The War of Resistance

Chapter 1132 The second time on the stove

"Why are you running so fast?" Wu Ziqi asked regretfully when he and Shang Zhen ran into the darkness of a room.

"You are stupid, even if you knock down all the little devils, there are always some who are alive.

Let's not talk about the little devil's shooting skills. Even his grenades can hit the house we just stayed in.

Not running? Waiting to die? "Now that we have time, Shang Zhen still wants to give Wu Ziqi some guidance.

"Oh." Wu Ziqi expressed that he was taught something.

Unless absolutely necessary, Shang Zhen would not fight the Japanese army during the day, let alone at night.

It doesn't matter which group throws a grenade, it explodes in a large area, so there is no rule for throwing it, but Shang Zhen is afraid of being blown up.

It's just like on the battlefield. If the Japanese army found out and shot someone to death, it would not be an injustice. But if you were hit by a stray bullet or ricochet on the battlefield, would you say it was an injustice?

"Hey, let me tell you, how many Japanese soldiers did you kill with a grenade just now?" Wu Ziqi began to ramble again.

In fact, this is no wonder Wu Ziqi.

Wu Ziqi actually didn't fight any battles in the puppet army. He always listened to his companions who said they were puppet soldiers but were actually bandits talking about killing people, stealing goods, and robbing homes and homes.

So Wu Ziqi can be considered a new recruit.

New recruits are like students who enter the city from the countryside and always talk about new things. Wu Ziqi has never seen someone who can fight like Shang Zhen, so naturally he won't be idle.

But after Wu Ziqi asked, what was waiting for him was Shang Zhen's words: "Shut up, there seems to be something going on outside!"

Shang Zhen's words naturally made Wu Ziqi shut up, and he listened attentively.

But before he could hear anything, Shang Zhen had already whispered in his ear: "Quickly retreat!"

Since it was Shang Zhen who said it, Wu Ziqi thought it was OK, so he followed Shang Zhen and the two of them retreated into the house.

There were still flares fired by the Japanese army outside, and there was a house on fire in the distance. Although there was light in the house where Shang Zhen and the others were hiding now, it was dim after all. Since Shang Zhen said there was something moving outside, the two of them Naturally, he walked very carefully.

Now Wu Ziqi also understands the dangers of street fighting. If the Japanese soldiers outside hear a movement in the house, they can throw a grenade into the house. Then the two of them will be really heroic.

On the contrary, the two of them now have no grenades, which means they lack effective countermeasures, so of course the best choice for them is to avoid fighting.

It's just that the two of them were afraid of being heard by the Japanese soldiers outside and didn't dare to say anything. However, the Japanese soldiers outside didn't think that there would be anyone in the room, so there would be a lot of noise.

The movement of the Japanese army was much greater than that of Shang Zhen and Wu Ziqi. This does not mean that the discipline of the Japanese army's night march was not strict. It was just the movement that was inevitably caused by the rapid movement of the Japanese army. For example, the big-toed shoes kicked against bricks and tiles. The sounds on the block, such as the whispers of Japanese soldiers conveying orders.

The situation was not good. At this time, Shang Zhen had a bad feeling. This would not work. If an accident happened, he and Wu Ziqi would be blocked in the house by the Japanese army.

And once the target of the two of them is exposed, they will have no countermeasures without grenades. No matter how sharpshooters are in this kind of battle, it is useless, it is absolutely no match for a grenade that flies into the house!

It would be great if he was in the big stove where he was hiding before. The thought of facing a difficult situation naturally arose in Shang Zhen's heart.

Big stove? Shang Zhen suddenly remembered that the location where he and Wu Ziqi were now should not be far from that wealthy family with a big stove, right? It seems to be nearby.

Shang Zhen carefully moved to a window and peeked out. Although it was only a glance, he saw something that seemed familiar, or an object. Of course, it is not very accurate to say that it was an object. Just because that object is relatively large, it is a stone lion half as tall as a man.

Shang Zhen couldn't remember it wrong. When he came out of the house with the big stove, there was such a stone lion at the door.

There are no such coincidences in the world, so Shang Zhen is sure that the house in front is that one!

How about hiding in the big stove of that house? Shang Zhen thought, and then there seemed to be another self in his heart saying, he is really worthless, a good horse will not turn back and go back. Being a coward?

It is said that people’s thoughts come to them so quickly!

The self who clearly didn't want him to be a coward criticized himself for being a coward, but at this time Shang Zhen was already listening to the goings on around him.

Why should a turtle shrink his head and be a turtle? Fighting the Japanese is no longer a matter of time. Survival is the last priority!

Shang Zhen directly "threw" the one who said he was worthless to Java!

But just when Shang Zhen was thinking about how to enter the big house, suddenly a scream of "Ah" came from outside.

Everyone can shout "ah", but Chinese people say "ah" and Japanese people say "ah", which is absolutely different. After all, their mother tongues are different!

The sound came from the Japanese soldiers, and was followed by the Japanese soldiers' exclamations, and then there was the sound of "pop", "pop" and "pop" from the box cannon.

The light outside was already very dark, naturally because there were no Japanese flares above Shang Zhen's heads. It only took a moment for Shang Zhen to determine that the Japanese soldiers' shouts and gunshots were coming from behind him.

There are actually some of our own people who are fighting against this group of Japanese troops! The sound of that box of gunfire is the best proof!

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is if we don’t leave now, when will we wait? This is the best opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and escape!

So, why is he still hesitating?

"Stop talking and leave quickly!" Shang Zhen stretched out his hand to pull Wu Ziqi, then he pressed the window sill with one hand and jumped out.

It's really a waste of words to bring such a second-rate person with you!

This was another thought that came to Shang Zhen's mind when he jumped forward.

Whether you are a new recruit or a second-rate soldier, you have to mention everything. If you almost fail to mention it, you may get into trouble!

If you are bringing a veteran, you only need to say "go quickly", and the veteran will naturally not make any noise.

But what about bringing in new recruits or bringing in second-guessers? You have to add "don't talk". Isn't this just a waste of words?

Shang Zhen jumped out, and Wu Ziqi followed him instinctively.

He jumped out just out of instinct to obey orders, and he was still slightly stunned in his heart.

Shang Zhen's speed was probably too fast. Why did he feel that the person disappeared as soon as his eyes flashed?

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