The War of Resistance

Chapter 1218 Night Journey

Why are Northeastern people so good at chatting and some even talking about mountains? According to the Northeastern dialect, it is called "lǎi". Maybe this has something to do with the climate in Northeast China.

In that long winter, there was no farm work to be done, so people who were unwilling to be lonely would gather on the hot kang to talk about dancing and hanging things.

When it comes to the working season, that's it in spring and summer. When the crops are harvested in the fall, relatives and neighbors have to get together to work again.

The reason is simple, the land is very fertile, and the family’s own fields alone cannot handle the work, so cooperation is naturally required.

For example, when loading a large cart of wheat, the wheat stacks on the cart are as high as the house, and there must be forks underneath and stackers above. Can a few people in the family handle this?

As mentioned above, Northeastern people are open-minded, enthusiastic and helpful.

The same is true for the Northeastern people who serve in the army. When they are happy, they say it when they are unhappy. They make fun of others and themselves, which relieves the physical and mental pain and emotional tension.

However, just an hour before dark, the guard company and some related personnel were summoned by Shang Zhen to start studying the battle plan.

Brigadier Liu Chengyi and Chief of Staff Li Xiang were listening but did not participate.

Just when it got dark, a complete plan was formed.

The guard company set off not long after, including brigade commander Liu Chengyi and chief of staff Li Xiang.

This time, the bodyguards Shang Zhen sent to Liu Chengyi and Li Xiang were replaced by Gu Man and Gu Bing, Wang Laomao and Qian Chuaner. The old man was stupid and skilled, but Shang Zhen had another use.

Everything was carried out according to the plan studied by Shang Zhen and the others. Liu Chengyi and Li Xiang were marching in the team like ordinary soldiers. Although they each had guns on their waists, they did not need to take them out. Shang Zhen did not agree with them at all. Each fired a gun, and their two big blocks were saved by the guards under Shang Zhen's persuasion.

This was fighting behind enemy lines. If the Japanese army fired flares and saw two men wearing big caps, the lives of the two officers would be in danger.

In this way, Liu Chengyi knew that he had become a spectator.

But thinking about it, he, the brigade commander, really has no experience in fighting behind enemy lines, so it might be a good idea to see if Shang Zhen and the others are operating behind enemy lines. The current situation is no different from that of himself, the brigade commander, who goes into battle with a gun. .

The team moved forward in silence, and all that could be heard was the rustling of footsteps and the rustling of clothes.

Since they were marching in the dark or in the direction of the Japanese army, they were not walking very fast. Liu Chengyi knew that Shang Zhen was leading the group in front of him personally.

But he couldn't figure out why Shang Zhen moved that old fool to the front?

To be honest, Liu Chengyi already liked the taciturn but powerful soldier in his heart. Perhaps because the old man was very skilled, Shang Zhen needed him to go up front and kill the Japanese sentries.

It was a time when the team was employing people. As a result, Liu Chengyi could only keep the idea of ​​recruiting the old man as a personal guard in his heart.

As a brigade commander, Liu Chengyi undoubtedly preferred to form troops on the opposite side of the Japanese army.

However, the enemy is strong and we are weak. If he continues to fight according to the normal fighting method, he knows that even if he completes the mission given by Army Commander Yu Xiuzhong, he will not have anything left in his brigade.

Therefore, he could only boldly delegate power and separate one brigade and three regiments to fight on their own, harassing the rear of the Japanese army in order to survive in danger. There was still a regiment of troops behind Shang Zhen's guard company.

Of course, there are not many troops in this regiment now, and there are only less than a thousand people left.

In view of the fact that the structure of the guard company is intact, the guard company is at the forefront. It has the role of being a pioneer and searching for enemies. If a suitable target is found, it can also encircle and eliminate it in a quick decisive battle.

In fact, Liu Chengyi was far from satisfied with Shang Zhen's plan to go behind the enemy's rear. Not only was he dissatisfied, he even thought it was nonsense!

Not to mention that they knew nothing about the situation of the Japanese army. Even if they knew something, it was still dark and they only knew where the Japanese army was fortified and where the largest number of troops were stationed.

As the brigade commander, the result of his repeated thinking was that although Shang Zhen's method of fighting had no success, it still had more troops than they had left to defend the position. If the two had the lesser power, he would die. The horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

When Liu Chengyi was discussing with Li Xiang, Li Xiang wanted to say, no matter how Shang Zhen attacks him, we will have more people left than we have to defend our position, right?

Although Li Xiang said this to him only in a discussion tone, it showed that his chief of staff had little confidence in Shang Zhen's style of play.

Okay, okay, let's do it. At that time, Liu Chengyi was helpless and could only say this.

Under Shang Zhen's order, everyone in the guard company dealt with objects that easily shined in the dark.

Many of them now use Japanese bayonets.

The steel mouth of the Japanese bayonet was good and long, but it was polished when it left the factory. Naturally, the soldiers needed to put the bayonet into the scabbard. As for those without scabbards, they also needed to be wrapped with cloth. .

Fortunately, the Northeast Army is poor now, and no one wears a helmet. The firearms are also old. Although there are many box guns, they will not emit that blue light under possible light sources (such as the light of the Japanese illumination bombs).

In the darkness of the night, such a team of thousands of people zigzagged forward under the leadership of the people in front.

As mentioned before, we are fighting on one front, one line. It is impossible for the Japanese army to spread out all their troops. The Japanese army never expected that the Northeast Army would take advantage of the darkness to infiltrate inside them.

As long as Shang Zhen and the others who are searching for the advance do not alert the Japanese sentries or directly lead the large troops into the Japanese fire range, the battle will not happen soon.

Of course, this is a matter of probability.

In order to avoid encountering the Japanese army in the future, Liu Chengyi knew that Shang Zhen had also thought of a way.

In addition to Shang Zhen and his own combat backbones, those responsible for the search at the front mobilized more than a dozen signal troops from their brigade.

Nowadays, the weather is getting hot, and the Japanese troops in the mountains do not need to light fires to keep warm. Everything becomes pitch black, so it becomes very important for the people responsible for searching at the front to be familiar with the terrain, at least to know where the ditch is. There are hills and mountains, and these are naturally the ones that the signal soldiers in the brigade are most familiar with.

In the Northeast Army's original field command system, there were also telephone connections between the positions and the rear.

But after entering the customs, with the consumption of various materials and equipment, the communication method that seemed very advanced nowadays was eventually replaced by the legs of the communication soldiers.

But even so, now that they have truly entered the march in the night, the speed is still not fast. From time to time, orders to wait on the spot are heard from the front.

After stopping and walking like this, more than an hour passed. Liu Chengyi felt that his team had only traveled four or five miles. He regretted it a little. He didn't know whether it was right to let Shang Zhen act like this.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world, and he can only endure it now.

After walking forward intermittently for a few miles, news suddenly came from the front that they were waiting to be put on standby. At this time, brigade commander Liu Chengyi saw a fire a few hundred meters ahead on the right.

The Japanese army also belongs to the mountains and fields. The presence of fire means the presence of the Japanese army, and it should also be a large Japanese army or a temporary logistics base for rear hospitals.

If it were just a small Japanese combat unit, it would be impossible for the fire to show up, and in the darkness around the fire, there must be Japanese security posts or security forces.

I don’t know how Shang Zhen and the others can get around this time without alerting the Japanese army, Liu Chengyi thought in his heart.

He had no idea that Shang Zhen and the others who were at the front were already discussing whether they should attack the Japanese army under the fire.

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