The War of Resistance

Chapter 1077 You can’t just ignore death

According to Wang Xiaodaner's introduction, there were not many puppet troops coming this time, only about a platoon of troops.

Let alone a platoon of puppet troops, Shang Zhen was not afraid of thirty or forty Japanese soldiers.

What's more, Wang Xiaodan said that the puppet troops also came in secretly.

As for why the puppet troops didn't rush in with great fanfare, Shang Zhen guessed that it might be the puppet troops coming to rob! Of course, according to the style of Li Tantou's puppet army, this robbery should be both a robbery of wealth and sex.

Wang Xiaodan in the front and Shang Zhen in the back also entered the village.

I don't know where those puppet soldiers are. The village was so quiet that there wasn't even a dog barking.

The reason why there are no dogs barking is not that dogs cannot detect outsiders entering the village, but because there are no dogs in the village now!

All the dogs in the village have been killed by the people.

Dogs are used to guard the courtyard, that is, to guard against thieves. Occasionally, they can help their owners deal with robbers, but no matter how powerful the dog is, they will never be able to deal with open-minded invaders and their accomplices. .

On the contrary, the barking of the dog may attract the Japanese and puppet troops to come over.

It would be great if the Japanese army came here just to kill dogs and eat dog meat, but who has seen such a benevolent and contented invader?

It was said that the little Japanese soldier came from the sea thousands of miles away in a big ship, wearing big-toe shoes and a steel helmet.

After they stayed in China for several years, they returned to Japan to brag, saying that the dog meat I ate in China was so damn delicious!

The Japanese next to him asked him again, "What else have you done?" He said, "I just eat dog meat!"

Do you believe this?

Therefore, under the premise that keeping those dogs alive would obviously do more harm than good, it would be better to kill them if they were kept.

"The life in this village is really good." Wang Xiaodan whispered as he walked ahead.

"What?" Shang Zhen asked from behind.

"Kick us out of the village, and then we have to look after their homes." Wang Xiaodan replied.

"Don't follow Ma Erpao's example. Isn't it right for us to be soldiers and use guns to protect the people?" Shang Zhen replied.

Wang Xiaodan said oh and stopped talking.

The two people walked into the village for a while in the fading dusk, and then they heard someone whispering in front of them, but it was Ma Erpao's voice: "I think we should take action now."

"What's the rush? Wait a moment." This was Lu Yifei's voice.

"Why do you have to wait a little longer? If it's too late, the Japs will start harming the people." Ma Erpao was puzzled.

"The two devils haven't harmed the people yet!

Let's take action now. Do you know whether the people will accept your love?

Do you have no memory of why you were kicked out of the village? "

Lu Yifei's words made Ma Erpao calm down, but they also made Shang Zhen feel moved.

It cannot be said that after the puppet army entered the village, they did not care about the life and death of the people, but he must also admit that what Lu Yifei said had his truth.

Everyone wants to be a good person, but being a good person is not that easy.

If the puppet army did not harm the people, then their rash attack might even cause dissatisfaction among the people.

There is definitely a different feeling between giving someone help when it’s snowing and giving someone help when it’s not snowing!

But having said that, Shang Zhen would never wait around as Lu Yifei said, or harm the people just by looking at the puppet troops. He had his own ideas.

At this time, Wang Xiaodan had already whispered: "Sir, here you go." Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei hurriedly turned back.

"Where are Big Boss and Li Qingfeng?" Shang Zhen asked.

It was getting dark, but when they got here, Shang Zhen only saw Lu Yifei and Ma Erhu hiding in the corner of a house, and in front of them was the dirt road in the village.

"We are here!" Qingfeng Li's voice came over.

When Shang Zhen heard the news, he saw two heads protruding from behind the low wall opposite the house. The low wall should be a pigsty.

"Is there nothing happening in front?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"There was no movement. We came here first when we saw the Japs coming from the other side of the village." Lu Fei replied.

Just now they came to collect firewood, which was piled outside the village, but they could just see the puppet troops coming from the other side of the village.

Moreover, just as Shang Zhen heard what Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei were discussing, Ma Erpao wanted to take action directly against the puppet troops, but Lu Yifei refused.

But if he had to wait until the puppet troops committed some atrocities before taking action, so that the people in the village would burst into tears of gratitude to their saviors, Lu Yifei would be cruel enough.

It is said that the relationship between the dignified national army and the common people is not good. There is definitely a reason!

"Wang Xiaodan, Yifei, Ma Erpao, you all go to the building in the middle of the village and prepare to respond to us, but if you really shoot, be careful not to hurt yourself and the people.

Big Stupid, Li Qingfeng, you two, follow me a little further. Don't wait for the common people to be killed by the Japs or for the young girls and young wives to be harmed by others before we take action. "Shang Zhen immediately issued the order.

What Shang Zhen said must be implemented naturally, and what he said was a compromise plan between Ma Erhu and Lu Yifei.

The common people should be saved, but they are saved too early. I am afraid that the people in Shandong think that the puppet soldiers are also from Shandong, and they are really not impressed by the brutality of the puppet soldiers!

Let’s not talk about how high Shang Zhen’s consciousness is. He has not received any ideological education.

From the beginning to the end, he was just fighting the Japanese with a simple philosophy, that is, I come from the common people, so I must always do things for the common people!

If he didn't always wear a military uniform, it would be no different from the spontaneous anti-Japanese armed forces among the people.

So far, because he has been "wandering" with his troops outside, he is more like a "political novice" who has escaped from political disputes. He is neither left-leaning nor right-leaning. He is just a man who relies on his wit and ability to wander around. A little loach in the big vat of society!

Shang Zhen led Old Ben and Qingfeng Li along the long and narrow dirt road in the village.

The village is not big, and the houses are built in a mess, but it is somewhat similar to the so-called "village" in the Northeast.

"After a while, if you really encounter two Japs who are causing harm to the people, you won't shoot if you can."

The advantage of this is that we can reduce the number of Japanese devils as much as possible before most of them are discovered. "Shang Zhen whispered to Big Boss and Li Qingfeng.

The reason why he wanted to lead Da Laobeng and the two of them forward was of course because the three of them were very skilled, and Shang Zhen didn't mind being tricked by them before the puppet troops discovered it.

No matter how many Japanese and puppet soldiers he killed, Shang Zhen always kept in mind the principle that a tiger must fight a rabbit with all his strength.

Besides, according to Shang Zhen, the definition of what is a tiger and what is a rabbit is a mistake in itself in the battle of hot weapons!

Whoever shoots first is a tiger. Even if a weak little girl dares to shoot, she is still a tiger, even though she is a female tiger.

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