spend the money if they win millions.

Why buy two bowls of soy milk, drink one bowl and pour another, or change brand-name clothes, a car, a house, a wife, a son - uh, no, you can't change your son, this is our own seed!

"Hey, Big Boss, what is the name of the most powerful hell you mentioned?" Shang Zhen was also amused by the soldiers' imagination and asked Big Boss again.

"It's called the Infinite Hell, and it's also called the Avici Hell." The elder replied.

"Yes, let them go to that hell!" Shang Zhen nodded with his fingers and said fiercely.

Shang Zhen's words aroused applause from other soldiers.

But just when their laughter subsided, Gao Erya, who had been silent all this time, asked weakly: "You said that if Guanyin Bodhisattva does not save the Japanese ghosts, the Japanese ghosts will go to hell. What about Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Doesn’t it work?”

"Spirit!" someone answered in unison.

Naturally, the person speaking in unison was not the same person, such as Xu Shenwei and Hu Chuang, both of whom were from the south.

The South has a long history and profound cultural heritage, and many people know Guanyin Bodhisattva.

However, there are also people who talk about spiritual things, like Ma Erpao Lu Yifei, but they would rather believe that they have something than something that doesn't exist.

It's just that Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei and Gao Erya are from the northwest, and there are few worshipers of Guanyin Bodhisattva there.

As for Shang Zhen, it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not. In comparison, he believes in his own gun more!

But Gao Erya didn't want to let Shang Zhen go.

"Sir, do you believe it or not? Does Guanyin Bodhisattva have miraculous powers or not?" Gao Erya asked.

"Where we are - faith, spirit, thief spirit!" Shang Zhen replied seemingly casually, but he said "sin" in his heart.

Everyone is talking so lively now, and Shang Zhen doesn't want to spoil the fun.

But to be honest, at least as far as Shang Zhen knows, there don't seem to be many Northeastern people who believe in Guanyin.

What do Northeastern people believe? Northeastern people believe in the great fairy, fox yellow and white willow.

Didn't someone sum it up in a humorous way? People from the Northeast cherish life the most and will never eat Yanbiehu (bats) or anything like that.

why? Because you can't offend the big ones, such as the Siberian Tiger, Bear and Blind Man, and you can't offend the small ones either, because the small ones are all Daxian'er. If you dare to offend the Daxian'er, they will torture you to death!

When Shang Zhen wanted to say something more, he suddenly felt that the gunshots that were a little far away were suddenly closer, and then the woods where they were hiding were also shot, and bullets broke the small branches on the trees. There was a sound of "Bai'er".

Everyone lay down subconsciously, and when they looked in the direction of the battlefield, they saw a group of puppet troops running out from between the two mountains. The puppet troops actually succeeded in breaking through!

The discussion on whether Guanyin Bodhisattva is miraculous or not has stopped at this point, and no one even mentioned it in the future.

But whether Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is spiritual or not? To the world, that is a matter for believers to say that it exists and unbelievers to say that it does not exist.

And future generations, whether they believe it or not, can cite an example.

Since the tall and tall Guanyin Bodhisattva statue was built in the South China Sea, typhoons seem to have stopped visiting there.

When the typhoon arrived there, it turned a corner and headed northeast.

There is an archipelago in the northeast sea that looks like a reptile in the air. The typhoon passed to the left of the archipelago, then circled to the right, and then passed through the archipelago again.

Think about the process. The typhoon was spinning around the islands, passing through the islands one after another.

What will the Chinese think at this time? I think it’s thanks to the fact that there is no statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva on that island! Guanyin Bodhisattva is really foresighted, but he just refuses to go there!

Otherwise, when you see the people of that reptile-like archipelago suffering, do you think that the old man will not save them? So if you don’t want to cross, it’s really high!

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