The War of Resistance

Chapter 1536 Decision

Shang Zhen's expression became uncertain.

The officers and soldiers around him were all looking at his expression, waiting for the chief officer to make a decision. However, none of them knew that at this time, Shang Zhen was making decisions again and again in his heart.

There were Japanese gunmen on the opposite side. Either he would lead the company and rush across the open space, directly bearing the Japanese gunfire with his own life and that of the soldiers.

But who can tell how many Japanese troops are on the opposite side?

Who knows whether five or six of his soldiers will fall under the enemy's guns, ten or eight, or twenty or thirty.

You can't do that. Fear is contagious. If you do that, you may destroy your own army.

Otherwise, we can only temporarily stop and eliminate the opponent's gunmen.

But how could it be so easy to find the gunman?

But hesitation is not the answer. Anyway, you still have to do something instead of waiting here.

After a moment of internal decision-making, Shang Zhen chose the latter.

"Do you know the approximate location of the Japanese army?" Shang Zhen asked Qin Zhiqiang.

"Probably in that direction." Qin Ziqiang's answer was a little reluctant, and he pointed with his finger.

A slight difference can lead to a loss of thousands of miles.

As the commander, Shang Zhen asked about the location, but Qin Ziqiang answered in the direction.

One is dots and the other is noodles. The difference is not a thousand miles but almost the same!

But what can Shang Zhen say?

He himself is a master of using guns. A master of using guns hides in a hidden place on the opposite side and fires cold shots at the enemy. He himself often does this kind of thing!

At the same time, a person who is a master with guns must also be a master of concealment.

Is it possible to easily find such a gunman hiding in a dark place? If you can easily find such a master of using guns, then you are not a master of using guns!

So next, Shang Zhen knew that he had to face a new choice.

He looked at the soldiers beside him and pointed out a decisive order: "You guys, rush forward after hearing my order!"

Shang Zhen's words directly caused the faces of the soldiers to change. Some turned white and some turned red, just like everyone's face would change differently after drinking.

What turns white is because of fear, and what turns red is the result of adrenaline surge. Why should we be allowed to go there?

Just because the soldiers Shang Zhen was referring to were all new recruits that he didn't know!

Everyone knows that whoever rushes up now is very likely to be killed. It is even said that if the Japanese army has enough troops, even if there are only five or six people, then whoever rushes up will die!

If Shang Zhen lets these new recruits rush up, he will use them as bait to die!

But Shang Zhen had no choice. He couldn't send veterans up.

From the perspective of continuous combat, veterans are valuable.

From a personal perspective, it was even more impossible for Shang Zhen to let a veteran he knew well be shot alive by the Japanese army in front of him.

"Use all telescopes and try to find the little devil's location." Shang Zhen ordered again.

Then he looked at the new recruits, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, and then he loudly ordered: "Charge up!"

It is by no means a fiction to say that when an army charges forward, there is a supervisory team behind it with machine guns.

If there are soldiers who are really afraid of the enemy, Shang Zhen will really enforce military law.

Fortunately, one of the soldiers he pointed out, who was already red in color, roared and rushed out of the woods with his rifle, and then other soldiers followed.

"Machine gun, pay attention to fire cover!" Shang Zhen ordered loudly again.

He didn't hold the binoculars at this time, he just looked at the backs of the soldiers rushing out.

Of course the battalion commander had a telescope, but Shang Zhen didn't want to use it now. He just wanted to determine the direction of the bullet when the soldier was shot.

Although everyone knew they were running towards death, those soldiers still ran very fast.

The two soldiers from Qin Ziqiang's squad were killed in the middle of the open field, close to Shang Zhen's side.

But just when the new soldiers who came up ran to the two dead soldiers, the gunshots from the front rang out unexpectedly.

What surprised Shang Zhen was that the other party's gunshot was not just a shot!

He saw three soldiers fell down after being shot almost at the same time, while the remaining soldier still rushed forward with his gun in hand. However, when the fifth soldier saw that his companion was shot, he jumped forward and fell down.

And at this moment there was another gunshot, and the charging soldier dropped his gun and fell down.

But at this moment, a thought flashed through Shang Zhen's mind, and he suddenly felt that he owed someone else's life again!

I forgot to tell the soldiers that after rushing out, they could lie down after judging that the enemy's bullets were coming.

But in fact, what would happen even if he was lying down? At this time, Shang Zhen heard another gunshot, and then he saw the soldier lying on the ground sinking his head and lying there motionless!

Shang Zhen's heart suddenly sank.

This was certainly because all five of the soldiers he sent out were shot and killed, but it also proved that the other party actually had at least three gunmen, and their marksmanship was extremely accurate!

The opponent's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and the three of them shot perfectly?

Shang Zhen suddenly felt a little confused, and then he felt like he remembered something.

And at this moment, gunshots from the officers and soldiers on his left and right rang out.

The shooting direction was the forest on the left front.

Now they are four to five hundred meters away from the woods, and the busiest soldiers are less than three hundred meters away.

Although Shang Zhen's gunfire is now very dense and loud, it is not known whether they hit the Japanese army.

The only way to prove whether they hit the Japanese gunmen is to test them with human lives. War is so cruel.

After a while, the gunfire subsided at Shang Zhen's place, and there was a smell of gunpowder smoke dissipating in all directions in the woods.

Everyone looked at Shang Zhen again, waiting for the latest order from the chief officer Shang Zhen.

But at this time, Shang Zhen, who was expressionless, knew that he had to face a new choice.

But Shang Zhen didn't know that just when he was about to make a choice, Yu Zuolong, who was monitoring the Japanese army from a distance, was also facing a choice.

Originally, Yu Zuolong was planning to retreat. He had already pulled back his rifle and started to turn around, but then he heard gunfire from Shang Zhen's end.

Yu Zuolong was surprised.

He thought his men had retreated, but what did the gunfire mean? It means that Shang Zhen and the others still failed to withdraw from the battle in time.

But how many Japanese troops are there on this side of the road? I don’t know the exact number of people, but the queue looks like a long queue!

If the members of their company were to confront these Japanese troops, one can imagine the consequences.

Yu Zuolong knew he was facing a choice.

And he only hesitated for a moment before lying back to his original position and sticking out the rifle.

In today's land of China, some things must be done, and there is no way to care about the results.

Needless to say, it goes without saying. What if we all take care of the consequences? Then there may not be those people who sacrificed their lives for the independence and liberation of the nation.

Perhaps as the famous anti-Japanese hero from Northeast China said, if we all surrender, will there be China?

In the distance, just when Shang Zhen took the rifle from a soldier and prepared to go into battle himself, he heard the sound of gunfire from behind him.

First there was one sound, and then there was an indescribable amount of gunshots.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that Yu Zuolong had not come back, so at this moment, he understood.

He understood that his soldiers made their own choices.

""Then, this time it's my turn, it's our turn. "Shang Zhen murmured to himself.

Although Shang Zhen's voice was a bit low, the people around him still heard it. They were all wondering what their battalion commander was mumbling.

But at this time, Shang Zhen had already shouted: "All veterans, follow me! When I tell them to lie down, they all lie down!"

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