The War of Resistance

Chapter 1250 Murder during the war (5)

In the room, Liu Neng's woman was still crying hoarsely, and there were other women beside her trying to comfort her.

But the scene in the yard was completely different.

Shang Zhen, who was facing a formidable enemy, had already put down the box cannon. On the contrary, he had a bayonet in his right hand and a grenade in his left hand.

Xiao Jiu had already stepped back, but right next to Shang Zhen were two more young men, both of whom were Xiao Jiu's brothers.

One of them was holding a lighter. The lighter was given to him by Shang Zhen just now.

The other hand was holding a piece of pine wood, which had a unique luster of pine oil.

There were two villagers next to the pile of wood, also holding pine wood in their hands.

And now all of their eyes are staring at the vegetable cellar.

As for the reason, do you need to say? That was because Shang Zhen suspected that the murderer of Liu Neng and his son was hiding in this vegetable cellar!

If only Liu Neng died, Shang Zhen would only think that the murderer came from outside the village. But now that Liu Neng's son died again, Shang Zhen had reason to suspect that the murderer was hiding in Liu Neng's house.

As for where Liu Neng could hide it in his home, Shang Zhen naturally thought of the vegetable cellar.

It can be said that this is because Shang Zhen's thinking is very divergent, but it is also because Shang Zhen has had similar experiences!

He had done this with his own people back then, and Gao Yuyan, who had no fighting ability, had also done this.

Regardless of whether the murderer was in Liu Neng's vegetable cellar, Shang Zhen would always check it out.

But how to check? Of course Shang Zhen would not go down on his own initiative, what if there was really a murderer inside?

It was impossible for him to shout into the vegetable cellar. What if there were Japanese soldiers in the cellar? People wouldn't understand what he shouted.

What if there are really Japanese devils down there, and they really understand? If he throws a grenade directly up from below, do you think he can do it?

If Liu Neng's house was next to a river, Shang Zhen could fill the cellar with water, but there is no river here.

Use water from a water tank? joke! How could the water in the water tank fill up the vegetable cellar? So the simplest way is to attack with fire.

Moreover, Shang Zhen did not intend to throw grenades into the cellar. Although he still has two grenades on him.

Shang Zhen's idea was that if there were Japanese troops below, then given the situation in this village, there would be no Japanese troops around.

Once the grenade explodes, wouldn't the surrounding Japanese troops swarm in when they hear the explosion? Then the village will still face massacre.

Since he didn't want to make any noise, why did Shang Zhen grab a grenade himself? The reason is just for precaution. If there is a Japanese soldier below who throws a grenade, then he has to throw the grenade down.

It seems complicated, but Shang Zhen has already considered various possibilities.

Some people may say that fighting a Japanese enemy is not that complicated.

Yes, of course it is not that complicated to fight the Japanese. Sometimes just being brave is enough.

For example, after a Chinese soldier lost his rifle, he was afraid that his superior would scold him, so he entered the Japanese position late at night and came back with more than a dozen rifles seized.

For another example, a certain soldier used a heavy machine gun to eliminate hundreds of Japanese soldiers at a time while blocking the Japanese army on a river bank.

For another example, during the Battle of Nanjing, a Chinese soldier hid in a captured Japanese tank and used the machine gun on the Japanese tank to kill hundreds of Japanese soldiers.

After the battle, he once talked about his achievements, but there was no evidence and his commander did not believe it.

Later, when the Chinese army passed the Japanese documents seized during the battle with the Japanese army, they found out that what the soldier said was true.

But when he went to look for the Chinese soldier, he had already been killed in a battle.

So the problem here is that you can be brave once, you can be brave twice, and you can even go through hundreds of battles, but to be brave you have to be careful. If you are not careful enough, then you can say that death in battle is inevitable.

For example, the three Chinese soldiers recorded in the above history were all killed in the battle.

If you can't die in battle, isn't it just like the legend says?

In Journey to the West, Sun Monkey always calls the Jade Emperor the Jade Emperor, but the Bodhisattva said that the Jade Emperor has done good deeds for many lifetimes before he has accumulated such great blessings. How can he be a stone monkey like you? Can you overthrow it if you say it should be overthrown?

