The War of Resistance

Chapter 1126 Crisis

With Shang Zhen in front and Wu Ziqi behind, the two walked through the house they had entered before.

Only then did Shang Zhen realize that this family's house was really not small. The roof was blown off but the walls were still there.

Fortunately, even the different rooms in a big house were connected. At least after running through several rooms, they did not enter that windowless and doorless place of death.

While they were running in front, the Japanese soldiers threw grenades in from behind. Although the roaring explosion did not collapse the wall, it still put great pressure on the two of them.

At this point, Shang Zhen, a veteran, also understood from his own personal experience that street fighting is really not that easy to fight. It is completely a way of fighting between the enemy and ourselves to forcefully pile up people!

If you don't leave me here, you have to leave me. I don't know why this sentence came out of Shang Zhen's mind.

Since there were many Japanese soldiers and they found themselves in this house, they had better run out of this house first. Shang Zhen walked around the big house and finally ran out of the house.

Whether it's Shang Zhen or Wu Ziqi, they both have a good idea. They brought a box of grenades over and used them to blow up those Japanese bastards if they had the chance.

But now it cannot be said that they died before they were born, but they were also driven away by the Japanese army.

"Oh, wait for me!" Wu Ziqi, who was carrying the box of grenades behind him, shouted breathlessly as soon as he stepped over the threshold with one foot.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen, who was about to jump forward, heard a "hiss" sound coming from above his head.

What is the veteran instinct? Shang Zhen, who was moving forward, turned sharply on the spot and rushed back.

Wu Ziqi, who was following Shang Zhen, was caught off guard, and the two of them bumped into each other.

Shang Zhen was already running and lying down. As soon as the two people collided, they both fell to the ground. However, Shang Zhen rushed down and fell down, while Wu Ziqi fell on his back. The box of grenades also hit the ground.

At this time, there was a "boom" and a wave of dust rising right in front of the house. It was a mortar shell fired by the Japanese army that exploded.

Thanks to Shang Zhen's reaction in time, he turned around and threw himself down. If he had been a little slower, the two of them would never have been able to escape the fate of being pierced by the shell fragments!

And it was at this time that Wu Ziqi started to say "ouch".

It turned out that Shang Zhen hit him when he fought back, and Wu Ziqi had just left the room. When Shang Zhen hit Wu Ziqi, he fell down, but his waist was hit hard by the threshold!

However, the explosion just now reminded Wu Ziqi, and only then did he realize that Shang Zhen actually saved his life!

Even when Wu Ziqi was in the puppet army, he heard veterans say that there was movement when mortar shells flew over.

But everyone can hear the noise, but being able to react when disaster strikes is another matter. Wu Ziqi even thought about how many bombings Shang Zhen had to endure before he reacted like this.

Just when Wu Ziqi was thinking about it, the "hiss" and "hiss" screams came from mid-air again.

"Climb back quickly!" Shang Zhen was really anxious.

Originally, he had just stepped out, but this time in a hurry, he pressed his hands and feet and jumped back into the big house. At this time, Wu Ziqi let out another "ouch".

Wu Ziqi was hit by Shang Zhen. Although his waist was pinched by the threshold, his whole body except for his feet was knocked back into the door.

At this time, Shang Zhen heard the incoming Japanese artillery shells again. He didn't care where he pressed his hand when he was running for his life. Just now, his left hand was pressed on Wu Ziqi's belly.

As for Shang Zhen's hand, he didn't strike lightly. In other words, it wasn't a question of whether he struck lightly. Shang Zhen's hand also violently supported his weight of more than 100 kilograms!

At this moment, Wu Ziqi felt that everything in his stomach was about to be squeezed out by Shang Zhen. How could he not scream?

However, Wu Ziqi's cry was immediately drowned out by the explosion of the mortar shell.

Shell fragments rattled the walls of the house, and dust and dirt poured into the house.

At this moment, Shang Zhen, who jumped back into the big house, realized that he and Wu Ziqi had crashed a Japanese sneak attack.

It must be that the Japanese army saw that they could not take the main attack direction no matter how they attacked, so they used this roundabout move.

But just now there was a commotion between Shang Zhen and the Japanese infantry. The Japanese artillery behind must have thought that the attack was blocked, so they provided artillery support. The flares were fired to illuminate the artillery!

