The War of Resistance

Chapter 1187 Get into trouble, run away!

The last few words of Wang Laomao's last words were very loud, even though Bai Zhan had always boasted that he had excellent mental quality, he was also trained to blush.

As for those who joined later like Li Qingfeng, Wang Xiaodan, and Wu Ziqi, they even lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Old Mao Wang.

What is official prestige? Old Mao Wang is called official prestige. It has nothing to do with Qingfeng Li's ability. If you become a soldier, you have to listen to the officials. You have to listen to what others say!

"Why are you still talking and saying that you are angry? Come on, old Uncle Wang continues to smoke." Qian Chuan'er came up from behind and pulled Old Wang's hat back.

It was only then that Old Mao Wang noticed that the cigarette in his hand had been extinguished when he was talking just now, so he threw the cigarette on the ground, turned around and walked back angrily.

It was only then that Bai Zhan dared to take a look at Old Mao Wang's back, and thought, why did I provoke this old bastard again?

He really didn't expect that he was just talking nonsense and provoked Wang Laomao to repeat his words, but he just couldn't find any faults in Wang Laomao's words!

Maybe there is something wrong with what Wang Laomao said, but he can't pick on it, he knows that if he dares to pick on Wang Laomao's fault, he will be beaten again! Because then I will commit public anger, the public anger of veterans!

It’s just that Bai Zhan who joined later, not only Bai Zhan, but all the soldiers who later joined Shang Zhen’s group didn’t know that Shang Zhen and the others just remembered that the Northeast Army had a grudge against the old man, but they themselves But they all participated in the "military remonstrance" that shocked China and foreign countries.

Shang Zhen was arrested by the military commander at the time and did not participate. As for Old Mao Wang and the others, they had seen the old man himself, and Xiao Dupan, who was still recovering from his injuries, even found the old man in a mountain gap.

The old man was only wearing a pajamas and was shivering in the cold wind.

What chairman is not the chairman? At that moment, the old man was just an ordinary old man!

For ordinary soldiers like Wang Laomao, don't mention any big men, they really don't recognize that, and don't mention the political awareness of uniting the anti-Japanese united front, they just do things based on their own understanding and their own likes and dislikes .

Then if the top level of the Northeast Army ordered to kill the old man, how could they not do it?

Their positioning of themselves is that we are soldiers and we fight devils, and have nothing to do with politics or parties, although none of them can get rid of politics.

Just imagine, Old Man Wang and the others have met the old man himself. Although people certainly don't remember them as small people, Old Man Wang and the others also think that they have a feud with the old man, so why would they care about the blue sky? medal?

"What's the matter, who made old Uncle Wang angry again? Is there anyone more annoying than me?" Shang Zhen who had just walked out of the room asked at this moment.

Shang Zhen and the others had been in the room the whole time, but it was Old Mao Wang's loud voice in the last few words that alarmed him.

Although he didn't know the reason for Wang Laomao to get angry again, there was a need to fight this round, so it didn't matter if Wang Laomao scolded himself, the old platoon leader, but he didn't want Wang Laomao to always scold the soldiers.

"It's nothing, I made old Uncle Wang angry." Bai Zhan has a good mental quality, so he hastened to admit his mistake first.

So Old Mao Wang hummed again.

Shang Zhen glanced at Bai Zhan and was about to say something more, when the courtyard door opened, Guo Baoyou hurried up and said, "Old Uncle Wang, did you say something bad about the Central Army just now?"

Wang Laomao, who just felt that he was a little angry, raised his eyebrows anxiously when he heard Guo Baoyou's question: "What's wrong? The Central Army can't say anything?"

"No!" Guo Baoyou hurriedly explained, "Just now there were two members of the Central Army smoking outside the wall. I think those two people ran away after you finished yelling!"

Guo Baoyou and Yu Zuolong have been standing guard outside the door. This is the habit of Shang Zhen and his group. Why do they always fight behind the enemy lines? How can they do without sentries?

