The War of Resistance

Chapter 1102 Walls Have Ears

"Let's all separate and take a look, don't get together!" In one person's voice, there were clumsy footsteps on the village road. It was the puppet soldiers who were separated to check.

Shang Zhen put his ear against the wall and listened carefully.

After a while, he heard the voices and footsteps of the puppet soldiers running toward him.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but laugh silently.

His smile was of course disdain for the puppet troops, and he was not very worried that the puppet troops would come in.

If the house burns down, is it still called a house without the roof? That can only be called standing up a few walls.

The frames of the house fell down and were half-burned, and between the walls there were only burnt vegetation and fallen roof tiles, and then there was the black ash from the burning.

Even without a mirror, Shang Zhen knew that he looked like a gray rat, so why did the puppet army come in?

Shang Zhen continued to listen, but after a while, footsteps stopped just outside the wall where he was hiding!

Yeah, these two devils won't really come in, will they?

Shang Zhen thought to himself, and hurriedly turned off the safety of the box gun he was holding in his hand, and gently put the box gun down, and then he took out the bayonet he carried with him.

Shang Zhen looked down on the puppet army, which was called strategic disdain, but if the puppet army really came up, he would have to pay attention to it tactically.

After all, although he had only glanced at it before, there were still people in a platoon of those puppet soldiers.

He just heard the footsteps of the puppet soldiers outside the wall and knew that there were not many people here. Three people were a big hurdle. So, if he could just kill the puppet soldiers who came in silently, it would be better than Come up and shoot!

Of course, this is not only because Shang Zhen has confidence in the enemy-killing techniques he has developed by touching the whistle, but also his consistent style of fighting the enemy.

What is Shang Zhen's style?

That is roughly to covertly engage the enemy, launch suddenly, hit with one hit, and then retreat or retreat when the enemy is ready. This is roughly what it means.

But Shang Zhen listened to the movement outside the wall, but there was no movement outside the wall.

what's the situation? Now it is impossible for Shang Zhen to look at it again. Are these reckless guys outside really pointing guns at himself behind the wall?

How can it be? They are not the Laoshan Taoist priests who know some magic as Li Qingfeng said. It is impossible for them to see someone hiding behind the wall!

Or else the puppet soldiers would have discovered his footprints when he came in? But that’s unlikely!

Shang Zhen was thinking about it when he suddenly smelled a smell of smoke. This was not the smell of fire, but the smell of cigarettes smoked by people.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but laugh.

I was really nervous. Why did the puppet soldiers who came over didn't say a word, but they turned out to be lighting cigarettes and smoking!

Shang Zhen doesn't smoke himself, but he knows what kind of smokers he is. For example, their gangster Wang Lao Mao Hou Kanshan is a smoker.

When a smoker asks a smoker for a cigarette, there is definitely a tacit understanding, that is, without saying anything, just hold your index finger and middle finger together, and the other person will naturally take out a cigarette.

Sure enough, at this time, Shang Zhen heard voices coming from outside the wall: "Damn it, we won't stop the Japanese from attacking Taierzhuang." This man had a loud voice, and it was obvious that he was usually a loud person. .

"What? You think this job is not good, why don't you go to Taierzhuang?" The other man's voice was much lower, but his attitude was disapproving. Hearing this, he sounded much more mature and steady than his loud voice.

"That's not what I meant." The loud-voiced puppet soldier hurriedly explained, "I mean, we are not idle either. I won't go to fight against Taierzhuang. Do I think my life is in danger? Let's just catch some shrimps honestly!"

Small shrimp? Shang Zhen, who was only separated by a wall, was stunned when he heard this. Who is this little shrimp? Could it be that he was referring to himself?

At this time, the other puppet soldier outside the wall also expressed his objection: "Little shrimps? Do you think what we caught are small shrimps?"

"Compared with the national army guarding Taierzhuang, these fish that have slipped through the net are just shrimps?" The loud voice felt that what he said was very reasonable.

"Pull them down quickly. In that village, how were all the people in the first battalion beaten? At that time, I also saw the Japanese pulling two carriages of dead people!" said the mature and serious man.

"Our people?" the loud voice asked.

"Can you please be smarter?

Will the Japanese use horse-drawn carriages to pull our people?

We have a close relationship with each other whether we die or not. The people on top are Japanese soldiers, and they are all covered with white sheets. "The mature man said again.

"How could you tell they were Japanese soldiers when they were all covered with white sheets?" the loud-voiced man asked curiously.

"Fuck!" The mature man was finally annoyed by the loud voice, "You are a small Japanese soldier, and you are taller than the two of them. Besides, they all wear big-toed shoes. Are you blind? Can't you tell?"

"Oh." The loud voice trailed off.

A stupid person will always lower his voice no matter how high his voice is when faced with an injustice. This can be regarded as one of the laws of life.

But at this time, Shang Zhen on the other side of the wall was already thinking about it. It seemed that the little shrimps these two guys were talking about were not themselves, but a group of friendly forces with a large number of people.

Sure enough, the loud voice on the other side of the wall confirmed his conjecture: "If that's the case, then the national army is quite powerful. It must have a regiment, right?"

