The War of Resistance

Chapter 1082 Meeting a fellow traveler

"Did you see clearly that there are Japs in the village ahead?" Ma Erpao expressed doubts about Big Laoban's observation ability for the first time.

And to confirm his suspicion, he also glanced at Shang Zhen beside him.

Judging from Shang Zhen's careful observation, it was obvious that he didn't notice anything unusual in the village in front.

However, Shang Zhen was very patient and could not see or say anything, but he took the telescope from Da Zhuang again.

It's no wonder that Ma Erpao expressed doubts about Big Laoban's observation. Now they were hiding in a broken thatched shed only 70 or 80 meters away from the village in front.

This distance is already very close, and other people can see the situation of the few households on the edge of the village without the need of the old man's good eyes.

This shed should be used by the villagers to look at the melon fields. When they came here, they saw the remaining melon vines that had long since dried up.

Of course, a village has a main road, but the village in front of me has no walls, so it is easy to enter the village.

The reason why Shang Zhen chose to enter the village from this direction was because the existence of the thatched shed in front could more or less block some of the views in the village.

However, when Big Boss ran towards the hay shed first, Ma Erpao, who was watching from behind, smiled "hehe".

Lu Yifei asked Ma Erpao why he was laughing, and Ma Erpao said, look at the old fool running like a big bird!

Isn't that right? The old idiot is tall. If he stood up straight, the top of his head would probably be higher than that low straw shed.

So the old man had to hold his gun and run forward with his long legs hunched over. Doesn't it look like a big bird running across the field with its wings blown out?

Ma Erpao said it very straightforwardly and vividly, but to his surprise, Lu Yifei asked seriously, which big bird are you talking about.

Such a pun immediately made Ma Erpao laugh, Shang Zhen frowned, Wang Xiaodan and Da Zhuang looked confused, but Li Qingfeng glared at Lu Yifei fiercely. One glance.

Lu Yifei saw Li Qingfeng's eyes but continued to look serious, but what he was thinking in his heart was, this kid knows a lot!

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement in front of him. Shang Zhen was already preparing to enter the village.

From their current position, they could easily see the smoke rising from some houses, but they could also hear ducks quacking in the village, although no one had been seen yet.

It doesn't feel like there are two Japanese soldiers in the village, Shang Zhen thought.

But at this moment something sudden happened.

They suddenly saw a person running out from behind a house. If that person was also dressed as a commoner, Shang Zhen intuitively identified him as a soldier at a glance.

This was definitely not just because the man held a short gun in his hand, but also because of the way he held the gun on guard when he ran out.

The sudden situation made everyone else say "Hey", but before they could make a second sound, they saw another person running from behind the house, and that person was still carrying the a person.

The people carrying people were dressed as civilians, but the people being carried were dressed as puppet soldiers.

what's the situation? Do you come to touch the sentinels or capture prisoners when you meet one of your own? Shang Zhen thought to himself and opened the bolt head of the box cannon in his hand. At this time, he saw a third man dressed as a commoner coming out. He also ran with a short gun in his hand and looked back.

It is reasonable for Shang Zhen to think this way, but the problem is that the three people who captured the prisoners did not run to the hay shed, but ran to their right side. Shang Zhen had naturally observed it when he came over After understanding the terrain, a hundred meters away on the right, less than a hundred meters away from the village, was a forest.

The reason why Shang Zhen did not choose to approach the village through the woods was because he felt that the woods were too obvious.

I don't know why, but they encountered a lot of puppet soldiers in this area. If the puppet soldiers were hiding in the woods and they went there, they would be falling into a trap.

On the contrary, since there is still a terrain barrier between this hut and the woods, these people came from a distance and ran over with their waists hunched over under the cover of the terrain.

"It should be one of ours!" Lu Yifei said.

As soon as they mentioned that they were our people, their spirits were lifted.

Fighting the Japanese behind enemy lines is a matter for everyone based on their abilities. Although they have the initiative to fight, who knows who will suffer. It is by no means that easy to support the war with war.

Although they have achieved great results under the leadership of Shang Zhen, there were hundreds of soldiers when they first followed Shang Zhen, but now there are only a few left. You can count them on your fingers!

Because of this, how can they not be happy now that they see one of their own people secretly attacking the puppet army and having more fellow travelers?

"You guys keep an eye on the village." Shang Zhen said at this time, and then squeezed Wang Xiaodan beside him, "Stand back!"

How big is that thatched shed? That is, when people look at the melon field, they sit or lie inside to take shelter from the rain. But now there are seven people crammed in, so Shang Zhen squeezed Wang Xiaodan, and Wang Xiaodan stepped back and bumped into him again. When we got to Dazhuang at the back, the thatched shed was swaying.

Fortunately, the people outside probably didn't notice that there were seven living people hiding in the thatched shed.

Shang Zhen squeezed through, poked the side wall of the thatched shed with the barrel of his gun, and looked to the right.

Thatched shed, thatched shed, in addition to the supports used for support, the shed walls are also made of withered grass and shrubs.

Shang Zhen only looked at it for a moment and then ordered: "Get out quickly, and go back the same way you came!"

According to the Chinese People's Liberation Army, those who fight in battle are called commanders and combatants.

The officers responsible for command are called commanders, and the soldiers are called combatants.

Combatants are responsible for obeying the commander's orders. In an emergency, if the combatants do not understand the inner meaning of the commander's orders, they must execute them unconditionally!

So, under Shang Zhen's order, the six people evacuated the shed one by one and ran back under the cover of the shed. Naturally, no one laughed at the old man anymore for flinging his long legs like a big bird. .

But Shang Zhen himself stayed. After connecting the wooden box with the gun, he lay in the shed and rested it on his shoulder, while his eyes were fixed on the village.

When Shang Zhen thought about it, there must be more than just these three friendly troops. These three people went into the village to capture prisoners, so there must be other people in the woods responsible for covering up.

But even so, he didn't mind providing cover for these three friendly troops who dared to go to the village to capture prisoners in broad daylight.

Shang Zhen's worry was really not unnecessary. After a while, although he couldn't see where the three people ran with the prisoners due to the obstruction of the thatched shed, he estimated that those three people would definitely not be able to enter the woods.

At this time, the shouts of the puppet soldiers were faintly heard in the village, and then Shang Zhen, who had been staring at the village, saw the heads of the puppet soldiers protruding from the ridge of the outermost house.

Shang Zhen subconsciously moved the gun, but just when he was about to pull the trigger, he heard a "pop" gunshot on the right, and then he saw that the head of the puppet soldier behind the ridge was missing!

Of course, the head will not disappear out of thin air. It was the puppet soldier who was shot and fell from the roof of the house. It's just that the puppet soldier was lying on the ridge of the roof and there was no way he could have fallen here.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but let out a sigh, this friendly army's marksmanship is pretty good!

But he thought again, and it was right. The puppet army was only a hundred or ten meters away from the woods on his right. But it was not too difficult for a well-trained veteran to hit the target with a rifle. thing.

Realizing this, Shang Zhen stopped taking cover. He turned off the safety of the box gun and retracted the gun, then crawled backwards in the thatched shed.

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