The War of Resistance

Chapter 1080 Taierzhuang is in sight

Shang Zhen and the others set out on the road again. There were originally six of them, and this time they had Da Zhuang as their guide.

This time Da Zhuang had nothing to say to Shang Zhen and the others.

Even though he had never fought in a war, he knew that Shang Zhen and the others had killed dozens of puppet soldiers. This ability was definitely not possessed by ordinary people.

Shang Zhen and the others have tried their best, what can he say.

The reason why Shang Zhen asked Da Zhuang to be their guide was because he did not want to lose contact with Lu Dahu's Northeast Army. He asked Da Zhuang to take them and secretly follow the Japanese army who was chasing Lu Dahu's camp. Later, he still wanted to return to Lu Dahu Camp.

Of course, this kind of following must not be followed too closely.

If they follow too close and are discovered by the Japanese army, they will only need to send a small team to set a trap for them. It is estimated that the seven of them will not be able to withstand the Japanese army's shuttle.

In the past few years, although Shang Zhen and his small group of people were like wandering wild children, he would get in touch with the large army from time to time. On the one hand, he could not only get supplies from the large army in terms of ammunition and food, but also on the other hand, he could get supplies from the large army in terms of ammunition and food. On the other hand, he maintained an appropriate distance from the large army to prevent the large army from assigning him a fatal task.

There is naturally a contradiction between how to preserve oneself and how to kill the enemy heroically.

So this contradiction is also reflected in Shang Zhen's heart.

On the one hand, he will also be inspired by the "March of the Volunteers". He also wants to advance and advance against the enemy's artillery fire, but he does not want to build a new Great Wall with the flesh and blood of himself and his brothers.

As a veteran, Shang Zhen is too aware of the cruelty of battle.

In a battle, a company may suffer more than a dozen casualties if the losses are small. If the losses are large, two platoons may be wiped out. If the losses are larger, a company of more than 100 people may not have more than five fingers left.

Let's say a company suffered ten casualties in one battle, but the battle would never be just once. Then there would be a next time, and there would be ten casualties every time. How many men would be left in this company at the end of the battle? And this is also the reason why the Northeast Army fights less and less without the supply of soldiers.

The first time there were ten casualties, there was no one among the casualties, and the next time there was no one among the twenty casualties, there were no one among the casualties. Can you guarantee that the next time there would be no one among the casualties?

Some people say that’s not a casualty? If they weren't all dead, wouldn't there be some injured? Ha, as far as the current medical situation of the Chinese army is concerned, if you want to recover from an injury, you basically have to rely on self-healing, otherwise the wounded person is very likely to die.

You must know that injuries sustained in combat are usually gunshot wounds or fragment injuries caused by explosions, and that kind of injury itself contains burns.

And in the hot summer, without the "miraculous drug" penicillin that the Chinese can produce themselves, the wound would be extremely susceptible to decay.

A person is alive, but there will be white maggots crawling on the wound that is becoming more and more rotten. If this wound can heal itself, how much virtue must the eighteen generations of our ancestors have accumulated?

Okay, the battle continues, and in the end there are only a few people left in this company. Can you guarantee that you will survive?

So this involves another aspect. Shang Zhen always wants to choose combat missions by himself. He decides when, how and where to fight, so that he can inflict maximum damage to the enemy and himself and others can be dealt with to the greatest extent. preservation.

But this whole problem arises. If you don't defend your position, someone will always defend it, and those who defend the position will suffer heavy casualties, so Shang Zhen will always have a feeling of guilt in his heart. He feels that he has taken advantage of it. It's cheap because the officers and soldiers guarding the position died for him.

Therefore, in the battles he organized, no matter how many Japanese soldiers were killed, he did not feel much happiness except pleasure.

Along the way, so many companions he knew, knew, and didn't know died in front of him, and he cherished the people he fought side by side even more.

That's why he not only hopes not to lose contact with Lu Dahu Camp, but also hopes to reunite with the few people he works with.