Having just escaped the bombardment, Shang Zhen knew that he was in trouble again.

The escape direction was originally blocked by Japanese mortars, but the Japanese troops attacking from behind remained the same. He had not forgotten this fact!

When he entered the room, he touched the grenade. The flare above his head was still shining, and Shang Zhen also unscrewed the cap on the handle.

At this time, there happened to be a gap in the explosion of the Japanese mortar shells. At this moment, Shang Zhen heard the sound of footsteps coming from the next room. When he pulled the fuse, Shang Zhen threw the grenade over the wall. .

At this time, Wu Ziqi, who had put down the grenade box, shouted "Japanese". Shang Zhen looked towards the door and saw a hand quickly retracting behind the door. Correspondingly, there was a round Japanese bullet. The grenade flashed metallic luster under the glow of the flare and flew towards his lower body!

At this point, it was useless to say anything else. Shang Zhen instinctively raised his foot and kicked the grenade out!

At this moment, the explosion of the grenade thrown by Shang Zhen was heard from the other side of the wall. Amidst the smoke and ashes, Shang Zhen saw the grenade fly out of the door and into the ashes.

Shang Zhen instinctively shrank himself towards the corner, but his right hand was touching the grenade again.

The reason why Shang Zhen found a shoulder bag this time was to make it easier to carry grenades.

Now Shang Zhen didn't care what was happening on the other side. He threw another grenade over the wall, and Wu Ziqi did the same. After the two explosions, the adjacent room stopped.

"Blow you guys to death!" Wu Ziqi scolded.

But Shang Zhen knew that it couldn't be that simple. When he looked out from the door earlier, there were definitely a lot of Japanese troops coming over.

"Come with me quickly." Shang Zhen whispered.

This time he didn't need Wu Ziqi. He jumped over a few steps, picked up the grenade box, and rushed to the other door.

Wu Ziqi couldn't figure out what was going on, but Wu Ziqi figured it out after this series of battles, and what Shang Zhen heard was correct! If he were with Shang Zhen, he didn't know how long he could live, but if it was just him, he would definitely die early!

Shang Zhen and Wu Ziqi ran through the wall, and then there was an explosion behind them. It was the Japanese troops coming from behind who were also throwing grenades at them.

Only then did Shang Zhen realize that this family's house was not generally large. They passed through several rooms in succession, but there was one in front of them!

If there were no street fighting, wouldn't it be a good thing to have more houses? Private houses have become fortifications, but Shang Zhen remembers that the Japanese army didn't carry any grenades, so it's not safe to hide in the house now!

Not to mention the Japanese army throwing a grenade into a room, if the Japanese army piled up the grenades, they could blow up this big house without a trace!

When Shang Zhen ran forward again, he heard the explosion in front of him suddenly started again. This time it was not a mortar, but it was still the explosion of a grenade.

Damn it, aren’t the little devils surrounding this place?

Counterattack while you still have some grenades in your hand? Such thoughts flashed through Shang Zhen's mind.

But he didn't need to think about it to know that in this situation, neither the enemy nor we would get anything good.

The roof of this big house has been almost lifted, but the walls of the house are still there. The power of a grenade explosion in a place like this is surprisingly strong. If you throw one, I will throw one, and I can kill you. You, I can’t dodge what you throw at me.

If the fight continues according to this model, then the Chinese army will certainly be cost-effective, because at present, under the premise of the same strength, the Chinese army is really no match for the Japanese army.

But this time the matter fell on him, Shang Zhen didn't want to die!

It's over, the days of living by playing tricks are over, Shang Zhen lamented in his heart.

At this time, Shang Zhen rushed into another room. The Japanese army's flare was almost gone now, and the light had weakened. But at this time, Shang Zhen unexpectedly discovered that this room was very big. It should be a Kitchen, there is a stove and a big pot in the middle of the room.

The more soldiers have experienced this battle, the better their survivability will be, not to mention that Shang Zhen himself is a very resourceful person.

"I have an idea, hurry! Hurry!" Shang Zhen shouted in a low voice.

"What's the move? Just tell me!" Wu Ziqi was also anxious.

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