The War of Resistance

Chapter 1147 What is the success or failure?

Half of the house collapsed, that is, one main wall and several walls of the rooms inside had collapsed, and the half-story house frame also collapsed, so there were more half-story houses in front of the house that were still standing but seemed to be about to collapse at any time. A pile of rubble.

With the rare agility of a man of his age, Mr. Wang jumped over the pile of rubble and dived into the half-storied house. When the soldiers behind him also rushed in, Mr. Wang was taking advantage of the pile of rubble. He was squatting there with his hands on the ground and breathing heavily.

"I'm old, I'm old, my bones are not as big as before." Wang Laomao muttered in a low voice.

No one among the soldiers answered, and now is not the time to answer, although some of them wanted to say, you must have had a hard time with Aunt Wang!

Mr. Wang is not a roundworm in the stomachs of these soldiers, so he doesn't know what they are thinking.

And when he breathed more evenly, he began to look at this new hiding place.

This house is not small, with very high walls. The remaining eaves are like traditional Chinese cornices, and there is a sculpture of a small animal on it.

But the beast's head had disappeared in the flames of war. Only the one with a copper bell tied around its neck could not tell what kind of animal it was, as Wang Lao Mao and other soldiers from the northernmost part of China with little cultural background could tell. .

Yes, animals. They call the animal an animal. It’s polite to call it an animal. They don’t call it an animal. It’s just to lose face for the animal. Very few of them know that the animal is a lion or a unicorn. .

There are "animals" on the eaves. This house is facing the street. Regardless of whether it is a large house or a shop, it is still a good situation. The half-drawn house that has not collapsed looks like it must be hundreds of square meters, and there are several doors. One.

Fortunately, this house is going to collapse, otherwise the Japanese would not use this place as a base for stationing soldiers or goods!

Wang Lao Mao was thinking in his mind, but when he turned his head back to look at the pile of rubble he had just run through, he suddenly said, "Fuck me! |

By this time the soldiers had separated.

Now they are hiding in this half-story house. The view of the Japanese sentries on the collapsed city wall behind has been blocked. The Japanese soldiers coming from the other direction will not come in seeing the dangerous appearance of this house like pebbles.

They should be safe for now.

But even so, they couldn't help but put sentries around. There had to be people on all four sides. Even though they didn't have to leave the house, for veterans like them, there was no need for Old Man Wang to order this kind of thing.

There are nearly thirty people in Mr. Wang's group. Even if there are two sentries on one side, most of them are still left.

But now, when they heard that Mr. Wang suddenly became violent, they instinctively grabbed their guns and prepared for battle. No matter what, they were now surrounded by enemies on all sides.

But when the soldiers looked at Mr. Wang, they saw that Mr. Wang didn't look like he was facing a formidable enemy, so they were slightly relieved.

At this time, Mr. Wang was looking at the nearby pile of rubble that they had to pass when they first entered the house, but something was wrong with Mr. Wang's face.

The soldiers looked around, and then they discovered that two legs of a man were exposed under the rubble.

There is no way a pile of rubble could only bury two calves, just like the cenotaphs built by the ancients. That was a soldier who was knocked down under the pile of rubble. Of course, to be precise, he is now a A corpse.

Just now they were running in a hurry to avoid being discovered by the Japanese army, so naturally they didn't notice that there was a dead person buried underneath, but now they saw it.

Although it was impossible to see the soldier's face now, the soldiers immediately confirmed that this soldier must be the officer who died defending the city. The reason was naturally because of the color of the military uniform and the pair of cloth shoes.

The pair of cloth shoes were very worn. The front tip of one shoe had been kicked open, exposing Battai's big toe. The sole of the other shoe was almost falling off, and it was also dirty when exposed. The soles of his feet and the leggings wrapped around his calves had come loose, and there were dark blood stains on them.

The soldiers' expressions also became bad, just like that of Mr. Wang.

The sound of explosions in the distance was still ringing intermittently, and occasionally there would be huge explosions.

From time to time there would be shouts of Japanese soldiers nearby, and they even heard the thumping footsteps of groups of Japanese soldiers running dozens of meters away.

But at this time, there was a dead silence in the half-drawn house, and the soldiers headed by Wang Laomao were all staring at the soles of the feet of the dead soldier.

Who knows which motley army this soldier belongs to.

Yes, they are from the miscellaneous army. Mr. Wang and the others have also heard about it. So far, those who have fought bloody battles with the Japanese army in Taierzhuang are all from the miscellaneous army.

Who knows whether this soldier came here from the distant Land of Abundance step by step with the soles of his feet, or whether he came here in a wooden boat along the Grand Canal, or whether he came from the northwest on a war horse, but in the end he could only I can bury my bones in a foreign land.

Maybe, no, not maybe but should, this anti-Japanese soldier’s today should be their tomorrow!

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad when something harms its kind!

At this time, the provocative words came out of the mind of Chen Hanwen, the half-bred scholar among Wang Laomao and others.

But when it came up, he didn't say anything.

Chen Hanwen is also a veteran. Although it is said that a person's temperament is easy to change, he has been ridiculed a lot by Mr. Wang and the others. He also knows that if he makes excuses again at this time, he will get nothing but ridicule. end.

Therefore, he finally buried his talent in his belly.

"There are guns there!" Qian Chuan'er suddenly whispered in a low voice. Following Qian Chuan'er's pointing, everyone saw the butt of a rifle exposed under the rubble.

It's just that the butt of the gun was only exposed, so everyone noticed it.

"I don't know which group they are from?" Old Hat Wang muttered. Still squatting, he walked forward with a low body like a clown in a drama. He wanted to know the identity of this unknown soldier.

But just when he "walked" behind the rubble pile and was about to make a move, Bai Zhan's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Be careful, there is a kid coming!"

Bai Zhan's reminder made all of them nervous all of a sudden. They had deliberately chosen such a dilapidated house that could collapse at any time, but who would have thought that Japanese troops would still come here!

"How can we deal with this and kill him?" Ma Erhuzi asked anxiously.

But can we really kill the Japanese soldiers coming here?

Even if they really killed this Japanese soldier silently, how dare they guarantee that other Japanese soldiers would not notice anything unusual?

At this time, Bai Zhan spoke again: "That bitch took off his belt while running, he must be either in urgent need of urination or holding in his feces!"

"Fuck you!" Mr. Wang became violent again.

Previously, he took advantage of the little time when the Japanese sentry turned around to urinate to hide here, but it was really a matter of success and failure. This time, another Japanese soldier was hungry and refused to eat. No, he was unwilling to hold back. Come to uncover their whereabouts.

How can Mr. Wang not be anxious?

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