Not surprisingly, this Japanese attack was repelled by Shang Zhen and the others.

When brigade commander Liu Chengyi poked his head out from the top of the mountain, he saw Japanese soldiers lying down on the gentle slope in front.

But he just took a look and screamed "ah" because he felt someone grabbed his ankle and directly dragged his defenseless self back!

Before Liu Chengyi could say anything, Shang Zhen's voice sounded from behind him: "Brigadier, you have to pay attention to your safety. I can't bear the responsibility for anything that happens to you."

Liu Chengyi, who was still lying on his stomach, realized that it was Shang Zhen who ordered someone to drag him back.

As for who was dragging him, for some reason, Liu Chengyi immediately thought of the powerful old fool who was sent by Shang Zhen to protect him!

How could this guy be so strong? At this moment, Liu Chengyi felt as if his right ankle was being held by a leather band! The kind of collar that would be used on the wildest and most ferocious big dogs!

"Why don't you let go of the brigade commander?" Li Xiang, who was the first to react, said angrily.

It was indeed the old fool who dragged Liu Chengyi back.

So, the old man let go of his hand. When Liu Chengyi turned around and sat up, he saw Shang Zhen and his veterans squatting behind him, as well as his chief of staff Li Xiang and his two A guard.

At this time, Liu Chengyi looked at other people, but when others looked at Liu Chengyi, it was a different story.

When Big Boss dragged him just now, his move was a bit harsh. Liu Chengyi was off guard again, and his face rubbed against the ground.

It was hard to say how heavy it was just by being rubbed like this, but there was dust on the tip of his nose. The majesty of the brigade commander in the fine military uniform was gone, and instead he looked a little funny!

But who dares to laugh at the brigade commander in public? If an ordinary soldier makes a fool of himself, it's called funny. If a brigade commander makes a fool of himself, it's not called funny, but it's called embarrassing.

Just when the chief of staff was angry and the soldiers were uneasy, Liu Chengyi, who was still sitting, suddenly laughed, and then everyone saw Liu Chengyi get up from the ground, hunching and not forgetting to pat his own butt.

"Let's go! Go down the mountain and back to the brigade headquarters!" Liu Chengyi said.

After saying that, he bowed and walked down.

Shang Zhen and Mr. Wang exchanged glances. They felt relieved that Liu Chengyi did not blame the big boss for his recklessness.

But just as they watched Liu Chengyi go down, Liu Chengyi suddenly turned around and said, "Boy, you are a man who knows how to fight!"

Who is the person who knows how to fight? Although Liu Chengyi did not specify his surname, everyone can figure out that this is brigade commander Liu Chengyi praising Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen is the boy he calls!

Shang Zhen was praised by the brigade commander, and naturally the faces of the other veterans were lighted up, and even Tiger Zhuzi smiled and opened his mouth!

But Liu Chengyi then said, "If I had known you were so good at positional warfare, I would have blinded you people in vain!"

ah? Shang Zhen was stunned, but at this time Liu Chengyi had already turned around and led his men down the mountain!

Seeing Liu Chengyi and the others cautiously descending the mountain, the figures became smaller and smaller. Old Man Wang, who was squatting on the top of the mountain, took the lead and sat down on the ground. He took a cigarette from his pocket.

They were originally hiding behind the ridge. In order not to be targeted by the Japanese gunmen who were bound to exist in the distance, they could only squat or lie down from beginning to end.

At this time, the veterans also started talking, but just as the voice was rising, Shang Zhen ordered again: "Leave a few people on the top of the mountain, and everyone else will dig fortifications on the mountainside!"

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers could only walk down the mountain, but their mouths were not idle. They were naturally proud of Liu Chengyi's praise.

It was only when the soldiers went down that Wang Laomao, who had already smoked half a cigarette, suddenly said angrily: "What did you mean by that?"

Shang Zhen turned around and lay on the ground and crawled towards the ridge before asking, "Who said that?"

"Who could that be? It's not someone else. What did he mean by what he just said? Why did he know we were so good at positional warfare?

Does that mean we have to stay here this time? "Old Mao Wang said angrily.

As the saying goes, who is the inner one? Of course, the inner one refers to the brigade commander Liu Chengyi. It’s just that it’s not easy for Mr. Wang to directly call the brigade commander’s name. If it were replaced by someone else, Mr. Wang’s If you have a bad temper, you won't be talking about who you are, but that bastard!

Of course Shang Zhen understood who Mr. Wang was referring to, and he was just teasing Mr. Wang on purpose.

Mr. Wang even understood the meaning of brigade commander Liu Chengyi's words. How could Shang Zhen not understand it? So he smiled and climbed forward.

"You little bastard, you're still laughing!" It happened that Shang Zhen's smile was even seen by Old Man Wang, and Old Man Wang scolded him, "Didn't you mean that we, a bunch of people, didn't defend our position and were blinded in vain?" !

Then we will stay here forever?

Just before the little devil had a cannon attack, we were all picked up if we weren't killed, so what? Are you still planning to live here?

What the hell is the little devil’s cannon. Can we dodge the first and second day of the lunar month? Can we dodge the fourth and fifth day of the lunar month?

Sooner or later, our bones will be blown up by the little devil's shells!

So if we had defended our position since September 18th, how could we still hold it till now? Then you should stop mumbling! "

"Aren't we alive?

I said, Uncle Wang, are you so angry? Who doesn't think about happiness? How do you know that we must die? "Shang Zhen persuaded.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Mr. Wang was so angry that he stopped smoking. "If you stay here, you will die sooner or later!"

"How do you know we will always stay here?" Shang Zhen retorted, "Then if the other troops withdraw, we will be stupid enough to stay here?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing what Shang Zhen said, Mr. Wang, who was taking out a cigarette again, was stunned for a moment. He said nothing and looked at Shang Zhen.

Unfortunately, Shang Zhen was already lying behind the ridge and began to observe the situation in the distance. He only saw the back of Shang Zhen's head.

"Boy Shang, do you have an idea?" Mr. Wang was Mr. Wang after all, and he felt that there was something in Shang Zhen's words.

"What ideas can I have? There is the brigade headquarters behind us. We can't just withdraw like this." Shang Zhen replied.

"What if other troops withdraw?" Wang Laomao asked again.

"What do you think?" Shang Zhen asked.

"Then we have to send people out to watch and see when the other troops will retreat!" Wang Laomao said anxiously.

"Do you think I sent Qian Chuan'er, Qingfeng Li, and the others out to have fun?" Shang Zhen said angrily.

"That's right if you say that!" Mr. Wang smiled. Seeing that Shang Zhen had already thought about when to retreat when he first started to defend his position, his mood immediately improved.

"Then what if the Japs attack us again?" After a while, Mr. Wang asked worriedly.

"One word, delay! Delay until other troops retreat, and then we will retreat too!" Shang Zhen replied.

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