The War of Resistance

Chapter 1464 The more

"Batalion Commander, where are you going to go shopping today?" Ma Erhu came to Shang Zhen in a hurry the next morning.

Shang Zhen, who was deep in thought in the yard, looked up at Ma Erhuzi in surprise.

When Ma Erhuzi saw Shang Zhen's appearance, he realized that he was disturbing Shang Zhen's thoughts.

So he said "hehe" in embarrassment, and Shang Zhen also wanted to understand why Ma Erhuzi asked him this.

If you take people out by yourself, it's not just a sightseeing, it's a serious business. But that's good, but the people who went with you regarded yesterday's trip as a sightseeing tour.

"I'm not going anywhere today." Shang Zhen, who originally thought about going out for "shopping" today, said, but he changed his mind.

"Oh." Ma Erhuzi responded with some disappointment.

He really just followed Shang Zhen to go sightseeing.

When Chen Hanwen came back yesterday, he talked a lot about what he saw along the way, such as the mountains with five colors and the birds singing, and the water with the colorful water and fish swimming. This was a great way to express his scholarly feelings.

Naturally, Ma Erhuzi would not be interested in Chen Hanwen's scholarly sentiments. In the words of their veterans, Chen Hanwen was just the pretentiousness of a poor scholar!

The fact that the mountains have five colors has something to do with me, but what Ma Erhuzi wants to do is to hunt down a few birds from the five-color mountains and bring them back for a tooth ceremony, and fish out a few fish from the colorful water to make soup.

Ma Erhuzi originally bragged to others, saying that if I asked the battalion commander to take me out for sightseeing, the battalion commander would definitely take me.

But this time, yes! You are so bragging!

Just as Ma Erhu stepped out of the threshold, Shang Zhen suddenly called out: "Brother Huzi, call us old people over and let's have a meeting."

Ma Erhuzi, who was originally a little disappointed, was elated when Shang Zhen called him "Brother Huzi". He thought to himself that in Shang Zhen's eyes, he was different from others after all!

So he responded and hurriedly went to find someone.

Shang Zhen never paid attention to what Ma Erhuzi was thinking.

Yesterday, he also took people around his battalion's camp. He had the most intuitive understanding of the folk customs, mountains and terrain, but he was still confused about how many armed forces there were on "his" territory. .

Shuan Wazi, the guide "invited" by his group, never took the initiative to speak. He only answered when they asked what the name of the village was.

This is not normal.

Shuan Wazi was a salesman who traveled from village to village to sell things. Who would believe him if he said he couldn't?

The people here were obviously wary of them. When he asked Wu Ziqi to inquire about something, the local people looked at Wu Ziqi's unfamiliar face but would not tell him any useful information at all.

Moreover, Wu Ziqi's definitely somewhat unscrupulous character was exposed after just a few words with the people, which directly aroused the people's disgust.

Especially during this process, Mr. Wang, who was pretending to be a land tycoon, accidentally said a Northeastern dialect, and the common people became even more silent.

Thinking about it, there are so many armed forces on the ground in Shandong right now. Some are good for the people, some are not good for the people, some are from the national army, some are bandits, some are Japanese devils, some are puppet soldiers, some are from the Eighth Route Army, some are from various townships or The rural protection teams organized by each village have now come again to appeal to the Northeastern Army. Who doesn't know that talking too much will lead to mistakes?

On the outside, most Northeastern people have a quick-witted personality and say "fuck you" when they open their mouths, which is scary enough to look at.

What's more, the troops of the 51st Army are by no means strict. Shang Zhen thinks that his group is pretty good to the people, but the people are afraid of his own gang, let alone those who just open their mouths to scold and raise their hands. The fighting was brutal.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for you to get something out of people’s mouths!

So what's the point of taking people out today?

Shang Zhen was only close to the people emotionally and conceptually, but after all, he was not the kind of soldier who would be called a "people's soldier" by later generations. If you asked him to follow the mass line like the Eighth Route Army, he really couldn't do it, and he didn't have that idea.

