The War of Resistance

Chapter 1093 Let the bullets fly a little longer (1)

"Pap-pap-pap" "Pap-pap-pap", "Pap-pap-pap"

With the rapid fire of the box cannon, bullets penetrated the night.

This is on the north side of a hill, and the Japanese flares hit the south side of the hill.

The two flares were falling. Due to the reduction of the light source, the shadow of the mountain was naturally lengthened. Unfortunately, the box cannon was also fired from the north side of the mountain, so the trajectory of the bullet was revealed. It was shot from south to north.

"Pap-pap-pap" "Pap-pap-pap", "Pap-pap-pap"

After a while, as the flare lowered, the shadow of the mountain became longer and longer. The blackness of the mountain shadow continued to reflect the gunfire, and it could be seen that the shooting position moved north again.

At this moment, the two incendiary bombs in the sky finally ran out of heat and fell one after another.

"Boom", at this time, another flare was raised by the Japanese army further north of the mountain.

It stands to reason that before the first two flares were about to fall, the Japanese army should have fired out the flares again.

The reason why it was a little late this time was because the Japanese army adjusted the shooting angle.

This time, the flare flew high into the sky but exploded before crossing the mountain. As a result, the north side of the mountain was completely bright, as if the shadow previously produced on the north side had never existed at all.

Anyone would understand this. When the streamer of the box cannon appeared on the north side of the mountain just now, a battle must have occurred there. What are flares used for? Isn't that just to determine the enemy's situation?

But at the moment when the flare was illuminated, there was another gunshot. This time it was the sound of rifle fire.

A faint stream of light flew towards the direction where the Japanese military flares were raised.

Of course it was Shang Zhen who took the shot.

Who knows if it can be hit? He endured the soreness in his forearm and wrist, pulled the bolt, and fired another shot forward.

The reason why Shang Zhen's arms were a little sore was because he was responsible for the box cannon fire just now, but he took a twenty-gun gun in one hand and pointed it at the place where your father estimated that the Japanese army fired illumination bombs. , fired a short burst of fire.

Shang Zhen didn't expect the box cannon with a wooden box to hit the Japanese army. After all, the effective range of the box cannon with a wooden box was only about 200 meters.

But only by scaring the Japanese army can his goal of attracting the Japanese army be achieved!

Just because he had a purpose in mind, he worked hard to make the box cannon's shooting smooth.

But it's not that easy to make the box gun shoot stably.

In later generations, China once produced a standard pistol, which was the famous May 4th-style pistol.

Not only is the pistol very powerful, its lethality is definitely more than that of a pistol like Brauning.

Even after the gun was fired with both hands, the recoil generated by the gun still jumped with the shooter's clenched hands!

Compared with the May 4th-type pistol, the box gun can only be more powerful and the recoil can only be stronger. After all, when it was made in Germany, it was defined as a combat pistol.

What is a combat pistol? To put it bluntly, it is used on the battlefield. It is an offensive weapon. An ordinary pistol can only shoot fifty meters, which is called a self-defense weapon. How can the recoil produced by the box gun be small?

When Shang Zhen shoots with a single-handed gun, he often uses the gun-swinging method. That is because he is familiar with the game and knows when it is easiest to grasp the beating of the gun.

Usually, if he hits a target a hundred meters away, Shang Zhen rarely uses one hand. Instead, he adds a wooden box for shoulder shooting.

But now, let him hold a twenty-gun gun in one hand and fire continuously in short bursts, and the muzzle of the gun will beat violently.

But he had to compete with the gun, so it was strange that his arm was not numb.

But there was no way, in order to create the illusion that the troops had broken through, he had to do this!

"Pa" and "pa" gunshots rang out again. It was the gunfire of the Japanese counterattack, and then followed by "ta da da", the Japanese light machine gun also fired.

A bullet flew over Shang Zhen's head, but at this moment Shang Zhen was not surprised but became happy.

