The War of Resistance

Chapter 1156 The house collapsed!

Shang Zhen suddenly smiled, and everyone should be happy to see their leader reappearing.

Just because Shang Zhen looked unhappy after meeting them this time.

But Shang Zhen laughed, but the soldiers couldn't laugh.

Because, Shang Zhen smiled this time but it was better not to smile, because it was a bitter smile.

Who would have thought that these people had gone through so much trouble to get together, only to end up in a desperate situation.

There were Japanese troops from all directions, and they began to search houses one by one. They would soon be discovered by the Japanese troops.

Then the Japanese army may not need to use artillery to bombard this dilapidated house. They just use grenades to fire a few grenades, and the house will be completely destroyed.

"How about we rush out!" What Ma Erhuzi said undoubtedly represented the thoughts of the vast majority of soldiers.

Looking at it now, if we are trapped here and we are waiting for death, we might as well rush out and have a bloody fight with the Japanese army.

This idea is undoubtedly in line with the ideas of all the soldiers present, especially the Northeast soldiers.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a trapped beast still fighting, or it doesn’t matter whether it’s about grabbing a few people on the back before dying. Anyway, since death is inevitable, why not die vigorously, rather than die in a suppressed and aggrieved way?

It's just that Ma Erhuzi thought so, but Mr. Wang didn't see it. Mr. Wang glanced at Shang Zhen's unique contemplative expression and said to Ma Erhuzi: "Even if Mr. Shang doesn't come back, it won't be his turn." It’s up to you to make the decision, shut up!”

Of course Mr. Wang doesn’t want to die.

When he ran back after the surprise attack failed in the dark night, he thought of dying, but he actually ran back unscathed. As the saying goes, once you die once, you don't want to die!

Wang Laomao once settled an account for himself, an account related to the dead.

How many brothers I know well have died, and how many Japanese Japs have I killed since September 18th.

He dare not say that he must have killed more Japanese soldiers than his brothers were killed by Japanese soldiers, but he felt that he must have killed more Japanese soldiers than ordinary soldiers!

Although their group, including Shang Zhen, had been fighting against the Japanese army, they themselves had never said such heroic words as "driving out the Tartars and returning our mountains and rivers".

Wang Laomao feels that if he were younger, he would definitely be able to fight the Japanese.

But now he really doesn't think about it anymore. He still wants to take Ju Hongxia to find a place to spend a leisurely time, where his wife and children can sleep on the hot bed. He has killed so many Japanese soldiers, so he can be worthy of his brothers who have died in battle.

So, although he is now in a desperate situation, he is still lucky and hopes that Shang Zhen's return will bring good luck to people like him!

And next, Ma Erhuzi was scolded by Wang Laomao, and Ma Erhuzi became silent.

In fact, what Mr. Wang said is not wrong. Now the person who calls the shots is Shang Zhen again. So no matter what orders Shang Zhen gives, they will obey them unconditionally!

At this time Shang Zhen spoke. Time no longer allowed Shang Zhen to think of countermeasures, but maybe he had already finished thinking about it.

"Don't rush out, just live a little longer." No one expected that Shang Zhen would say such unambitious words.

But Shang Zhen is Shang Zhen. Whether it is Old Man Wang and his group of old people, or the four people he brought back later, Qingfeng Li, Da Laoban, Wang Xiaodan and Hu Chuang, Shang Zhen has already determined that he is absolutely authority!

So, if you don’t have ambition for this order, then don’t have ambition. If you don’t have ambition, you have to carry it out.

More than ten minutes later, more than a dozen Japanese sergeants finally appeared in front of the dangerous house with guns drawn.

"****" A Japanese sergeant gave the order, and two Japanese soldiers ran towards the house with guns drawn one behind the other.

However, they only took two steps before the Japanese soldier in front stopped.

The house looked dangerous, looking like it could collapse at any moment.

That's just the part without a cover that was blown off. Even the part with a cover was drooping and tilting. At least from the outside, it was all supported by a piece of wood as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

It would be fine if the wood was a good piece of wood, but most of the wood had broken off in one place, which must have been penetrated by shrapnel.

Why haven't the Japanese troops come to this house these days? Of course it's because everyone can see that this house is in danger, and anyone who comes in is afraid of being knocked down inside again!

Therefore, the Japanese soldier was also afraid at this time. He reached out and took off a grenade hanging on his belt.

His intention was already obvious, that is, he didn't want to go in and be photographed by a house that might collapse soon, so he just threw a grenade in and it was over.

But at this time, the Japanese sergeant behind him spoke again. Of course, only the Japanese would understand what he said.

As he spoke, the Japanese soldier in front had already reached out to touch the pin on the grenade, but after hearing the sergeant's words, he did not move the pin and instead hung the grenade back up. Then he He could only move forward with his rifle in hand.

The reason why he did this was naturally because he was trained by the sergeant behind him.

Now, if it is just a normal massacre of villages by the Imperial Japanese Army, you can kill people, set fires, shoot and throw grenades, you can do whatever you want.

But now we are in Taierzhuang, and there is no sound of fighting in the entire Taierzhuang. If you suddenly set off a grenade, then the surrounding Japanese Empire troops are not allowed to send more troops here?

Therefore, the Japanese soldiers behind were on guard with their guns drawn, and they watched as their two soldiers entered the house wall with their guns drawn, which was only less than knee-high, and bypassed a pile of rubble that was higher than knee-high.

The Japanese soldiers behind put their rifles on their shoulders, and they became a little nervous.

Just because the half of the house that faced them had collapsed, the two companions entered the house that looked like it might collapse at any time. God knows whether Chinese soldiers were hiding inside.

The scene became increasingly quiet. From the perspective of the Japanese army, it was a matter of this moment whether there were Chinese troops in this half-collapsed house.

But at this moment, a mosquito-like humming sound suddenly sounded in the distant sky, which was covering up the rustling sound made by the two Japanese soldiers stepping on the ruins.

Most of the Japanese soldiers present were indifferent to this, but the expression of the Japanese sergeant behind him changed!

He raised his head to the sky, but regardless of what he found, at this juncture he heard a "click"!

When the Japanese sergeant looked back to the front, he saw that the half-built house in front of him that was still standing had collapsed!

Then the sergeant vaguely heard one of the two companions in front of him shouting. At the same time, the roof frame and shed panels were knocked down, and the red tiles above poured down with a "boom" sound. With a sound, smoke and dust rose sharply.

The house actually collapsed, just when the Imperial Japanese Army entered to search for people!

Eager to save people, by this time these Japanese troops had forgotten the possible existence of Chinese troops, and they rushed up.

At this time, they ignored one thing. Even in this half-sized house, only the two rooms in the front collapsed, but the ones in the back were still standing.

While these Japanese soldiers were busy rescuing their companions, only the Japanese sergeant standing at the back did not move.

The house that collapsed just now really shocked him, but if the house collapsed, it would collapse, and if people were hit, they would also be hit. This is already an unchangeable reality.

But the originally mosquito-like sound in the sky has become more and more like the roar of an airplane!

The Japanese sergeant's face became worried when he heard the roar of the plane.

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