The War of Resistance

Chapter 1158 Meeting the Air Force Again

In fact, Shang Zhen was still a little worried.

What he was worried about was not the dozen or so Japanese soldiers who had come to search the house.

The dozen or so Japanese soldiers had already run back to avoid the Chinese army's planes.

What Shang Zhen is worried about is that his plane won't blow up when it sees the house this time, right? If by chance a bomb fell on them, they would really have no place to cry.

But what he was worried about did not happen after all. The roar of the planes in the sky was still there, but the explosions had disappeared. What followed was the sound of machine gun fire, and the sound of machine guns in the sky shooting towards the ground.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Hu Zhuzhu didn't react, so he squeezed in from behind.

Hu Zhuzhu felt that it was really his own fault for this matter.

There were only a few holes punched in that wall. Only so many people could stand in front and observe the Japanese troops, while the rest were hiding behind them.

The people at the back couldn't see clearly what was going on outside, but based on the reactions of the people in front, they also noticed that the situation had changed. So how could they not be curious?

And not only the tiger pillar moved, but also the people behind him moved, but it was the tiger pillar who squeezed in at the front, and after that, he went to pull the old fool who was looking out through the hole.

"Everyone, stay still and don't make a sound!" Shang Zhen in front said without replying.

As soon as Shang Zhen said a word, the soldiers behind him all stopped, but the tiger pillar that had just squeezed the big man away was pushed to the side again by the big man shaking his arms.

Hu Zhuzhu was considered to be very powerful among Shang Zhen's group, but he didn't expect that the old fool could fool him just by shaking his arms.

Tiger people have their own tiger characteristics. Tiger people feel dissatisfied when they see others who are more tiger than themselves.

"Are you squeezing me?" Hu Zhuzi was not happy.

But before he could say anything else, Shang Zhen in front of him had already turned around again and said, "If you speak again, Tiger Pillar, I will hang you from the beam!"

Hu Zhuzi stood up his eyes out of habit, but when he saw that it was Shang Zhen who was speaking, he realized that Shang Zhen was back now, so he closed his mouth.

Hu Zhuzi didn't know that just when he was physically colliding with Big Boss, Wang Lao Mao, who was right in front, muttered in Shang Zhen's ear, "This tiger's leather has been a little tight lately."

If the leather is tight, it needs to be loosened. How to loosen it? Of course, after a good beating, Fatty would be released.

Of course Shang Zhen understood what Mr. Wang meant by what he said. How could he not know what a tiger pillar looked like? That's why he gave Hu Zhuzhu a sentence.

As he spoke, the sound of planes in the sky became louder and louder, and in an instant it was already overhead.

Everything was just Shang Zhen's inference. He glanced at the front and could no longer see the shadow of the Japanese soldiers. He guessed that they were hiding, so he ducked out of the door and lay on the ground, looking up.

The pile of rubble in front was still there, and two more people were lying down in the room. There was a shield in front of them, so Shang Zhen didn't worry about being discovered by the Japanese soldiers who were walking away.

Hu Zhuzi doesn't know what's good or bad, and can't understand his priorities. Shang Zhen is not a Tiger Zhuzi.

When he looked up at the sky, it happened that a huge monoplane flew over his head. The logo painted on the belly and under the wings happened to be the National Army's blue sky and white sun.

oops! We really have our own plane! Shang Zhen immediately became excited.

But then he suddenly became confused, does the Chinese army still have planes?

As far as Shang Zhen knew, the Northeast Army had aircraft, but unfortunately they were "given" to the Japanese after September 18th.

It turns out that the Central Army also has planes.

And the Chinese Air Force once really made the Chinese people shine. The most famous one is the August 14th air battle, shooting down 6 Japanese aircraft with a record of 6:0.

As for those pilots, they are definitely top students in China nowadays, from Tsinghua University, Nankai University, Qilu University, etc.

Just imagine that the current literacy rate in the Republic of China is pitifully low, with a population of 400 million. The number of people who can read is only half a billion. If someone has a high school education in rural areas, they will be considered high-level intellectuals.

And among these half a billion literate people, how many are of school-age teenagers or young adults who can read?

And how many of these young people from the Qing Dynasty are lucky enough to go to university, and even enter first-class universities such as Tsinghua, Nankai, and Qilu?

And how many of the already very few first-class college students meet the quality requirements for pilots?

Therefore, as far as Shang Zhen knows, the pilots in the August 13th air battle are definitely the elite among the elite in China today.

It's just a pity that the gap between China and Japan's industrial level is there. The Japanese can build their own planes, but now China can't even make aviation kerosene, so naturally there will be one less plane.

Later generations say that civil aviation has the lowest probability of accidents among all means of transportation. How to calculate it is a matter for civilian use.

But one thing cannot be denied. As long as a civil aviation aircraft falls from the sky, there is no chance that the crew and passengers will survive.

Once the fighter bombers flying in the sky were hit, assuming that the pilots were not killed, they could parachute to escape, but the probability of survival was not much higher than that of falling from a civilian airliner.

Therefore, the number of pilots in the Chinese Air Force will naturally decrease with the loss of fighter aircraft.

The Japanese have thousands of planes, while the Chinese have only a few hundred. One goes off and the other goes up. It is doubtful whether the Chinese Air Force still has an air force. Even before seeing the Chinese planes today, Shang Zhen thought he had an army. There are no more planes!

The reason why Shang Zhen knows so clearly about the Chinese Air Force is of course because of Gao Yuyan.

Gao Yuyan is a college student from a prestigious school, and Gao Yuyan's brother Gao Yuhang, who is a pilot in the Chinese Air Force, has a relationship with him.

But Gao Yuhang had been killed in battle, and Shang Zhen had seen the newspaper that said Gao Yuhang had been killed in battle.

Let’s not talk about the loss of the elite. The entire nation is suffering. The elites are also Chinese. Gradually, there is no news about the Chinese Air Force in Shang Zhen.

But why did the Chinese Air Force show up today?

Shang Zhen was thinking and looking, and then he discovered that the plane flying over his head was not a plane. The one that just flew over was a single-winged one, but the one that flew by this time was a double-winged one. This time China There are actually two types of aircraft dispatched by the Air Force!

Shang Zhen then lay down on the ground and looked up at the sky.

Next, Shang Zhen counted the planes in the sky. In the end, Shang Zhen counted nine planes flying over his head.

Moreover, the plane did not fly high, but it was obviously heading for the Japanese position in the south. Shang Zhen seemed to have seen the cheers of the Chinese soldiers on the Chinese position.

There are countless mountains to guard the pass, and there are countless mountains to lose, but why do you feel that this pass in Taierzhuang can be defended this time!

Shang Zhen suddenly became excited, and he suddenly felt like his blood was boiling!

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