The War of Resistance

Chapter 1162 Arrangement that goes against common sense

"***" came the voice of Japanese people talking in the room.

At this time, Qingfeng Li and a group of soldiers happened to arrive at the corner of the house.

Qingfeng Li couldn't help but stop.

Previously, Shang Zhen took Li Qingfeng and Hou Kanshan out to reconnoiter the enemy's situation and then asked Li Qing to lead the people to move their positions.

There are actually ghosts in this house!

Qingfeng Li felt a chill running down his spine.

Previously, he followed Shang Zhen out to investigate the situation, but he ran over not far from this house, and they were not discovered by the Japanese army! Otherwise, all they need to do is throw a grenade, and what about the three of them——

Fighting is not like playing chess. If you say you are a peerless master, you can beat anyone with all your strategies. Fighting is more like playing mahjong and pai gow. Luck still plays a big part!

Qingfeng Li was thinking about what to do. At this time, Qingfeng Li felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw that it was Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang also heard the news that there were Japanese troops in the house, but he did not have the same hesitation as Qingfeng Li.

At this time, Li Qingfeng saw that Mr. Wang only made a few gestures, and then most of the soldiers hid behind the ruins of another house nearby. The only ones left were Mr. Wang, Qiu Bo, and four others. .

Mr. Wang reached out and took out a grenade from his trouser pocket, and so did the three people.

Then Li Qingfeng saw the four people tiptoeing to the door and window of the house.

The house is relatively large, at least from their side it has one door and three windows.

Mr. Wang and the others began to pull out the pins of the grenades.

When Qingfeng Li saw Mr. Wang and others like this, how could they not guess what these veterans were going to do? His eyes also lit up, but unfortunately, he didn't have a grenade in his hand.

Qingfeng Li could only watch.

He saw Qiu Bo hiding by the window, clutching a grenade with the pin removed, and then he turned his head and winked at him.

And then no one shouted a slogan, but the four people smashed the grenades on the wall at the same time, and then threw the grenades in through the door and window!

A moment later, the grenade exploded, and the smoke and debris produced by the explosion flew out from the hole in the window!

"Let's go!" Mr. Wang waved his hand, and Qingfeng Li jumped in front of the four of them.

He has to lead the way, and he is the one who comes back to lead the way.

"Okay! Boy, you have a bright future, I'm optimistic about you!" Mr. Wang sincerely praised Qingfeng Li.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action. Although Mr. Wang has never seen Qingfeng Li shoot, Qingfeng Li's movement is as fast and light as a wisp of breeze. How could he not see it?

This Qingfeng Li is a good prospect for the army!

As for the fact that they just threw a few grenades at the Japanese army along the way, Mr. Wang didn't mind. In Northeastern dialect, Taozi was being disrupted all around, and the little devils had too much to take care of themselves, so what were they afraid of if they made some explosions?

"Where are the Japanese?" Wang Laomao asked Shang Zhen when a group of soldiers moved to a small second floor on the street.

As for why Shang Zhen wanted to bring everyone out, when Li Qingfeng came back, he quoted Shang Zhen's words as saying that the broken house would collapse if you didn't hold it with your hands. Can it be used as a position?

"Listen!" Shang Zhen said, pointing forward.

The front that Shang Zhen is pointing to now is to their west.

They slipped out from near the north city wall, then ran southwestward and finally hid here.

If the Chinese army had not counterattacked, Shang Zhen would never have allowed his people to move their positions like this.

That was of course because most of La Taierzhuang was occupied by the Japanese army. Previously, the area around them was considered Japanese territory.

At that time, when Shang Zhen and the others had not yet joined up with Wang Lao Mao, the enemy situation around Shang Zhen and the others was like this, and the same was true around Wang Lao Mao and the others.

But it was different when the Chinese army began a full encirclement.

First, planes dropped bombs from the sky, and then artillery fired shells. This firepower shocked not only the Chinese army, but also the Japanese army.

Therefore, the morale of the Chinese army doubled and the Japanese army became panicked.

As the Chinese army began a ground attack from all sides of Taierzhuang, when the Japanese troops in Taierzhuang found that they had been surrounded, they naturally gathered all the forces they could to organize defense.