"I don't know if they are a regiment, but a lot of their people died. It is estimated that after this battle, their regiment will only have a few shrimps left." The mature and prudent man added.

"In the final analysis, is it true that the national army can't do it? With the few people they have left, aren't they just little shrimps?" The man with the loud voice regained his point of view.

But at this time, Shang Zhen on the other side of the wall was already itching with hatred.

Although the two Japanese soldiers could not be seen, Shang Zhen could guess from their words that the guy with the loud voice was definitely not short. He could be as tall as the two Japanese soldiers. Although his words were exaggerated, he was There is absolutely no way he is a small man.

But for a dignified seven-foot man, no matter how tall or majestic he is, what's the point? Good people do nothing but become traitors!

"Little shrimps, brew! Clean the shrimps. You can't think like that if you want to survive." The old man retorted again solemnly.

"Why?" the man with the loud voice asked again.

"Why? Didn't you listen to what the captain said when we came here? There is a particularly powerful national army in our area, who used a box cannon to cause harm to the Japanese.

One man dared to sneak attack the Japanese camp and set fire to the village. As soon as the fire started, the Japanese ran out of the house, and then they killed and injured more than fifty Japanese! "

Huh? Shang Zhen on the other side of the wall was stunned for a moment. This time he knew that the person on the other side of the wall must be referring to himself.

It turns out that he is already so famous! Oh, by the way, the most important thing is that I killed and wounded more than fifty little Japs in the past two nights!

So if I jump out from behind the wall now and shout "That person is me!", will I scare the shit out of these two fuckers?

Being able to make the enemy fearful or frightened by the news, Shang Zhen naturally felt happy. The enemy's pain was his pride. What else would he need, the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal? Killing more Japanese would be the best medal!

Shang Zhen was looking beautiful, but then his nose was almost crooked with anger!

Because next he heard the loud voice say: "Oh! There is still this! So if we capture or kill that national soldier, how much reward will the Japanese give us?"

How come the tall and mighty Chinese people have the heart of a slave? Shang Zhen cursed in his heart.

Now Shang Zhen also knows that the Japanese and puppet troops are arresting him, so he will not take the initiative to attack. But if possible, he wouldn't mind killing the loud-mouthed puppet soldier directly!

Shang Zhen was angry here, but there was no movement on the other end. After a while, he heard the mature and solemn man speak: "You idiot who doesn't know how high the sky is!"

"Who are you talking about?" The loud voice was confused.

"I'm talking about you!" the man said angrily.

"Why am I such an idiot?" The loud voice was unconvinced.

"Do you know why I don't enter the wall behind us?" the mature and serious man asked.

Just what this man said made Shang Zhen tighten his grip on the bayonet. Why? If you two want to die, then come here!

Shang Zhen thought so, but the loud voice certainly didn't understand it that way. Then Shang Zhen heard the loud voice say disapprovingly: "Then why is it filled with dust?"

"Call you stupid. Think about it, that Chinese soldier can kill and injure more than fifty Japanese soldiers, so we can catch them when we meet them, okay?" the mature and serious man said.

The loud voice fell silent.

It is always normal for people who speak rashly to be criticized. This has been the case in China since ancient times.

"So if you want to survive, remember that we are asked to search, but we must not look where we shouldn't." The mature and prudent man said again.

"What do you mean?" The loud voice didn't understand.

Not only did the loud voice not understand, but Shang Zhen on the other side of the wall also didn't understand. Don't look where you shouldn't!

At this time, the man began to explain: "No matter where the national army is hiding, it must be hiding somewhere where we can't see it.

Think about it, he will definitely not hit us first, so why should we provoke him?

If you have to go to a place where we can't see normally, then we won't say whether we can find him or not. That means he feels that we are threatening his life, so he shoots him in the dark. You His life would be gone!

If that person shoots me again, my life will be gone! "The mature and prudent puppet soldier said this.

After listening to what this puppet soldier said, not to mention what the loud voice thought, Shang Zhen secretly gave this guy a thumbs up!

This guy is so smart! Not only did they thoroughly analyze their own psychology, but they also thought carefully about how to save their lives.

Is it really like that, someone just walks in front of me without looking away, and I kill him without hesitation? Is he full enough? What's more, I haven't eaten enough now, and I won't take the initiative to kill a very sensible puppet soldier.

"Why are you so panicked? Hey, second brother, do you think the national army is hiding behind this wall?" The voice of the guy who had always been loud finally dropped.

Who knew that such a big-hearted person would have such an imaginative heart? Apparently he was frightened by his sudden idea!

"Fuck! My neck is numb from what you said! Behind this wall is a place we shouldn't look at!" The mature and prudent puppet soldier was also a little scared.

At this time, there happened to be a shout in the village: "Zi Zhu, Erhu, where did the two of us go? Let's go!"

"Come on, come on!" The veteran puppet soldier responded hurriedly, footsteps sounded, and the two people left just like that.

Counting beads, two tigers, Shang Zhen couldn't help but grin, he really lives up to his name, one can calculate like an abacus, and the other two tigers.

I just don’t know what they would think if they really knew that they were hiding behind this wall.

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