The War of Resistance

Chapter 1280 The mountains and rivers are exhausted, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright

Chu Tian and Li Qingfeng entered the courtyard and saw Hou Kanshan, Qin Chuan and others busy lighting a large pot placed in the corner of the courtyard.

The wooden lid of the big pot has been closed, and I don't know what's inside, but the guard company withdrew them at about four o'clock. After they came back, the cooking team started cooking and everyone had already eaten. .

Although Chu Tian and Li Qingfeng were curious about why the fire was lit at this time, they did not open their mouths to ask.

"Creak!" The door rang. When Chu Tian, ​​who was walking in front, stepped away, Qingfeng Li, who was following behind, could clearly see the scene in the room.

This is the main room. The sun has set in the west at this time. The sunlight cannot shine into this low thatched house, so the room looks a little dark. However, Li Qingfeng has opened his eyes slightly. He has already seen the scene in the room. He could see everything, but then he had the urge to cover his nose.

The two stripped men, who were only wearing loincloths, had been tied to the pillars supporting the beams with their backs to the five-flowered braid, and black clothes and black trousers were thrown around beside them.

One of the two men was quite dark and not very tall. They were tied to the pillar like roasted mountain birds.

The other one is not black, but the square beard above his mouth gives people a disgusting feeling.

He didn't know the identity of these two people. They were two of the Japanese soldiers who were captured alive by him and Big Boss.

But what made Qingfeng Li disgusted was not because of this, but because the room was filled with the smell of blood.

The two Japanese soldiers had injuries on their bodies. The wounds were not big or even small, but the wounds were a bit dense and the wounds were relatively deep, so the blood flowing from their bodies was like dozens of earthworms crawling down. .

Of course it will hurt if there is too much blood, and people will move when they feel pain, but these two Japanese soldiers were unable to move at all because of their large straps.

What is five-flower tie? That would tie your neck to the pillar!

There were wounds on the body and bleeding. The wounds were not very dense and could even be said to be very small. However, precisely because of the small size, the injured person would naturally feel a lot of pain, like a needle prick, or the pain of being pricked by many needles. The person being tortured will naturally be in great pain.

People will naturally scream when they are in extreme pain, but these two Japanese soldiers were destined to be unable to scream, just because their mouths were already stuffed full of rags.

How full is it? In order to prevent these two guys from screaming, the cloth was first stuffed with hands and then used to poke it with a wooden stick until it was extremely dense.

The situation in front of Qingfeng Li is like the Chinese who want to build a threshing floor. After the ground is leveled, they need to use stone rollers to grind it and use heavy objects to compact it. The scientific name is "tamping"!

The mouths of these two Japanese soldiers were stuffed with rags and then beaten. Not to mention talking, they couldn't even fart. The "oo" and "oo" sounds after their mouths were blocked were avoided. !

There was a lot of blood from the wounds, and the people had obviously struggled, and they probably had no energy now. The only thing that proved they were still alive was the rise and fall of their chests, and their eyes had been closed. I don’t know if it was because of the pain that I fainted or for some other reason.

And the only thing that can make them faint is the person standing in front of them.

The man was also naked from the waist up. From the back, his body was full of flesh. Although he was a little thin, he was still very strong.

But when he heard the knock on the door and turned around, the layer of skin on his belly that was no longer as compact as that of a young man revealed his age, because he was an old man.

For some reason, the moment Mr. Wang turned around, Li Qingfeng thought of the cruel officials in the government offices that he had heard from veterans. No, it was not right to call them cruel officials, but to call them executioners? That’s not right either, let’s call him executioner.

It’s just that most executioners in this world decapitate people with one knife most of the time.

In order to get some pleasure before death, some death row criminals will secretly ask the executioner to sharpen the sword faster before execution, so that the head can be decapitated with one knife and the death row prisoner will suffer less.

As for the legendary sword slash, when the head hit the ground and he shouted "What a fast knife", that gave the bloody color a touch of romance that cannot be said to be romantic, but also extremely legendary.

But that kind of executioner was definitely not the old man Wang in front of Qingfeng Li at this moment. At this moment, Qingfeng Li felt that old man Wang was also an executioner, but he was the kind of executioner who cut the prisoner into pieces with a thousand cuts!

"He's so stupid. He really wants to cut off the flesh of these two little devils piece by piece. Why don't you say anything?" When Mr. Wang saw Chu Tian arriving with Li Qingfeng, he spoke again. , his image of the executioner disappeared before Qingfeng Li's eyes and he returned in person.

Li Qingfeng naturally understood the method that Mr. Wang and the veterans discussed together to save Shang Zhen.

That is to capture one or a few Japanese soldiers alive, and then stab those few Japanese soldiers with the poisonous hidden weapon captured from the Japanese army.

Then they used the same medicine captured from the Japanese army to apply it on the wounds of these Japanese soldiers to see which one could detoxify the Japanese soldiers who were stabbed by them.

Since it was something that had been planned and a living prisoner was captured, Wang Lao Mao did it as a matter of course. Now the scars and bloodstains on the two Japanese soldiers were his masterpiece.