In this way, Shang Zhen and the other soldiers had more room to maneuver. Otherwise, they would never have encountered just a group of Japanese soldiers like Wang Laomao and the others.

Of course, Mr. Wang thought that the wounded in that house should be Japanese soldiers.

What happened to the wounded? If it explodes, it will explode. Mr. Wang has no psychological burden. They are worried about having too many grenades on them now!

Now that Shang Zhen had asked Mr. Wang to listen, Mr. Wang also realized in an instant that the gunshots and explosions at the corner of the street in front of them were the most intense!

"If the little devil can't hold on, I estimate that he will have to withdraw from the street in front of him soon, and we can just hit them." Shang Zhen said.

"Is this what you came here for reconnaissance?" Mr. Wang curled his lips.

Of course it makes sense for Mr. Wang to curl his lips. Then the reconnaissance has to catch the little devil, right? What is Shang Zhen's observation? But not even a ghost was seen.

That's not as good as them. Not to mention the four grenades they threw just now, even if one grenade killed one, it could still kill four!

Didn't Shang Zhen know that there was something thorny in Mr. Wang's words, but he pretended not to listen and began to deploy his troops.

"Qiu Bo, take the powerful grenade and go behind the house in front of you.

The rest of the people with spears will stay here with me. If a kid comes over soon, we'll start fighting!

I'll bring a few good marksmen upstairs to provide cover fire for you. "Shang Zhen's battle plan is really simple. If he hadn't been assigned a task, his battle plan would have been explained in just two sentences!

Just when the soldiers were about to move, Li Qingfeng suddenly asked: "Why don't you send people across the street? Didn't you say that crossfire kills the most enemies?"

Qingfeng Li's question made the veterans who were about to move couldn't help but say "huh". Obviously Qingfeng Li's question was both reasonable and unexpected.

It makes sense that what Li Qingfeng said about ambush on both sides and cross firing is common sense in battle.

Unexpectedly, they did not expect that Qingfeng Li was so smart and knew how to use his brain to fight.

"Hey, don't tell me, why didn't I think of it?" Hu Zhuzhu suddenly realized what he was saying, but everyone just ignored his words.

"The reason why we don't send people to the opposite side is because if a fight breaks out, there will be no good cover there. Okay, let's take action!" Shang Zhen's answer was still brief, and everyone, including Qingfeng Li, knew it.

How could Shang Zhen make such a common-sense mistake?

As he said, the reason why he did not send people to the opposite side was really because once the fighting broke out, the house across the street was in ruins. If the Japanese army retreated in force, then the people on that side would be attacked by the Japanese army. With nothing to hide and nothing to retreat from, the losses would be huge.

As for their side, although the city wall to the northwest of Taierzhuang is only three to four hundred meters away, the problem is that the terrain behind them is more favorable.

Behind them was a large residential area. Although the war had destroyed the residential area, there were still some that had not collapsed, and some that were still partially collapsed.

After they enter, they can rely on the terrain and the Japanese army's consumption.

Looking at the current fighting situation between the enemy and ourselves, they will definitely be exhausted until the Chinese army's counterattack is successful.

And the metaphor of beating a mangy dog ​​made by Shang Zhen still holds true.

He didn't want to watch the Japanese lose the battle at Taierzhuang this time and "abduct" a few of his own people.

Not to mention Lu Dahu Camp, which was completely wiped out, and Xu Shenwei's Ma Second Artillery soldiers who had been with him for a short time. Even when they met up with Mr. Wang this time, their number was reduced by four more. indivual.

Bai Zhan, He Xiangcai, and Fan Tuantuan on the other side of Wang Laomao did not come back during the breakout, and Wu Ziqi on his side was nowhere to be seen either!

Shang Zhen couldn't explain why he was gone. He was lurking in the dark with those few people before.

It's just that Shang Zhen didn't take action when he saw that the Japanese army was strong. But at night when they heard Wang Laomao and the others were making movements, Wu Ziqi ran away from them.

The night is the night, and you can't shout loudly. Isn't it normal to lose someone accidentally?

Soldiers are soldiers. Shang Zhen's internal calling of Wu Ziqi as a bastard does not mean that he does not admit that Wu Ziqi is now an anti-Japanese fighter.

He didn't want his soldiers to suffer greater casualties, especially at this moment when victory was in sight.

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