The War of Resistance

Chapter 1200 Command the brigade commander!

"Follow me!" Amidst the sound of guns getting closer, Major General Liu Chengyi shouted, and then he rushed out with a pistol in his hand.

The brigade commanders rushed up in person, which meant that their brigade's defense line was "poked" out of holes by the Japanese army.

"How can the brigade commander rush forward?" Shang Zhen yelled and rushed out as well.

No matter how fast Shang Zhen was, he pushed Liu Chengyi behind him in just a few steps.

To say that Shang Zhen yelled these words with absolute level, just behind his voice, what Wang Laomao thought in his heart was that the ugly daughter-in-law was finally going to see her in-laws, but what he yelled was: "How can I let Lian Chang Chong at the front?"

Wang Laomao stretched his old arms and legs and jumped forward.

But that's the truth, the brigade commander is the commander, and the company commander and deputy company commander are not the commander? Even if the soldiers from the original guard company ran slowly, the original Shang Zhen's group wanted to listen!

Hulala! Hu Zhuzi, Ma Er Huzi, Qiu Bo, Hou Wangshan and the others also accelerated forward.

In this way, they rushed to the front, although they did not catch up with Shang Zhen, they blocked the brigade commander Liu Chengyi and chief of staff Li Xiang and the brigade officers behind.

As for Old Mao Wang, he ran very fast at the beginning, but he was pushed behind by the soldiers in just a split second.

It's just that at this moment, the soldiers who are full of blood are naturally rushing forward. Who will notice him, or if they notice, they will not take it seriously. Who called him Old Hat Wang, because he is old?

A war is a war, and Shang Zhen doesn't think about anything now, let's go to the battlefield first, even though he didn't think much about it before.

Originally, the guard company was fully staffed, but with Shang Zhen's return, their guard company already had 150 or 60 people, and their momentum was astonishing even when they charged forward.

At this time, some soldiers retreated from the front position, but they were stunned when they saw their momentum, and they looked behind Shang Zhen and the others, and when they saw the brigade commander Liu Chengyi charging up in person, they looked at each other.

Although Liu Chengyi, the brigade commander, also held a stick in his hand, he was not in charge of supervising the team like the other officers, who would kill any soldier who dared to retreat.

When the retreating soldiers saw this situation, the wounded would just let it go, but the uninjured ones turned around and ran back!

"Damn!" Ma Erhuzi, who was running in front, was panting when he saw this situation, but he was also happy.

"What are you happy about?" Hu Zhuzi, who was running with Ma Erhuzi, asked.

"It's really your brother!" Ma Erhuzi laughed and continued to run.

Hu Zhuzi didn't understand, so he didn't ask again.

What is Ma Erhuzi laughing at? He was laughing at those soldiers who also turned around and ran back to fight again.

I think Hu Zhuzi also saw Shang Zhen and the others charging back then, he was not from Shang Zhen and his group, so he also rushed out, but by mistake, Hu Zhuzi rushed out with Shang Zhen and the others, but the company he was in did not. .

The soldiers who turned around and ran back were so similar to Hu Zhuzi back then, that's why Ma Erhuzi laughed. Those soldiers were Hu Zhuzi's younger brothers.

It's just that everyone is rushing to the battlefield now, how can he have the time to talk to Hu Zhuzi in detail?

The position where the guard company is going to reinforce will arrive soon.

That position was set on a hill fifty to sixty meters high, and on the top of the hill were several soldiers from the 337th Brigade shooting forward from behind the ridge.

But behind the ridgeline of the hill there were more soldiers lying down, no need to ask, they were all killed in battle.

At the same time, Shang Zhen also saw a Maxim heavy machine gun on the top of the mountain, but the barrel of the gun had been pushed forward, and it seemed that it was damaged by the Japanese artillery fire.

Seeing that the position is still in his own hands, Shang Zhen felt relieved, the position is still in his own hands, is it better than a full counterattack and an upward attack?

Surrounded by low mountains and hills, this mountain is the highest and the steepest in terrain.

There is a large part of the hillside with an angle of about 50 degrees. Of course, the hillside is not steep, and the mountain is still complicated after all.

However, because the mountain is relatively high, it stands out from the surrounding low mountains and hills.

This is undoubtedly the commanding heights of the surrounding area, and it can also be said to be an important support point for the defense line of the 337 brigade.

However, looking at the corpses of the Chinese soldiers lying on each other on the mountain, Shang Zhen knew that this place must have been "taken care of" by the Japanese army.

Perhaps in the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army as the defenders, the terrain here is condescending and suitable for holding on, but in the eyes of the Japanese army, it is not too difficult for them to take down here.

That's because although the mountain is high, it covers a very limited area, and because the mountain is relatively steep, the area on the top of the mountain is not large.

If the area on the top of the mountain was huge, how could Shang Zhen have seen his own soldiers lying down behind the ridgeline of the top of the mountain just before reaching the foot of the mountain?

So, most of the soldiers killed on the mountain were caused by the Japanese shelling.

Now that this idea came up, Shang Zhen, who had already started to climb the mountain, shouted loudly: "Don't all go up the mountain! The first row guards the left mountainside, the second row guards the right mountainside, the third row serves as a reserve team at the foot of the mountain, and the fourth row follows me up the mountain! "

Given Shang Zhen's order, the members of their guard company would naturally obey the order and split up, but the regiment leader Liu Chengyi who followed up at the end was stunned!

He still knows Shang Zhen very well. In his opinion, Shang Zhen is also an old man, and Shang Zhen's quality is quite enough to be a company commander.

As the Northeast Army has fought year after year after entering the customs, there will only be fewer and fewer veterans, and the same is true for grassroots officers, so Shang Zhen, the commander of the guard company, became the commander of the guard company in this way.

But the combat mission of the 337th brigade came very quickly, and Liu Chengyi let Shang Zhen become the company commander of the guard and ignored him.

But he didn't know that after Shang Zhen became the commander of the guard company, he didn't touch the original structure of the guard company at all.

It turned out that the guard company had three platoons, but Shang Zhen considered that his group had not fought with the large army for a long time, and they had their own combat characteristics and habits, so he simply made himself the fourth platoon. , more than thirty people are enough.

It's just that, Liu Chengyi, the brigade commander, only now knows that his guard company has four platoons!

But if so, that's all.

Liu Chengyi was in a hurry when he heard the previous report that the position here was about to be lost.

This small mountain was originally an important support point for their 337 brigade's defense line. If this position was lost, the Japanese army would place light and heavy machine guns on the top of the mountain and shoot down from a high position, which would open a big hole in their brigade's defense line.

That's why he was in a hurry to lead the troops in person, but he didn't expect that at this time, Shang Zhen didn't care that he, the major general and brigade commander, was behind him. Go up the mountain, and divide the troops!

"What a boy, you actually commanded the brigade commander!" Li Xiang, the brigade chief of staff who also heard Shang Zhen's order to follow behind Liu Chengyi, said out of breath.

Li Xiang has always been the chief of staff for Liu Chengyi, so he naturally knows Shang Zhen, that's why he said that.

It's just that Li Xiang finished speaking, but Shang Zhen in front of him gave another order: "Boss, Gu Man, you two protect the brigade commander and chief of staff for me. If there is any mistake between the two officers, I will kill you." It's up to you! Follow orders! Quick!"

Part-time job, there is an important inspection in the past few days, the update is slow, the inspection is over today, and it will be fine in the future.

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