Soon, Ma Erhuzi called all their veterans to the battalion headquarters, and dozens of people were sitting in the yard on benches, rocks, or just sitting on the ground.

Being in large numbers and not talking makes people look dull, but this is not the character of those veterans. After a moment, Qian Chuan'er said half-jokingly: "The battalion commander has something on his mind? Is it because there is the Eighth Route Army on the ground, and you think of that person?" ?”

Do you still need to ask who is which? Who is with the Communist Party, or in other words, is the Communist Party!

Shang Zhen, who was standing at the door, saw that when Qian Chuan'er asked him, the veterans looked at him curiously, with gossip in their eyes.

He knew that he had to say something after all, otherwise the mouths of these veterans would never be idle.

So he smiled bitterly and said, "I'm really big-hearted. I still miss that person at this time." Then he talked about his troubles.

He didn't want the local people to turn against him when he was fighting guerrilla warfare. When they were fighting guerrilla warfare, they encountered a lot of this kind of thing.

The common people were not active in resisting Japan, let alone being with them, so they would not get help from the common people.

But this time they have their own territory, so what if they don't get the support of the local people?

Just like when he saw many people planting winter wheat during his inspection, after the people harvested grain in the coming year, who would hand over the land rent and grain?

And who protects these people from being robbed of their food? In other words, to whom do ordinary people give their protection money?

Once they heard what Shang Zhen said, the veterans understood what Shang Zhen was worried about.

It's just that Shang Zhen's troubles are those of people with complicated minds, but some people think very simply, such as someone.

"If you want to know what's going on, arrest two common people and scare them out!" Someone is Hu Zhuzhu.

Shang Zhen shook his head and said: "Our current Northeastern Army's reputation is not very good, but if you want to scare others, then if you spread the word ten to ten, we will be even less able to do our jobs in the future.

Well, that's fine if we can really scare them, but if we can't scare them, how can we really beat them up? Have you ever done such a thing, Hu Zhuzi? "

"Beat the common people -" Hu Zhuzhu opened his mouth. Don't look at him, he has never done this before.

Shang Zhen said this, so naturally no one would refute it.

Yes, compared with other armies, including other Northeastern armies, they actually don't have any bad intentions towards the people.

If you rob something, you will be paid, and the exchange must be of equal value.

Of course, if you steal something without being discovered by the people, then that's it.

And even if they catch the people and scare them, they will never lay a finger on the people if they don't say anything.

As for the harm to women, it has nothing to do with them.

It's really like what Shang Zhen said. If the confession is not asked out and the reputation of his own camp is ruined, it will be worth the loss!

How could we ask what the local people said? The veterans talked a lot, but they really couldn't think of a good way for a while.

As the saying goes, the smartest people in their group are all from the Northeast. When they open their mouths, they smell like dirt. That accent is the best business card of the Northeastern people. When they hear that accent, the local people are eager to avoid it. The look of being afraid of not being able to catch up.

And people who speak with a Shandong accent are not clever enough, and their secrets will be revealed after just a few words, such as the second-rate Wu Ziqi.

Amid the chaotic discussion, Qin Chuan said angrily: "They say three cobblers can defeat one Zhuge Liang, but I really don't believe it. We can't come up with a good solution!"

"Three cobblers won't work, so we have to use six cobblers, or twelve cobblers." The one who answered the conversation next to him was Ma Tianfang. .

Hearing what Ma Tianfang said, Shang Zhen suddenly felt his eyes light up. What Ma Tianfang said makes sense. Why can't he come up with good ideas? Of course it's because there are too few cobblers. If there were more cobblers, maybe You can figure it out

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Shang Zhen said loudly, "pass my order to each company. Whoever can come up with a good idea to deceive the local situation and build a good relationship with the people, the battalion commander has reward!"

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