The War of Resistance

Chapter 1122 Difficulty in finding the person

Taierzhuang is not quiet, there are gunshots and explosions from time to time.

But the area where Shang Zhen is located is still peaceful for the time being.

Each town has its own strategic points, and the battles between the enemy and ourselves are centered around strategic points, and the area where Shang Zhen is located is still several hundred meters away from the main direction of the Japanese attack.

A few hundred meters is not that far, but the problem is that what is being fought in Taierzhuang now is street fighting. There are only a few hundred meters separated by countless houses. How can it be so easy to fight through it?

So there is no war here for the time being.

"What are you thinking about there?" Wu Ziqi asked when he saw that Shang Zhen was just looking out from the ruins.

"It's such a mess and there's no way to start!" Shang Zhen sighed.

"Why is it such a mess that there's no way to start?" Sure enough, Wu Ziqi asked again.

"I just want to find my few people, but I don't know how to find them." Shang Zhen replied.

"Oh." Wu Ziqi suddenly realized, "I will understand when you say that."

Shang Zhen glanced at him and said angrily: "What do you understand?"

"It's just that a dog bites a hedgehog and doesn't know what to say!" Wu Ziqi explained according to his own understanding.

"Fuck, that's what it means." Shang Zhen laughed angrily at Wu Ziqi's metaphor.

Although Wu Ziqi said that he was a dog, Wu Ziqi's metaphor was still very vivid.

Whether it was a mess with no way to start, or a dog biting a hedgehog, Shang Zhen really didn't know how to find the big boss and idiot Li Qingfeng and the others when he entered Taierzhuang.

If Big Laoban and the others are dead now, then there is nothing to mention. But even if they are still alive, how can Shang Zhen be found? There's no way he could have a loudspeaker all over Taierzhuang and shout, "Where are you idiots, come back quickly!"

This is not the age of cold weapons. As long as one person is a hero, he can kill Adou in and out like Changshan Zhao Zilong who saved Adou from a million soldiers.

Now is the era of hot weapons. Bullets don’t have long eyes. Anyone who goes to the battlefield must be prepared to die at any time.

Moreover, Shang Zhen cannot go to the battlefield in broad daylight, so if he goes to the battlefield in the daytime, let alone looking for someone, he will most likely have to abandon himself on the battlefield.

Although Shang Zhen has never been involved in large-scale street fighting, he can understand that this kind of fighting must be a house-by-house struggle. If anyone dares to show up in the streets and alleys, the old man will hang himself - if he thinks his life is alive. After a long time, the light machine guns of both the enemy and ours must be aimed at the open spaces on the streets without obstacles!

It is precisely because of this that the Battle of Taierzhuang lasted for so many days. One side's firepower advantage was suppressed, while the other side was not afraid of death, so it was a fight.

In the house-by-house fight, the role of guns is limited, and only thrown grenades are useful.

It was precisely because of this that Shang Zhen followed a team delivering ammunition to Taierzhuang and asked for a box of grenades.

It's just that this dark night is a battlefield. Not to mention that there is darkness everywhere, but it is understandable how difficult it is to find the few people who may still be alive.

It is precisely because of this that Shang Zhen, who has always been accustomed to making preparations before the war and trying to figure out all the strategies, is also one of the top two!

But at this time, after Wu Ziqi's gag, Shang Zhen's mood calmed down.

No matter how messed up the pī is, it has to be sorted out all over again. It’s up to people to decide what to do, and what to do is up to God!

Shang Zhen and Wu Ziqi stopped talking, but before the night fell, they waited for the beginning of a new battle.

"Boom", "boom", "boom", suddenly there were explosions of grenades right in front of them. The explosions were so violent and dense. Because the explosions overlapped, Shang Zhen and Shang Zhen Wu Ziqi didn't even hear the number!

"Oops! The fight has begun!" Wu Ziqi, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly couldn't stand up. He poked half of his face out of the collapsed corner and looked over.

But what could he see? What he saw were either intact houses or houses that had been destroyed by the bombing. Those buildings were enough to block his sight.

This is Zhuangzi. Although it is called Taierzhuang, in fact it is just a name. It is more appropriate to say that it is a big town. Just like SJZ is also a village, but no one would really think that it is really a Zhuangzi.

"It must be Chief Li's people who are fighting with the Japanese!" Even though he couldn't see it, he couldn't suppress Wu Ziqi's excitement.

People always share things they are excited about with others, so Wu Ziqi looked at Shang Zhen again.

But Shang Zhen let him down again. Shang Zhen didn't look back at all, but he was still hiding at the broken wall of the house and looking out.

"It's so boring!" Wu Ziqi couldn't help but muttered when he saw that Shang Zhen didn't pay attention to him. Then he turned around and continued to listen and watch, listen to the explosion and look at the fire produced by the explosion.

But Wu Ziqi didn't know that Shang Zhen was frowning at this time.

Shang Zhen was not surprised that Chief Li led a suicide squad to launch a surprise attack on the Japanese army.

When they met Chief Li, Chief Li and his men were hanging grenades on their bodies. Even some of their suicide squad members didn't even have guns, they just had grenades all over their bodies and a big knife.

Chief Li's death squad was dressed as if they were ready to die, so is there anything strange about the fight now?

The reason why Shang Zhen frowned was just because the fighting on Chief Li's end was too lively and the noise was too loud. He originally wanted to use his ears to capture the movements elsewhere on the battlefield.

He always felt that if Li Qingfeng, Big Boss, Lu Yi, Pegasus and Erpao were still alive, they would always run back.

Or if they don't run back, they will always make some noise. Now that the Chinese army has suffered such a big loss, if they don't make some noise, they will be sorry for their military uniforms!

It's just that those few people can't make much noise even if they make some noise. There are few people, and there are also few guns used in street fighting. They can only throw grenades and so on.

But now, the main attack direction of the Chinese army has made so much noise. Now he wants to listen to whether there is the explosion of Xing Beng'er in other places, but this will not work.

But it's useless to say anything else now, Shang Zhen can only wait.

After a few more minutes, the explosions in the main direction of the battle finally became smaller and became intermittent, but then Shang Zhen heard a sudden "pop", "pop" and "pop" directly in front of him. Gunshots!

The gunfire was very rapid. Although it was not a burst of fire, it was still the sound of a box cannon firing continuously.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but feel refreshed. It had been eight years since September 18th. Judging from his experience, at least he had never seen any Japanese using box cannons.

Moreover, if Shang Zhen remembers correctly, Big Boss has a semi-automatic box cannon!

This time Shang Zhen didn't think about anything. He took out four hand grenades from the box that had opened the lid and stuffed them into his shoulder bag. Then he ordered Wu Ziqi: "Wait here. Come on, let me go up and take a look!"

"Hey!" When Wu Ziqi saw that Shang Zhen was really gone, he ignored him and quit.

Is Wu Ziqi a soldier? From the perspective of being able to shoot a gun, then I can barely count it.

He is ignorant and fearless. Whenever he sees a lively battle, he would like to join in. But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Shang Zhen will take him with him!

Now when he saw that Shang Zhen had left and left him alone, the pride he had just felt disappeared and his heart became agitated.

He quickly stood up and wanted to follow Shang Zhen, but as soon as he followed him out of the ruins, he hurriedly came back.

Shang Zhen said that grenades for street fighting were particularly important, and he had to take the remaining grenades with him.

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