Humph, you are all familiar with your tactics in battles. Today I will see how skilled you are at it!

When Shang Zhen's third battalion and Zhang Yingjie's battalion surrounded Zhumapo Village at dusk, Zhang Yingjie felt very unhappy.

Familiar harness, that's Northeastern dialect, don't care whether it's a horse harness for tying a horse, a rabbit harness or something else.

Anyway, making a condom with rope will be very tedious, and if you are not skilled in the craftsmanship, it will be very slow. This is just like the "routine" in later generations, which means the same thing.

As a veteran of many battles, Zhang Yingjie certainly had reason to be unconvinced by Mr. Wang's words.

But when Shang Zhen ordered "bring the dog over here," Zhang Yingjie was still surprised.

The sneak attack on the puppet stronghold requires the use of dogs. This is beyond Zhang Yingjie's imagination. What kind of "routine" is this for Shang Zhen and the others?

Then two soldiers actually walked out of the team, carrying a loaded sack with poles.

During the lifting process, Zhang Yingjie saw that there must be something alive in the bag, because the bag was heavy and falling, and something was moving inside.

When the soldiers opened the bag and pulled it down, Zhang Yingjie actually saw a dog.

That is an ordinary dog. It is called "local dog" in the south, "stupid dog" in the northeast, and "Chinese pastoral dog" in later generations.

But it didn't matter. The dog's mouth was tied with strips of cloth, and its four paws were tied like the pig before it was killed.

"Strangle" means that a piece of cloth is strangled in the middle of the dog's mouth like a bit on a horse.

Tie, that is to say, on the basis of strangling, the dog's long mouth is tied tightly with strips of cloth.

Therefore, after the dog came out of the bag, the only thing he could do was to make a "wuwu" sound from his nose, and then call him "gu pupa" in Northeastern dialect.

Zhang Yingjie was dumbfounded. When he couldn't figure out what Shang Zhen and his gang were doing, something surprising happened to him again, because when Shang Zhen saw that the dog was still alive and well, he immediately said: "Look at which direction the wind is blowing."

At this time, Zhang Yingjie completely felt that his brain was not enough. It was not enough to attack the puppet army stronghold and get a dog, so why should he look at the direction of the wind?

Which show are you acting in? Is it Zhuge Liang who borrowed the east wind?

Following Shang Zhen's order, everyone stopped talking, so when the wind blew from the distance and made the dead leaves in front of them "clatter", the wind direction was determined to be northwest wind.

"Bai Zhan, take your dog and go to the northwest with Cheng Peng and the others." Shang Zhen ordered again.

After receiving the mission, Cheng Peng and Bai Zhan whispered "yes" and took advantage of the cover of the terrain to take a circuitous route to the northwest.

"Hey, Commander Zhang, didn't you notice anything different about this dog?" Mr. Wang's voice sounded right next to Zhang Yingjie's ears.

Zhang Yingjie heard the showoff in Mr. Wang's tone, but even though the dog had just died and was put back in the bag, he tried to recall, but he couldn't think of any difference between the dog and other dogs he had seen. What a difference.

If it is different, is it just because that dog has "eyebrows", which is also commonly known as a "four-eyed dog"?

"Commander Zhang, let me remind you, hehe, that dog is a female and is raising rice seedlings." Old Hat Wang's voice sounded again.

"Huh?" Zhang Yingjie turned to look at Mr. Wang, and he suddenly understood.

They were all from the northeast. Under Wang Laomao's prompting, Zhang Yingjie immediately understood what Shang Zhen and others were planning.

"Raising the seedlings" is also a Northeastern dialect. If it were changed to a more civilized term in later generations, it would be an "embarrassing period."

The dog's nose is the most sensitive. When the female dog is upwind, the male dog downwind will definitely be able to smell the smell.

The male dog will definitely look for the female dog, as long as it is loose, there will be no exception!

To say that there is love in this world that is stronger than gold is just a way for human beings to put gold on their faces. If we say that the most reliable emotion in this world is, of course, it is the love between a male dog and a female dog. Otherwise, why would people be saying this on the street? The two working dogs will fight each other in full view of the public!

To say the least, even if the male dog stationed in Mapo was tied up by a rope and unable to find the scent it had already smelled, it would still bark endlessly.

In this way, the attention of the dogs stationed in Mapo will be completely attracted by the female dog appearing in the northwest, but how can they pay attention to the soldiers climbing the wall from other directions?

Beasts are beasts. If they know etiquette, justice and integrity, they are not beasts. For example, Japanese devils or those traitors who regard thieves as their fathers!

In a spy war, using beautiful women to seduce men to obtain information is called a honey trap, but what is this called by Shang Zhen and the others? What a beauty dog ​​trick!