Anyway, no one gave him combat orders, so he would just follow the Japanese army in pursuit of Lu Dahu Camp.

He didn't believe it. How could it be possible that Lu Dahu couldn't get rid of the Japanese army with his fighting style.

As long as Lu Dahu Camp was separated from the Japanese army, he would naturally be able to go there and rendezvous.

And this was exactly the role of him looking for Da Zhuang as his guide. Da Zhuang was a local and couldn't get too close to the Japanese army. The Japanese army left one day before, so Da Zhuang could go to the local area to inquire about the whereabouts of the Japanese army the next day.

Shang Zhen and the others laid an ambush for the puppet troops in the morning.

To be honest, those puppet troops were also frightened by Shang Zhen and the others. They knew that Shang Zhen and the others did not have many people, but every time they fought with Shang Zhen and the others, they were always caught off guard by Shang Zhen's sudden attack.

Anyway, they won the battle, so there's nothing more to say about it. However, after the ambush, Shang Zhen and the others cleaned up the battlefield a little and then headed south.

Shang Zhen was naturally afraid of losing the news about Lu Dahu Camp.

After all, he knew that the 57th Army sent a brigade, but this brigade only sent Lu Dahu's battalion.

Shang Zhen's idea was not wrong, but an idea was an idea after all. More than an hour after they set off, before they even got on the road and less than a hundred meters away from the road, Shang Zhen realized something was wrong. Got it!

"Stop!" Shang Zhen said, and then glanced at the front and rear ends of the road. Seeing that there was no one on the road, he frowned.

"What's wrong, sir?" Lu Yifei asked.

"On such a big road, don't you think it's abnormal not to have a single figure?" Shang Zhen asked, and then he stretched out his hand to Da Zhuang, "Give me the telescope."

After Shang Zhen and the others came out, Da Zhuang took the telescope without seeing it, and Shang Zhen didn't say anything.

Nowadays, no ordinary people have ever seen a telescope, not to mention that it is normal for Da Zhuang to be interested in telescopes at his age.

Da Zhuang said "Oh" and handed over the telescope.

Shang Zhen raised the telescope and started observing. He only looked at it for a moment, then put down the telescope and pointed to a forest in the field on the left and said, "Enter the woods."

"What did you see?" Ma Erpao asked.

"There are tank marks on it." Shang Zhen replied.

When Shang Zhen said this, not only the soldiers understood, but Da Zhuang also reacted.

If there are traces of tanks on the road, it proves that they are tanks. But does the Chinese army have tanks nowadays? At least they haven't heard of it.

So, it was the Japanese tanks that passed by.

But when Shang Zhen and others and Lu Dahuying fought against the puppet troops before, a lot of Japanese troops did come, but they really didn't see any tanks.

"Dazhuang, where should we go if we go further south?" Shang Zhen asked.

"It's only about twenty miles further south to Taierzhuang." Da Zhuang replied.

"Taierzhuang? It doesn't sound big. Isn't it just a village?" Ma Erpao disagreed.

"Zhuangzi is Zhuangzi. It is not small. There must be four to five thousand households in it." Da Zhuang said.

"Fuck, what's that Zhuangzi? It's bigger than the whole town, right?" Ma Erpao was a little surprised. After he finished speaking, he started to count on his fingers, "A family counts four people. No, four people are missing. What? There are seven or eight people, let’s just say seven, five, seven, thirty-five thousand, fuck, that’s a big village with thirty-five thousand people!”

"Okay, don't take the Lord's advice. Let's hide and take a look first." Shang Zhen threw the telescope to Dazhuang again, but then he muttered, "Dazhuangzi with 35,000 people, I'm afraid There are not many ordinary people left now.”

Shang Zhen walked in front, but Da Zhuang didn't understand and asked: "What? Let the Japanese kill them all?"

"Idiot! There's going to be a big battle, everyone is running for their lives!" Ma Erpao said angrily.

The following plot must be carefully considered. After all, historical facts must be respected. The Northeast Army did not play the main force in Taierzhuang.

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