The War of Resistance

Chapter 1228 The Japanese cavalry was knocked out (2)

"That little devil didn't come out of the woods. Are there any of us in there?" Liu Jinchuan lay on the top of the hill and looked into the woods.

The leaves have already grown. Looking down from the mountain, you can only see the leaves shining golden in the morning sun.

The woods are big or small. The Japanese soldier was "pushed" into the woods from this end. If he ran out from the other side of the woods, they would have seen him sooner or later, but now they didn't. See.

"There must be some of our people there. I watched when someone entered the woods just now. It seemed that the deputy company commander and his group had entered." Wang Wenxiao said firmly.

"Did anyone else see it?" Liu Jinchuan asked other soldiers.

The other soldiers shook their heads. They all climbed up the mountain and really didn't pay attention to the situation next to them.

Liu Jinchuan looked at Shang Zhen again. Shang Zhen had just replaced the magazine of the box cannon. When he saw Liu Jinchuan looking at him, he said, "Look at me? I don't even have eyes on the back of my head."

Liu Jinchuan touched a soft nail, laughed twice and turned his head back.

But as soon as he turned around, he shouted "Hey, eh" again.

"Why did this talkative guy get us here every day?" A soldier complained in a low voice, but then he remembered that they were "hand-picked" by Shang Zhen. Shut up.

"The tree moved and someone came out!" Liu Jinchuan shouted.

As soon as he heard that someone was coming out of the woods, Shang Zhen couldn't stay still. He got up from where he was and jumped to the other side.

Shang Zhen also reached the top of the mountain where he could see the woods, and saw someone really coming out of the woods.

"Don't use your guns, you're one of our own!" Shang Zhen said urgently.

Shang Zhen and the others had to be a hundred meters away from the woods, but Shang Zhen smiled when he saw the man who had run out of the woods and was gesticulating towards him. Even though he was far away, he looked very familiar. , that is Ma Erhuzi.

Shang Zhen jumped up from where he was and waved his hand, Ma Erhuzi also waved his hand, and then Ma Erhuzi turned around and went back into the woods.

"What does this brother's gesture mean?" Liu Jinchuan asked. After he finished speaking, he looked at Shang Zhen.

They were really far away, and Ma Erhuzi's movements were a bit small, so he really couldn't see them clearly.

When he saw it, other soldiers naturally looked at Shang Zhen as well.

Shang Zhen made a hidden gesture to make the soldiers squat down, and then used his left hand to wipe his neck and said: "That little devil was - understand?"

The soldiers had expressions of surprise on their faces. The fish that had slipped through the net actually fell into the trap, and its throat was cut directly by Shang Zhen's veterans!

After all, they are veterans under Shang Zhen. There is a tacit understanding between them!

How could Shang Zhen know the meaning of his soldiers' gestures at a glance?

Liu Jinchuan wanted to please Shang Zhen again with a shy face, but he just moved forward when suddenly there were gunshots "pop" and "pop" right in front of them!

The soldiers were shocked and hurriedly grabbed their guns and looked in the direction of the gunshot.

At this time, Shang Zhen also put down the box cannon he was carrying, but picked up the rifle again.

Shang Zhen understood that killing the eleven Japanese was just an appetizer before the main meal, and the next step was the beginning of the main meal and the beginning of trouble.

Previously, they had only seen three Japanese cavalry in a small group. Since this is a hilly area, it is conceivable that there must be other Japanese cavalry in places beyond the reach of their eyesight.

Now that they have killed one of the Japanese cavalry, the other Japanese cavalry will definitely come closer when they hear the gunshots. Then there will be a fierce battle. Isn't that trouble coming?

Shang Zhen and the others looked toward the place where the gunshots were heard from the mountain, but all they could see were woods and low mountains.

The gunfire obviously did not come from the woods. In other words, it was not Wang Laomao and his friends who made the move. It could only be soldiers from other groups of security companies.

"Did another class get involved with the kid?" Liu Jinchuan guessed.

"Say something that others can't guess. Why do you talk so much nonsense every day?" At this time, the soldier who first said that he was talkative started to criticize him again.

Liu Jinchuan remained silent again.

Shang Zhen knew that the soldier who could subdue Liu Jinchuan was named Zhang Yuchun.

It is embarrassing to say that among the nine soldiers that Shang Zhen casually ordered, he could only name four of them: Liu Jinchuan, Zhang Yuchun, Zheng Laoshi, and Wang Wenxiao. They were introduced to them just after they went up the mountain.

He wanted to continue getting acquainted, but the devil was here!

Shang Zhen could certainly think of things that Liu Jinchuan could think of. Although he hoped that soldiers from other guard companies would take the initiative to shoot at the Japanese army, he did not want the soldiers of the guard companies to suffer too many casualties.

As for going to support where the gunshots were heard now, forget it. They are all infantry. If they dare to come out of their hiding place and be charged by the gathered Japanese cavalry, the losses will only be greater.

It seems that we can only wait and see what happens next.

Shang Zhen was thinking about it when he suddenly saw Japanese cavalry appearing on the side of the woods. This time, the number of Japanese cavalry was similar to that which his group had eliminated before, and there were also about ten cavalry.

Do you want to shoot yourself now? Shang Zhen pointed the rifle at him.

Now the Japanese army was less than 300 meters away from their hilltop. Shang Zhen thought to himself that with his many marksmanship, he couldn't hit them, so he was sure to kill two or three.

To fight or not to fight? If I shoot now, will it have any impact on Mr. Wang and the others in the woods? If he fires his gun, will the Japanese army enter the woods? Shang Zhen hesitated.

But while he was hesitating, the Japanese cavalry suddenly turned its horse head and ran towards the woods where Mr. Wang and the others were hiding!

oops! not good! Uncle Wang and the others were discovered by the little devil!

This idea suddenly popped into Shang Zhen's mind, so why should he hesitate?

Shang Zhen no longer bothered to give orders to the soldiers, he just took aim with his gun!

After a moment, gunshots rang out, and a Japanese soldier fell from his horse!

So what if the Japanese cavalry is a moving target? Which veteran like Shang Zhen doesn't know that you need to master the lead time when hitting moving targets?

As for the advance amount, it all depends on experience and feeling.

When Shang Zhen pulled the bolt to eject the cartridge case and pushed the bolt again to aim, he only saw the last Japanese cavalry rushing into the woods.

He still underestimated the speed of the Japanese cavalry.

"Oh, the little devil is hiding!" a soldier shouted.

But at this moment, gunshots of "pop", "pop" and "pop" rang out in the woods!

Since Shang Zhen and the others were only about a hundred meters away from the woods, they could all see the tree crowns shaking violently. They thought that after the Japanese troops rushed into the woods, some of the horses hit the trees uncontrollably.

As for why this is the case? Liu Jinchuan may not have guessed it, but Shang Zhen understood that Mr. Wang and the others were not vegetarians!

But then he had a question, that's not right! This little Japanese cavalryman didn't seem to have launched a charge into the woods, but he neither drew his saber nor raised his horse rifle. Instead, he desperately urged his horse to run into the woods, as if he was rushing to reincarnate!

"Go down the mountain. We don't want to go to the top of this mountain anymore. Let's go to the woods and see what's going on!" Shang Zhen suddenly ordered.

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