The War of Resistance

Chapter 1096 Let the bullets fly a little longer (4)

Shang Zhen lay on the ground and held his breath. There was a rustling sound in front of him.

But the rustling sound was definitely not the sound of wind blowing dry grass, it was the sound of the large-toe shoes of many Japanese soldiers stepping on the ground.

Shang Zhen held the box cannon in his left hand, but held a bayonet in his right hand.

His second box gun was pinned under him, and the third gun he brought, the Type 38 rifle, was also pinned under him.

He had to be on guard against Japanese soldiers searching in the darkness stepping on or tripping over the rifle, in which case he would be exposed.

As for the Japanese soldier who happened to step on him, he had only one choice, either to shoot and use a bayonet to kill the guy who stepped on him, and he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

As for why the Japanese army searched forward in such a dark night without lighting, Shang Zhen had no time to think about it.

This was an experience Shang Zhen had never had before. He just lay there and stared ahead.

The Japanese soldiers were obviously close. Based on Shang Zhen's experience, he judged that the distance between this Japanese soldier and him would not be more than 20 meters!

Everything is full of unknowns. God knows whether the Japanese army in front will move forward to the left or to the right.

The only thing that made Shang Zhen thankful was that the night was still very dark, and he couldn't say that he couldn't see his fingers. However, he could only hear the sound of the Japanese soldier who was very close to him, but he could not see him.

Just lie there and wait for the other party to step on you, or give him a bayonet the moment the other party's big-toed shoe steps on you?

At the next moment, Shang Zhen was ready to "lie down", you bitch, if you don't find me, it's my fault, but if you find me, it's your fault even if I'm a bit behind. back!

What Shang Zhen thought was actually not difficult to understand. If someone discovered him, he would have to take action. If he took action, something would be discovered, so he would just ignore it.

In the same way, he was discovered. It's hard to say about other Japanese soldiers, but this guy who dares to step on the Japanese's little feet will definitely die!

The footsteps of the Japanese troops in front continued. There was both the rustling sound of stepping on the Chinese soil and the "pop" sound of the Japanese soldiers scraping dry wormwood.

The night was still so dark. When Shang Zhen, who was lying on his stomach, looked up, he did not see the Japanese soldier. However, because he was lying on his back and looking up, he saw that the stars in the sky were covered by black shadows. The moment he appeared again, that black shadow was undoubtedly the guy who posed the greatest threat to him.

However, next, Shang Zhen felt that he was still a little tall. Who knew whether the Japanese soldier coming from the opposite side was ten meters or eight meters away from him. Anyway, they passed by him, and the Japanese soldier was never more than ten meters away from him. !

Shang Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that he didn't act rashly.

However, then he felt a little more alert.

The so-called "this time and that time", just because this Japanese soldier did not discover him does not mean that other Japanese soldiers will not discover him.

The Japanese army has not discovered them until now. That's just because they don't want to shine brightly and suffer from their own dark guns.

What if the Japanese army suddenly turns on the flashlight, will it be like the Northeastern people using flashlights to catch sparrows in the winter? If you shine the flashlight on them, not only will the sparrows have numb claws, but they will also become numb. Those wings won't flutter anymore?

No, I still have to think of ways to recruit!

There were still various sounds of Japanese troops advancing in the darkness near and far around, but Shang Zhen had already put away the bayonet in his right hand, and there was already an extra stone in his hand.

The stone is not big, just like a walnut.

But this stone was not picked up by Shang Zhen lying here.

Not every street has rotten cabbage, nor does every wilderness have those random pebbles. That pebble was something Shang Zhen had picked up and put in his pocket.

He is a veteran and has rich combat experience, especially tonight as it is a night battle. Naturally, he thought more carefully, but he didn't expect that this stone would actually come in handy.

It seemed that the Japanese troops were searching in horizontal lines. Except for the faint groans of some Japanese troops in the front, Shang Zhen could no longer hear the rustling sounds caused by the advancing Japanese troops.

Shang Zhen was quiet for a while, thinking about what to do next.

Then, he stood up carefully, but then he moved violently, turned around and threw the walnut-sized stone far away!

His movements were so violent that he even made a "woo" sound when he shook his arms in the dark night!

However, Shang Zhen exerted great force, but his legs and feet stayed on the spot but did not move. He did not want to make more noise by running for a run and be discovered by the Japanese army again.

After the stone struck, his body naturally leaned backward, but then he stopped abruptly, like a tilted but still stationary wooden stake in the night!

When Shang Zhen slowly turned himself back, the sound of the pebble falling to the ground was heard in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, there were shouts and gunshots from the Japanese army. At the same time, Shang Zhen, who had just stopped, suddenly started to move again. He stepped forward lightly amidst the chaotic gunfire. go!

The messy gunshots were the best cover for the sound Shang Zhen made. Shang Zhen didn't look back. He didn't know that just behind him, the Japanese army had already turned on the flashlight, and there were actually three of them. !

However, the Japanese army was only attracted by the movement of the stone thrown by Shang Zhen, so the flashlight naturally would not turn around to shine.

In the dark night, the three snow-white light pillars swayed and intertwined, pointing to the place where the sound had just been made.

However, what could the Japanese army see?

What they can see is what exists in nature, the land, the white dry grass stalks, the newly green grass, stones, clods of soil, what else can they see?

What if they saw one or a few stones somewhere? A stone flew from the sky and fell into the rocks, turning the rocks into mud.

When the Japanese soldiers turned their flashlights and looked back, what they saw was still the same scenery as before under the snow-white light pillar. It was still land, withered grass, tender grass, clods of soil, and shrubs.

The reason here is that if Shang Zhen jumps fast enough, how far can the flashlight shine? When the Japanese army turned the flashlight around, Shang Zhen had already run out of the range of the flashlight!

At this time, Shang Zhen was already panting and squatting among groans.

When he got here, he no longer needed to hide his voice. The reason was that there were wounded Japanese soldiers who had not yet had time to rescue them.

Where did these Japanese wounded come from? That was of course the result of his previous firing with two box cannons!

Now, he needs to find another grenade, Shang Zhen thought to himself.

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