Hearing what Guo Baoyou said, the faces of all the people present changed, and they all looked at Shang Zhen.

Old Mao Wang had just finished speaking bad things about the Central Army and the old man, and then there were people from the Central Army running away outside, so it was really unbelievable to say that they could not be heard outside the wall with the loud voice that Old Mao Wang said just now.

Anyone will have such an association, those two Central Army people must have gone back to report, saying that the guys from the 59th Army in this yard have insulted them and the leader, so what will happen next time? Woolen cloth?

Of course, maybe they thought too much and it was a false alarm, but nothing happened.

After all, it is also the Republic of China now, and they were arrested just because Wang Laomao spoke ill of the old man, which seems unlikely.

It's just that what they should do next is only up to Shang Zhen.

"What are you staring at? Hurry up and withdraw!" Shang Zhen came up with his idea in just a moment.

As soon as Shang Zhen said this, everyone started touching weapons. As for the food that Bai Zhan brought back, no one needed to carry it alone, because it had already been distributed to everyone.

"Aren't the roads outside all blocked?" Qian Chuan'er asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be. That old man can't spend the night at the front line. He should go too." Shang Zhen analyzed.

It turned out that Shang Zhen, who Qian Chuaner was worried about, had already thought of it in just a moment.

It is already past four o'clock in the afternoon. I think the old man came to the outskirts of Taierzhuang to inspect and condolences. It is impossible for him to stay here overnight. gone back.

Originally, Shang Zhen planned to let his own people spend the night in this village. After they reported the name of the 59th Army, I understand that the Central Army would not be able to recruit them. In that case, the appearance of the Central Army would be too ugly. up.

But now that there is a new situation, let’s run away first. Not to mention whether Shang Zhen is afraid of the Central Army, he is afraid of the Juntong gang. God knows if the old man is also traveling with Juntong spies!

Everyone felt that Shang Zhen's reason was valid, so Shang Zhen and his group quickly left the yard and went out of the village as if they had received a battle order.

Shang Zhen and the others had only been on the front foot for more than a minute just now, and a group of Central Army soldiers really rushed into the courtyard where they were staying.

When the officer who led the team heard that Shang Zhen and the others had left, he just said "chasing"!

In this way, it really fits what Wang Laomao said, not to mention that the Central Army and the Northeast Army have enmity, anyway, it is not harmonious!

Of course, the Central Army now only thinks they belong to the Northwest Army, but what is the difference between the Northwest Army and the Northeast Army? The "remonstration" was caused by these two miscellaneous troops!

Who would have thought that just when Taierzhuang had just won a great victory, such a scene happened inside the Chinese army. A group of soldiers from the Northeast Army were running wildly in front, and more soldiers from the Central Army thought they belonged to the Northwest Army, but they were chasing after them. Abandon!

As Shang Zhen expected, the road block has really been removed.

However, to Shang Zhen's surprise, they were definitely not weaker than the pursuers in terms of marching ability, but for some reason, the Central Army behind got another two carriages and chased them out first.

"Damn, if this is so serious about beating devils, the little devils would have been beaten out of China!" Old Mao Wang cursed out of breath while running.

It is impossible for a person to refuse to obey his old age. It is true that this man in his fifties cannot compete with young soldiers in their twenties.

Wang Laomao said this while looking at Shang Zhen, he was the one who caused the disaster, but it would depend on Shang Zhen to make things right.

But at this time, Old Mao Wang saw a sneer on the face of Shang Zhen who was also running, and then he heard Shang Zhen say: "Do you see the forest in front, find a suitable place to put the carriage on Everyone's guns are down, and I'm so tired of running!"

Shang Zhen's words made Wang Laomao's heart jump "suddenly"! Okay, this little bastard, I'm not mistaken, he's even bolder than me!

But the thought was just a thought, and what he said was: "Good idea, I like it!"

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