I am not afraid that you have many bullets, but I am afraid that you have no one!

Shang Zhen was eager to make the noise as loud as possible, so that the surrounding Japanese troops would rush here.

Moreover, when Duan Chao and the others rushed out, they only defeated the Japanese troops blocking them. It is estimated that some Japanese troops must have noticed the direction in which Duan Chao and the others were escaping.

Shang Zhen hopes to attract those Japanese troops. As for the Japanese troops who still have Xing Beng'er left and notice where Duan Chaoyue Zhenwu and the others are going, then Shang Zhen has nothing to do and it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Seeing that the Japanese army noticed him, Shang Zhen crawled to another position, picked up his rifle again and fired into the distance.

Then he put the rifle behind his back, changed to crawling, and headed east.

I don’t know if the little devil saw me, why don’t I stand up on my own? Shang Zhen thought while crawling.

But he thought about the Japanese army's marksmanship again, yes! forget it! That flare can be used to shine on your head!

Shang Zhen climbed very quickly. In a short time, he climbed out more than fifty meters, and at this time, the shooting from the Japanese army on the opposite side also stopped.

He should fire a few more shots, Shang Zhen thought, but just when he raised his body, he suddenly discovered that there was a north-south ditch dozens of meters in front of him.

He then observed that the ditch appeared at the foot of the mountain. He thought it was washed out by water flowing down the mountain when it rained in the summer.

The ditch was about half a meter deep, and the length must be a hundred meters. Shang Zhen observed and judged, and then a sentence appeared in his mind, God help me!

Really, at this moment, Shang Zhen crawled towards the ditch without any hesitation.

He climbed down the ditch and climbed northward along the ditch.

It hasn't rained these days, so the ditch is naturally dry.

But even if it's not dry, so what? Even if this ditch is a sewage ditch, Shang Zhen will definitely crawl in it!

If he had been in the same situation when he was still a new soldier, his little heart would definitely "beat", "beat", and "beat" faster.

And now, even though Shang Zhen is a veteran and has experienced countless dangers on the battlefield, there is only a little excitement in his heart, plus a kind of ruthlessness, a kind of ruthlessness to kill the invaders!

The incendiary bombs in the sky were falling again, and at this time, the Japanese ammunition hand was waiting quietly in front of the mortar tube with illumination bombs in hand.

They don't have many flares left. The most ideal way to use them is of course that the first one has just fallen and still has residual light, and then shoots the next one into the sky, so as to provide continuous illumination!

The Japanese ammunition hand looked at the trajectory of the flare falling in the sky with an expressionless expression. He thought it should be enough, so he stuffed the flare in his hand into the barrel.

He is the ammunition hand, the one who "feeds" ammunition to the mortars.

In his career as a soldier, he has repeated this action countless times, just like a rifleman pulling the trigger countless times. He is just preparing to listen to the "boom" sound and then witness the brightness of the whole world. It’s just time.

But this time something unexpected happened. Before he could take out the flare in his hand, the sound of a box cannon suddenly sounded in front of him!

And with that "pop" sound, he fell down after being shot, and the flare in his hand naturally fell off.

But the illumination bomb was not accurate after all, and the spindle-shaped iron guy, which was no different in shape from other mortar bombs, hit the mortar tube with a "ding" sound.

It's just that the "dang" sound is not clear, just because the firing sound of the box cannon is still ringing, the "dang" sound is intertwined with the "pop" and "pop" sounds of the box cannon.

And in the rapid "pop", "pop" and "pop" sound of shooting, the Japanese gunner's gun fell, and the crooked handle that was originally pressed against the Japanese machine gunner's shoulder fell, just because the machine gunner was shot. Already lying down.

No one knows whether he was shot in the head or chest, because the flare in the sky has reached its end of life, yes, its end of life, just like people will die when they deserve to die.

The world returned to darkness, and the box cannon stopped firing. Only bullets flying from time to time, from nowhere, drew faint red lines in the night.

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