The War of Resistance

Chapter 1074 Foreign Object——The life-saving resistance

Does everyone, here I mean everyone as an ordinary person, count how many dangers they have experienced in this life?

For example, when riding a bicycle on the road, there were only a few people on the road. When I turned a corner, I didn't look back, but a car rushed up from behind.

For example, when I went to a volcano group to see volcanoes, I ran on the top of the crater. Because I was running too fast and couldn't stop, I saw the crater in front of me that looked like a huge pot, even though it was an extinct volcano.

For example, I forgot to turn off the fire with a gas can (liquefied petroleum gas cylinder), and a whole pot of water was boiling on it. When the water boiled, it bubbled out of the pot and put out the fire. When I got home, The whole room is filled with that stinking liquefied smell, but you still have a cigarette you just put in your mouth and a lighter in your hand.

Another example is when a person was disobedient when he was young and was beaten by his parents. As soon as he pulled out his eyes, he thought, I might as well die.

Another example……

This is the danger of life, but due to various reasons, death has not happened yet.

When you are riding a bicycle on the road and you twist the handlebar to change lanes, the driver behind you will react quickly and turn the steering wheel and pass you by.

You ran towards the crater. Fortunately, there was a small tree growing on the crater. You stretched out your hand and pulled it, so you didn't go down directly.

You spread the liquefied gas all over the room, and you pressed the lighter with your thumb, but after all, you didn't press it, so there was no source of fire. Just open the window and open the door and blow on the lighter to release the liquefied gas.

You and your mother were so angry that you originally wanted to end it on your own, but when you went out and met the little girl you liked most, she smiled sweetly at you, so you became so fascinated that even though you didn't see your wife, you forgot about your mother. If you forget, you will naturally forget to die.

Isn't that what life is like?

There is a very heroic saying, which is called "My destiny is up to me." In fact, in Northeastern dialect, it is a nonsense saying. Just treat it like chicken soup to moisturize your heart. Don't do it. really!

After all, manpower is limited. In critical moments in life, sometimes you need someone to help you, and sometimes you need some external help.

But now, Shang Zhen doesn't know where his noble person is, and all he can rely on now are external things.

While running, he finally found something on the open ground in front of him. He turned and ran towards it.

He didn't look back. If the Japanese soldiers on the horses behind him came to shoot him from behind, he would just accept his fate.

However, the gunshot did not sound after all, and Shang Zhen did not look back. Naturally, he did not know that the Japanese cavalry behind him were laughing arrogantly.

In the eyes of those Japanese cavalry, it was a Chinese soldier running desperately for his life.

And now they are chasing the rabbit with the mentality of a dog chasing a rabbit. Some Japanese soldiers are even thinking that if they hadn't heard the gunshots here before, they should have been chasing the guy in front with their horses until Tired him to death!

But no matter what, the Japanese cavalry was getting closer and closer. Of course, the Japanese cavalry could see that their nearest horse was only four or five horses away from Shang Zhen in front.

Four or five horses were allowed to run by. God knows how many breaths a person took. It was only a moment!

The Japanese cavalryman closest to Shang Zhen saw Shang Zhen right in front of him. He urged his horse again, and the tall horse under him raised its huge hooves and hit Shang Zhen. At the same time, the Japanese cavalryman The Japanese army also raised their sabers.

It was his original plan to hit Shang Zhen with his horse. Raising his saber was just a habit of their cavalry.

Who knows how much impact a galloping war horse will produce. Isn’t it just a joke to knock a person weighing more than 100 kilograms away?

"Yeah -" the Japanese cavalry even shouted.

But something unexpected happened next. His horse also bumped into him, and the knife he held in the air was about to fall, but the person in front suddenly disappeared!

The person in front really disappeared, the kind of person who disappeared out of thin air!

The Japanese army's war horse ran very fast and jumped over with a "swish". The Japanese soldier who was riding on it was the Japanese soldier who looked astonished.

He is a cavalryman, so he is naturally familiar with his horses.

Why did he feel that his horse's jump just now was stronger, and the span became wider!

The first Japanese cavalryman rushed over like this, and then the Japanese cavalrymen behind him rushed over at random.

But at this moment, gunshots suddenly rang out just in front of the Japanese army.

The gunfire sounded like rifles but also machine guns. Two Japanese war horses were hit by bullets. One horse's head tilted and fell down. It was hit in the head by a bullet, and who knew the injury to the other horse? Wherever he was, he let out a faint cry, and with a pout, his master was thrown off the horse!

The remaining Japanese cavalrymen were shocked when they saw that they were suddenly shot at. They instinctively turned their horses' heads to the right. The shot was fired on their left wing. There was a hill there, so the Chinese soldiers must be on the hill. , this is a basic judgment.

As a rider, it is actually somewhat similar to a driver. When encountering an emergency ahead, their first reaction is to turn, and then apply the brakes.

But at this moment, another Japanese cavalry screamed. The reason was that a man suddenly appeared next to their horses!

There was a pit there, and that person emerged from that pit!

But when these Japanese soldiers realized this, their horses had already moved away. They wanted to swing their sabers to chop, but they were out of reach. They wanted to hit the man and horse again, but they overshot. After all, the horses were The War Horse is not a car that can reverse.

The person who appeared out of thin air just like he disappeared out of thin air was of course Shang Zhen.

God favored his life and he should not die. As he was running, he suddenly discovered a pit ahead.

The pit is not big, just like a twelve-foot pot.

The pit was not deep. Shang Zhen, who was running at the time, estimated that the pit was only about as deep as his calf.

However, in order to survive, did Shang Zhen have any choice at that time? No!

Entering that pit is his only chance to survive!

Fortunately, just when the Japanese cavalry behind him was about to hit him, he successfully jumped into the pit, and then he squatted down and lowered his head.

Due to the violent attack, his head directly hit the wall of the pit, and his cheek was even scratched by a dry wormwood stalk.

It's just that he didn't notice this detail when he was running for his life.

It's just that Shang Zhen himself didn't expect that he would really miss the mark when he jumped and squatted into the pit.

He saw the pit, and the Japanese war horse behind also saw the pit.

Anyone who knows horses knows that the horse's eyesight is not very good, but that does not mean that the horse is blind.

The Japanese soldiers on horseback only paid attention to Shang Zhen, but the moment the horse jumped up, they discovered the pit.

That's why it instinctively jumps a little further. It can trample a person, but it will never let its front hooves fall into the "horse trap"!

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