So, this is okay? No, it doesn’t work like this, it definitely works!

"Call the leaders of each combat team to come over for a meeting." Shang Zhen ordered again. At this time, Shang Zhen was like a general with command, but he still had his original honest and dull look.

Zhang Yingjie knew that this should be Shang Zhen's second meeting with his people, and he wanted to see how Shang Zhen deployed his troops.

It only took a while before officers and soldiers came over from the team.

Those people were different in height, short, fat and thin, but Zhang Yingjie knew that these people should be the backbone of Shang Zhen's battalion.

"Qiu Bo, your company is responsible for the front of the village. Everyone is ready to fight." After everyone arrived, Shang Zhen ordered again.

Shang Zhen was now the battalion commander, so he directly made Qiu Bo the first company commander.

It wasn't that Shang Zhen couldn't trust Liu Keqiang, the original company commander, but because Qiu Bo had stayed with him for a long time and there was a tacit understanding during the battle.

Of course, for this reason, Shang Zhen also explained to Liu Keqiang, don't think that being an officer under me is of much benefit. I didn't say this when I was the battalion commander, so you have to charge into battle with the soldiers!

Now Shang Zhen and the others, like the vast majority of Chinese officers and soldiers nowadays, eat two meals a day. They only eat extra meals when there is a big battle, and it depends on whether the supplies are sufficient.

Shang Zhen ate the same food as the soldiers every day, but sometimes he went directly to the company's kitchen below to eat with the soldiers.

Besides, as Shang Zhen said, what's the benefit of being a company commander?

The Northeastern Army is a team that has left its homeland and is burdened with humiliation. All middle- and lower-level officers take the lead in fighting. The death rate of battalion commanders and company commanders is by no means lower than that of ordinary soldiers.

What can Liu Keqiang say about this?

"After opening the gate, act according to the fighting party's plan. Each combat group I arranged in advance will take care of their own goals. The four corner towers must be captured. The two Japanese Japs who are blocked in the barracks must not be released. If they dare to force Rush out and blow up the house! The team in charge of the warehouse must not let the house catch fire. The imprisoned prisoners and civilians may not be released first, but they cannot let the house catch fire.

Once the battle started and fire appeared in the village, it was not our people who shot directly! "Shang Zhen explained the battle plan very briefly. It was obvious that he had already made a detailed division of labor before this.

Zhang Yingjie, who was also the battalion commander, could even imagine that when Shang Zhen studied the battle plan last time, he must have drawn a sketch of the Zhumapo for his men.

Otherwise, in the dark night, how can people like them who are not familiar with the situation at all identify their own goals.

From this perspective, Shang Zhen was fully prepared for the surprise attack on Zhumapona!

"Do you understand everything?" Shang Zhen asked the last question, and what he got was naturally a low and powerful "I understand."

"Everyone prepares!" Shang Zhen waved his hand at the end.

As a result, his fighting backbones dispersed.

Only then did Zhang Yingjie catch the opportunity and ask, "Battlemaster Shang, you seem to have forgotten us, right?"

"How is that possible?" Shang Zhen smiled when he looked at Zhang Yingjie, "Battle Commander Zhang, your mission is to block the northeast road.

Because there is a Japanese military camp more than ten miles away from here. If Japanese or Japanese soldiers come to help, it will be up to you to stop them. "

Regarding the task given to Zhang Yingjie by Shang Zhen, Zhang Yingjie did not express his position, but his subordinates grinned.

What's this mission called? Anyone with a little bit of combat common sense can imagine that if they launch an attack in the dark, the Japanese and puppet troops more than ten miles away may not get the news.

Moreover, even if they got the news, would they dare to come to the rescue at night?

So, in this battle, their whole camp is just a deaf ear - just a decoration!

Is this because they are afraid that the spoils captured in this battle will be too small and how will they be allocated to their camp?

But this was just the idea of ​​Zhang Yingjie's men, but Zhang Yingjie said with a smile: "Our mission is also very important, hehe. But, Zhao Qimu, you can just take people there. Lian Guangfu, you can take a platoon to follow me, and we will also talk to Shang Brother, let’s learn from combat experience.”

Shang Zhen looked at Zhang Yingjie and was silent for a moment before saying, "Okay then."

The moment Shang Zhen agreed, Zhang Yingjie realized that Shang Zhen's agreement was a bit reluctant!

These Northeastern people are all fake and generous in everything they do.

Zhang Yingjie, who believed that Shang Zhen did not want him to participate in the battle after the invasion of Mapo in order to get a piece of the pie, secretly complained, completely forgetting that he was also from the Northeast.

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