The War of Resistance

Chapter 1084 The heart-wrenching box cannon

"Ugh——" The tied up puppet prisoner struggled, and a sharp dagger severed the tendons in his wrist.

But his mouth was already covered with rags, how could he scream.

And his hands and feet were tied up and he was pressed to the ground by several people, so how could he struggle to move.

"Are you going to tell me?" the interrogator asked.

Shang Zhen and the others couldn't be said to be just watching, but this interrogation had nothing to do with them, so they could only watch.

Although they could only see the crouching back of the interrogating person standing behind him, they could also imagine the coldness and ruthlessness on that person's face.

He saw that although the prisoner was struggling in pain, he had no intention of surrendering.

The interrogator raised the dagger in his hand again.

But he raised the dagger but did not lower it, but he was saying: "I forgot to tell you, my family is the ancestral pig killer.

I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, you are destined to die.

The only difference between death and immortality is that if you say now that I can make you die happily, you will have to say it later, but you are destined to die unpleasantly! "

After saying that, the dagger in the hand of the interrogator fell again, this time it directly pressed on the prisoner's finger.

And this knife naturally caused the prisoner to struggle fiercely but in vain.

"The third knife, the fourth knife, pick your hamstring!" The interrogator's voice was as ruthless as his attack.

Interrogations follow the rules of interrogation, which can of course be said to be routines.

This was the first time he saw an interrogation scene, especially in such a wild place. Wang Xiaodan's face turned pale.

Qingfeng Li's usually sharp eyes were a little dull, but the old man lowered his eyes and continued muttering. He didn't know whether he was repenting for the puppet prisoner or the soldier who treated the prisoner like this.

As for Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei, they watched with great interest, even though they both grinned when the interrogator stabbed them.

Shang Zhen's face remained expressionless, and there was no big fluctuation in his heart. The brackets were not just pretending.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Shang Zhen had never experienced such a thing, but he had already seen it.

I remember that he was arrested by the military commander when he returned from sending Leng Xiaozhi to northern Shaanxi. Although the military commander did not make him lose his arms or legs at that time, he suffered the same crime.

During interrogation, inflicting unbearable physical harm to the interrogated subject is only one aspect. If the subject can be supplemented by intimidation and fully mobilize the fear of the interrogated subject, it may achieve twice the result with half the effort.

This is what Shang Zhen has experienced personally!

Thinking about it this way, Shang Zhen somewhat admired the prisoner.

But then he felt like he hated iron.

Being a puppet soldier has to suffer such a heavy punishment, and he will definitely die in the end. They are all Chinese, why can't they shoot the Japanese with their guns pointed outwards!

This interrogation was held in a forest. The sun had not yet set below the horizon. There was still a warm feeling in the places where the sunlight hit. However, even though the leaves in the woods had only grown a little, they still made the woods feel warm. The people inside felt the chill.

"It's been the sixth stab. This idiot is worthy of being a thieves. He can really carry it!" Ma Erpao stopped grinning.

The captured puppet soldier no longer had the strength to struggle. His body was covered in blood, but he still made no sign of saying anything.

"Fuck, I'll stab you three more times. If you can still hold on, I'll give you a neat blow." The interrogator became more and more vicious.

Could this guy also be a military commander? Shang Zhen, who was still watching, thought.

But at this moment, footsteps sounded, and soldiers ran back.

"Company Commander, there are puppet troops coming. It seems they are coming here." The soldier reported.

"What the hell!" The dagger that the interrogator had raised fell hard this time.

It was a dagger, not a sledgehammer. Naturally, there would be no "dang" sound or "snap" sound when the knife was struck. However, after the knife was struck, the prisoner's moans were heard. It stopped suddenly!

Wang Xiaodan's face turned even paler. He was considered a veteran, but his nature, alas, he was bold in other things, but he was still less courageous when it came to things he had never experienced before.

"Bunch of traitors!" the interrogator cursed, and then Shang Zhen and the others saw the man rubbing the dagger in his hand on the corpse with a steaming wound, and then stood up and turned around.

A typical thin face of a Chinese soldier, with sharp eyes and blood drops on his face, which must have been spattered during previous torture.

His eyes passed over Shang Zhen and the others, and then immediately fell on Shang Zhen, but his subsequent words were very brief: "I don't have time to say anything else to you now, let's get rid of those traitors first!" Then! He waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

He actually ran out of the woods alone, and his soldiers also took a look at Shang Zhen and the others before following him.

Naturally, Shang Zhen and the others had to follow, why not just huddle together to keep warm!

"How did he know the commander was a commander?" Ma Erpao asked curiously.

"You can be considered a veteran, you are so stupid. If you were a commander, why didn't you carry a cannon?" Lu Yifei said angrily.

"Oh——" Ma Erpao suddenly realized.

Yes, I am so stupid. How could the twenty-ring box cannon be used by ordinary soldiers?

Just over twenty minutes later, intensive gunshots suddenly rang out in the mountains and fields. More than a dozen soldiers were lying behind a low hill, and what they had on their shoulders were light-colored soldiers with leather boxes on them. A large mirrored box, and these soldiers were the ones who captured the prisoners.

At the same time, the people who were shooting behind another mound were wearing common people's clothes and had long and short guns. They were Shang Zhen's group.

The puppet troops had entered between the two low hills, and were fired upon by soldiers.

The puppet troops who came from the search were only two platoons in strength, but they did not expect that their opponents would dare to ambush them here, and the ambush distance was so close.

So in the rain of bullets, half of the puppet soldiers were knocked down first, and the rest raised their guns to resist. However, they had no place to hide and became easy targets for the cannon.

The battle ended suddenly and quickly. In just a few minutes, the puppet troops had no fighting power.

The few remaining puppet soldiers saw that they were finished in the blink of an eye, so they finally got up, turned around, got up, and ran back.

It's just that they entered the ambush circle too deep. How could it be so easy to run back?

The gunshots of the box cannon were heard next, and the puppet soldiers were shot and fell to the ground one after another.

"That's it. I only took two shots." At this time, a person said, it was Da Zhuang, the guide Shang Zhen and the others were looking for.

Originally, Shang Zhen wanted Da Zhuang to go back, but seeing that there were too many Japanese and puppet troops around, they couldn't let him go, and Da Zhuang didn't leave either.

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Da Zhuang actually learned to shoot, although both the guns flew away.

But that's still progress. He learned to shoot very quickly.

From a soldier's point of view, he is also lucky. If he is not lucky, then those strong men who can't even fire a gun will go to the battlefield and become cannon fodder. How can they complain about their grievances?

But just when Da Zhuang finished saying this, gunshots rang out again, and right on their hill, it was Shang Zhen who fired again.

And just in Shang Zhen's shot, everyone saw that the body of a puppet soldier who was lying on the ground seemed to move and then regain his composure.

It turned out that there was a puppet soldier pretending to be dead, but Shang Zhen saw it.

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