The War of Resistance

Chapter 1135 Dark Room (3)

"Boom" "Boom", the explosion of a grenade sounded again, but this time it was not inside the house but outside. That was when the Japanese army began to counterattack.

A grenade, regardless of whether it has 6636 petals or 8864 petals, is not enough to kill all the Japanese soldiers in the house. That is not only because the house is very big, but also because there is a large stove and other miscellaneous items in the house. things.

The Japanese army was attacked in the house. There was more than one window and door in the house. In order to prevent sneak attacks by Chinese soldiers, even without the order of the Japanese deputy, there were Japanese sentries behind every door and window.

After all, the stove and debris blocked some of the shrapnel. After being attacked by a sneak attack, the Japanese soldiers behind them instinctively threw the grenades in their hands out of the window.

The explosion disappeared with its reverberation, and all that was heard in the room was the howling of several Japanese soldiers.

Of course the Japanese army's military discipline is very strict, even stricter than the current Chinese army!

But are the Japanese just naturally cold perverts? of course not.

He received education from a young age, and when he became a soldier, he went to the battlefield to assassinate civilians or prisoners and went through the so-called "living assassination training" to practice his courage. Over time, he naturally succeeded in brainwashing.

But so what? Even if those Japanese soldiers were educated by the Communists, they would eventually scream hysterically when the damage caused by the grenades exceeded their tolerance limit! What's more, it cannot be denied that the Japanese Yamato nation really has such hysterical energy in their bones!

"Ba Ge Ya Lu!" The Japanese deputy who was lucky enough to survive became angry and shouted hysterically.

It can also be understood from the perspective of this Japanese army deputy, what time is it now? Now is the time when we are fighting against each other. Are you shouting like this just because you are injured? Are you trying to summon grenades to come over again?

Amidst the yelling of the Japanese lieutenant, two of the wounded Japanese soldiers finally closed their mouths and turned their hysterical shouting into low moans. And one of the wounded Japanese soldiers, God knows what condition he was in, was so miserable. The cry was still the same.

So at the next moment, there were "pop" and "pop" gunshots, which were fired from a type of pistol that Chinese soldiers called a "bastard box."

It is said that that kind of pistol is easy to jam, but it turns out that at least this time the Japanese officer did not jam when he enforced his battlefield discipline, so the gun is not useless!

The room finally became quiet, and the Japanese deputy began to convey the order again. The order was nothing more than ordering several Japanese soldiers to go out of the room to provide warning.

Originally, these Japanese soldiers thought that they would be safe hiding in this big house, but who would have thought that Chinese soldiers followed them and threw grenades in!

There was darkness everywhere, and the Japanese soldiers took it for granted that the Chinese soldiers used the kind of long-handled grenades that only Chinese soldiers could use.

Listening to the murmur of his soldiers leaving the house, the Japanese squad deputy gave another order, which was to turn on the flashlight.

Since it's not safe for them to hide here in the dark, they might as well bring out the light. After all, they were hiding in the house and a grenade blew up a camp full of wounded soldiers. The mess always needs to be sorted out.

The Japanese soldiers who were out on guard outside were walking on thin ice to prevent being attacked again. The flashlight in the room was turned on, but it was pointed at the ground. This was of course the Japanese army's intention to minimize the brightness of the flashlight in the darkness.

Since it was impossible to let the flashlight beam wander all over the room, we could only check the situation one by one.

A Japanese soldier's head happened to be hit by the fragments of a grenade. One eye was squeezed out like a blister, while the other eye was already a dead fish eye, but it could not hide the fear in it.

The chest of a Japanese soldier was penetrated by shrapnel. The shrapnel obviously damaged his lungs. Although he was not dead, there was a sound like a blower box coming from his chest.

The carotid artery of a Japanese soldier was injured, but the blood spurted all over the wall!

The Japanese deputy had a sullen face and frowned. He began to touch his command knife, and the severely wounded Japanese soldier who was not dead looked at him directly.

All the Japanese soldiers present should know what the deputy commander of the army will do that day.

God knows whether the wounded Japanese soldier who was about to be killed by the deputy of this team would also scream hysterically. Of course, the premise is that he could still scream loudly!

And then some Japanese soldiers really screamed, but it was not the wounded Japanese soldier who screamed, but another Japanese soldier who was not injured at all.

The Japanese soldier's sudden shout made all the Japanese soldiers present look at him, and even the Japanese soldier holding a flashlight instinctively pointed the flashlight over.

As a result, all the Japanese officers and soldiers saw that under the circular circle of light, the Japanese soldier was pointing at a companion next to him in horror.

As for the flashlight, the light it emits is a cylinder, and the light it scatters is a circular aperture. The aperture is large enough, and all the soldiers were extremely shocked to find that the companion pointed by the Japanese soldier who just screamed was already dead.

It's not surprising that someone died. The grenade thrown by the Chinese soldier didn't kill four or five people.

But the problem is, the dead one pointed at by the living one was definitely not killed by the explosion, just because he had a bayonet inserted in his chest!

Do Japanese people get numb scalps or chills down their backs because of the horror? The Japanese know, God knows, but the Chinese may not know, and we don’t need to know anyway!

After a moment of silence, the Japanese lieutenant screamed, "He's in the house!"

who is he? Of course it was the Chinese soldiers who attacked them!

They all thought it was a Chinese soldier who threw a grenade outside the window or door, but now, one of them was stabbed to death with a bayonet. So how could that terrible Chinese soldier throw a grenade outside the house? The bayonet was thrown in and killed one of them with great accuracy?

So, logic holds true, he is in the house!

And as if to confirm the Japanese lieutenant's judgment, just when the Japanese soldiers suddenly became nervous but before they had time to react, there was a sudden sound of wind in the darkness.

The news was very fast, and it was not until some Japanese soldiers who were present at the time survived that they woke up.

And in the rapid sound of the wind, the flashlight in the hand of the Japanese soldier responsible for lighting suddenly made a "pop" sound. That was because the glass cover in front of the flashlight was broken!

The glass cover was broken, and how could the small light bulb inside, which was the size of a cherry, survive alone?

So at this moment, the Japanese army's flashlight responsible for illuminating the scene went out.

But there was a Japanese soldier who reacted quickly. He felt that the thing that shattered the flashlight must be a brick, and when he subconsciously looked up, he saw a tall figure flashing past behind the big pot.

"He's there!" the Japanese soldier shouted. He instinctively shouted and raised his gun, but the flashlight was smashed into the room and the room became dark again.

"Pa", the Japanese soldier fired.

But he knew that he couldn't hit it, because he only saw the figure briefly, and the room immediately became dark when the flashlight was smashed.

But just at a glance, he knew that the man was very tall, as tall as a black iron tower!

He shot just out of a soldier's instinct, but what he was thinking was, are there any such tall people in the world? Is he a murderer?

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