In the same way, if a soldier does not die in battle, then he must have been a good person for many lifetimes without killing before he can get the reward of longevity.

The above are all special cases. People are limited by their own experiences. Shang Zhen is also the same. He is brave and careful and only survives the battles of life and death again and again!

Shang Zhen saw that the villagers beside him were getting ready and whispered: "Light the fire!"

Xiaojiu's brother flicked the lighter and put a little light on the wood that was pure pine oil, and the pine wood started to catch fire.

Grease is inherently flammable, but that lighter was carried by Shang Zhen.

Xiaojiu Xiaojiu was the ninth among the uncles and brothers of his generation, but he was the youngest. How could those elder brothers always let a little brother like him follow Shang Zhen? So if something really happens, they'd better go ahead!

Don't tell me whether the Chinese are brave or not? In war, brothers go into battle. This has been the case for the Chinese since ancient times!

Seeing the pine wood burning, Shang Zhen turned around, bent down, reached out to grab the wooden lid of the vegetable cellar, and lifted it hard, causing the lid to fly away!

And just after he lifted it, the dark cellar mouth under the wooden lid was naturally exposed.

But then, the cellar entrance was no longer dark, just because Xiaojiu's brother threw the piece of pine wood that had been set on fire into the vegetable cellar with a wave of his hand!

But according to Shang Zhen's previous instructions, how could it be possible to just throw a burning log into the cellar?

God knows if there is a murderer inside, and how many murderers are there?

And Shang Zhen didn't know how deep the cellar was. Although he didn't quite understand the scientific principles, it was said that when people go down to the cellar, it's best to light a candle or hold a kerosene lamp.

If the flame is not extinguished, people can continue to go down. If there is no wind and the flame is extinguished, then the person should not go down anymore. If he goes down again, he will probably suffocate to death inside!

If that person could suffocate to death inside, wouldn't the burning wood be extinguished if it fell? So how can one piece of wood be enough? Shang Zhen is not a smoky rat!

If one stick is not enough, throw in two sticks; if two sticks are not enough, throw in three or four sticks!

Shang Zhen wouldn't go down to look for it. There was plenty of wood in the village anyway, and he would rather burn this cellar into a brick cellar!

But not going down to look for it didn't mean that he wasn't nervous. With the bayonet in his right hand and the grenade in his left hand, he stared at the cellar entrance, just in case the murderer was really inside!

And just when Xiaojiu's brother threw down the fifth burning pine wood, Shang Zhen saw the burning smoke coming out of the cellar mouth.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen saw a black, round, fist-sized thing suddenly fly out of the cellar!

Shang Zhen was shocked! It seems like the murderer is really hiding inside!

But this was just a thought in Shang Zhen's mind. Why was he staring nervously at the cellar entrance? Aren't you afraid that if there are Japanese soldiers hiding in the vegetable cellar, they will throw the grenades out?

So when he saw something round flying out, he instinctively shouted "get down", and at the same time, he jumped sideways and threw the bayonet in his right hand towards the round thing!

People who say they have never fired a gun are extremely accurate when they go off and kill someone.

Shang Zhen has never practiced bayonet throwing. He is not a martial arts master, so why should he practice that?

But this time it was really evil. The round thing was not thrown out very fast. The bayonet that Shang Zhen threw out spun in the air and actually stuck into the round thing.

But to Shang Zhen's surprise, there was no "dang" sound as he imagined. He thought that the thing thrown up from below was really about the size of a fist, like an oval grenade used by the Japanese army. Wasn't that a grenade?

When a bayonet hits a grenade, shouldn't it make a "dang" sound if they are both made of metal?

But in fact it was not the case. The bayonet made almost no sound when it collided with the round thing. Shang Zhen even saw that the bayonet had cut into the east and west!

"Oops! I've been fooled!" Shang Zhen shouted.

He didn't care to see what his bayonet had hit, and turned around to face the cellar entrance. At this time, he saw a short figure jumping out of the cellar entrance!

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