Of course, it would be best if the two Japanese soldiers could be asked to tell them which vial contained the antidote. And now that they are back in the brigade, wouldn’t they still have an interpreter who can speak Japanese? !

But just as Mr. Wang had predicted in advance, these two Japanese devils were really overcooked ducks - they had such tough mouths!

They wouldn't even say a single fart, let alone confess.

Mr. Wang was also afraid that if Shang Zhen had been poisoned for a long time, he would have long nights and many dreams. He would have no time to engage in a verbal lawsuit with the two Japanese soldiers, so he finally showed his Northeastern beard's true colors and began to use the hidden weapons that he had captured from the Japanese soldiers. The Japanese army bled.

At first, he just used different concealed weapons to make a wound on a Japanese soldier, and then applied some medicine of unknown purpose to the wound.

But just think about it, it will always take some time for the wound to become red and swollen after being poisoned, and even if the antidote is effective, it will take some time, so how can it be effective immediately?

Shang Zhen was placed in the next room by Mr. Wang. Before he applied the antidote to Shang Zhen, Mr. Wang even reached out to test Shang Zhen’s body temperature. Seeing that Shang Zhen’s forehead was hot, he was sleeping soundly. How could he not worry?

The night was long and I was afraid of having too many dreams, so Wang Lao Mao had no choice but to make several wounds when he attacked the Japanese army again, and then applied the medicine he got to the wounds one by one.

Since there are many punctures, it would be quicker to test the medicine. Mr. Wang thinks his idea is reasonable.

But after he finished applying the medicine, he realized that his approach was blind. How could he know which of the medicines those Japanese ninjas carried was poison and which was antidote? The two Japanese soldiers felt as if they had been electrocuted, but they could not move.

Who can stand up to him? Even if the Japanese devils are animals, they can survive for a while?

In the end, I don’t know which medicine took effect, and the two Japanese soldiers finally passed out.

The ideal is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. How could Mr. Wang and his fellow veterans have imagined that such a situation would arise? They did not expect that the guns and ammunition carried by the Japanese soldiers were limited, but everyone had the small bottles containing the medicine!

Wang Lao Mao also asked the soldiers to try to apply a kind of medicine that he thought was effective on Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen had no reaction at all!

At this time, Mr. Wang and the others realized that the trick they originally thought of to save Shang Zhen was useless. He then thought of Li Qingfeng, a little Taoist priest who once roamed the countryside, to see if he could What a good idea.

"Little Taoist priest, go check on Shang Zhen and see if you have any tricks." Mr. Wang said to Qingfeng Li.

Qingfeng Li said "Oh" and agreed, what could he say.

Qingfeng Li does know a little bit about poisons and antidotes, but no matter how much he knows, they are only Chinese poisons or antidotes. How does he know what poisons the Japanese use?

What's more, China is an agricultural society and uses traditional medicines, and the poisons used in Japan, which has now entered industrialization, should be Western medicines that are the product of modern science. What exactly is the poison? How could it be a country Taoist priest? What can be understood.

Qingfeng Li walked towards the door of the back room.

There was a small window on the west wall of the house there, and the window was still open, and the warm sunset poured into the house, but it was shining on the face of Shang Zhen, who was lying sideways on a small kang.

At this time, Shang Zhen's shirt had been taken off by the veterans, revealing traces of scratches on his back. No one knew how Shang Zhen got himself into this state after being separated from them this time.

However, the scratch was not deep and although it had not scabbed, the bleeding had already stopped. However, there was some redness and swelling on Shang Zhen's right shoulder, where he was hit by a hidden weapon thrown by the Japanese army.

The room was not big, and there were six or seven veterans crammed in. They were sitting or squatting, but they all looked sad.

Seeing Qingfeng Li coming in, Ma Erhuzi hurriedly pushed the other veterans to the side. At this time, Qingfeng Li noticed that the veterans, who had always looked down upon life and death and refused to obey, actually looked at him with a look of surprise. There is something called hope.

Qingfeng Li could only bite the bullet and go forward to see Shang Zhen.

The fiery sunset turned Shang Zhen's face red, which made him look better.

This was the first time that Li Qingfeng saw Shang Zhen sleeping. He hesitated and wanted to reach out and touch Shang Zhen's forehead to see if it was still warm, but then he noticed that the sleeping Shang Zhen slapped his mouth. Then he snored softly again.

Seeing this, Qingfeng Li was suddenly stunned. Is this what a poisoned person looks like? Why is it no different from when I fall asleep?

"How is our company commander doing?" Ma Erhuzi's voice sounded next to him.

Just this voice made Qingfeng Li finally put his hand towards Shang Zhen's forehead.

But just when he touched Shang Zhen's forehead and felt how hot it was, Shang Zhen's head suddenly moved, and then Shang Zhen, who was lying on his side, turned around, and then his eyes slowed down. Opened slowly.

"Eh!" "Eh!" "Eh-", several surprised voices sounded at the same time. None of the veterans expected that Shang Zhen would suddenly think of it at this time. They were overjoyed but didn't know what to say for a moment!

"Hey, water, I'm so thirsty!" Shang Zhen opened his mouth to speak. Although his voice was a little hoarse, he really spoke!

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