The War of Resistance

Chapter 1268: Anger, shoot out all the bullets!

"If you don't have a gun, you don't have a gun. You don't have to be so dirty." A Chinese soldier said while holding a box of cannon and staring at the front, while the Japanese soldier used the Japanese sword in his hand to press on the little But the child's neck didn't move at all.

As for the two of them, there were several more Japanese corpses lying with their blood still warm.

For the Chinese soldier Shang Zhen, this was called a rat-throwing weapon.

For the Japanese army, this was the benefit of having meat tickets in their hands.

Not all Japanese are stubborn. This Japanese soldier saw that his sword could not fight with his gun, but he came up with such a way to save his life.

One afternoon, the sun shone through the gaps between the trees, making the Japanese sword look even more cold and cold.

The knife was already pressed against the child's neck, and the Japanese soldier only needed to lightly touch the knife. Although the child caught by him would not be killed, the artery in the neck would be severed.

As for the kid who was taken hostage by the Japanese army, he had never experienced this. He didn't dare to move, but he was already scared to death!

Shang Zhen's expression was calm and he was still approaching, but he was also thinking of a solution quickly.

He didn't know if there were other Japanese soldiers ahead. He didn't know what happened to the children who ran out of the woods, but now they were dragged here by a dirty Japanese soldier. How could this be allowed?

Shang Zhen continued to move forward, but the Japanese soldier's face was covered with black cloth, only his eyes were exposed. Apart from being ferocious, Shang Zhen could not see any other expression.

Shang Zhen took a few steps forward, but he was less than ten steps away from the Japanese soldier.

At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly yelled: "What about your little Japanese Bushido spirit? What kind of ** do you want to do to grab a child as a meat ticket now! Come on, fight with me!"

And just as he was yelling, his hand holding the gun suddenly loosened, and the gun fell to the ground. But at the same time, Shang Zhen bent down and picked up a Japanese sword at his feet.

Naturally, the knife belonged to a Japanese soldier he had just killed. The Japanese soldier had only just died, but the blood was still warm.

Who knows what the Japanese soldier on the opposite side was thinking. He probably saw Shang Zhen abandoning his gun but picked up the knife. He was probably going to have a hand-to-hand fight with him.

The opportunity was too late to come back. The Japanese soldier pushed the child in his hand forward, and at the same time he yelled "Yeah" and rushed forward with his knife raised.

Frontal toughness is the style of a samurai, while being mean is the style of a ninja.

Ninjas were looked down upon in the samurai-style Japanese army because of their wretchedness, so when they saw Shang Zhen appearing, their commander issued such an order to kill them, hoping to use this to make them ninjas also The blood of some warriors.

But he didn't learn it at the right time, and he met a quick shooter like Shang Zhen.

And the remaining ninja who was ambushed here turned out to be wretched at the critical moment.

He calculated well.

Of course he could have wiped the child's neck with just a move of his hand.

But in that case, the child would lose its role as a human shield.

When he thought about it, he pushed the child forward. The Chinese soldiers on the opposite side definitely didn't want to hurt the child's life, otherwise they would have shot him long ago.

So I pushed the child over first, and the opponent would be in a hurry if he threw the rat weapon. If he chopped it down with his sword, he would definitely win!

This Japanese soldier was quite good at calculating, but what he encountered was the ancestor of the calculating person - Shang Zhen!

The Japanese soldier saw the child being pushed over by him, and then he collided with the Chinese soldier who was already in front of him. And for some reason, the Chinese soldier fell down, and the child actually All of a sudden he fell on top of the Chinese soldier!

The Japanese soldier was so happy that he picked up the knife in his hand and chopped it down.

But just when his sword was about to fall, he suddenly felt his body shake as if he had been hit by a hammer. Then he let go of the Japanese sword and it fell uncontrollably. Go down.

Only then did the Japanese soldier hear the gunfire, and he noticed that there was a black muzzle protruding from the child's side!

Before he could figure it out, there was another gunshot, and this time he felt nothing at all. Maybe he did, but it was just the feeling of his soul being scattered.

But in this world, how many people can clearly explain the soul?

Because the shot hit him between the eyebrows this time, everything happened so quickly. This time the Japanese soldier died happily. He no longer needed the fear of death before his death.

The Japanese soldier directly pressed on the child he had just pushed out, and underneath the child was Shang Zhen, who was also pressed.

How could Shang Zhen fight with the Japanese army? He had never practiced any sword skills. If it were Big Boss or Qingfeng Li now, he might be able to do it.

He just fell down when the child was pushed over and tripped the child. When he fell to the ground, he used the child's body to protect him and used the child's body to cover him and abandon the knife and pick up the gun.

Shang Zhen's abandonment of the gun was just to confuse the Japanese soldier. Since the Japanese soldier pushed the child out, it didn't matter whether the child was his amulet or a human shield, it was gone anyway.

There was a gun right under his nose, but he didn't use it but fought with a knife. How could Shang Zhen do such a stupid thing?

Shang Zhen pushed the Japanese soldier on top away and tried to sit up. The child was also pushed away when he sat up, but he was still frightened and overwhelmed.

Only then did Shang Zhen notice that this was a little boy with a pot-top cut on his head, looking at him with a blank eyebrow.

But Shang Zhen had no intention of caring about this child at this time, but the screams of those children were heard again in front of him.

"Don't go back to the village yet, hide in a grass nest and wait until dark before going home!" Shang Zhen told him and stood up.

Although he didn't know why the children in front were screaming, he also had a bad premonition. Wasn't there a Japanese ambush ahead?

Shang Zhen took his box gun and ran forward, and as he ran, he connected the gun with the wooden box he was carrying.

Shang Zhen quickly ran to the edge of the woods, and then he saw that the complex terrain in front of him was already in chaos!

Of course, those children were running away desperately, and behind them were the Japanese soldiers who were chasing them with knives!

Since those children were chased by the Japanese army, naturally some of them fell to the sword of the Japanese army.

At the same time, more than ten men in black ran towards him from different locations.

Shang Zhen's head was "buzzing" at that moment!

What is Shang Zhen most afraid of?

Afraid of death? It's really hard to say. To be more precise, he didn't want to die in vain. This was a controversial topic for him.

What is undisputed is that Shang Zhen was most afraid of owing the lives of others. He was afraid of owing the lives of soldiers, but he was also afraid of owing the lives of ordinary people.

Now he saw that those children were being hunted down by the Japanese army, but he felt that he owed the lives of these children again!

So what can we do now? Why don't you run away for your life? Let's fight. If you can save one more child, that's our Chinese child!

So, the next moment, the firing sound of his box cannon sounded in the mountains and fields.

The sound of the gunfire started with rapid bursts of "pop", "pop" and "pop", but after a while it turned into short bursts of "pop, pop, pop" and "pop, pop"!

If it is said that bullets carry Shang Zhen's anger, but if he uses up all the bullets he carries with him, who knows if his anger will subside?

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