The War of Resistance

Chapter 1610 Being slapped in the face (1)

"It's okay, didn't we just kill a dog?

What could happen? Isn’t that just asking our class to carry the supplies? That’s not a problem!

We, Bai Zhan, are doing well in the third camp. The old men in the third camp have a life-long friendship with us, so I have saved their lives, like Qiu Bo, Ma Erhuzi, Qin Chuan, and Without an arm, the hammer, and the small nose and small eyes, the string of money.

I have already released the letter. Maybe if they plead with the battalion commander, the battalion commander will let us go if he feels that public anger is hard to offend.

Even if the battalion commander doesn't agree to let us go, those guys will have to come over and help us carry it after a while! "

Bai Zhan, who was carrying the bullet box, was swearing there. Next to him were the soldiers of his class who were also carrying supplies. However, the eyes of those soldiers were doubtful.

"What our squad leader said is right! I can testify about this!" Wu Ziqi, a bastard, you say, but he also knows that he needs to have a good relationship with Bai Zhan, the squad leader, and he still keeps bragging!

Of course, maybe he wasn't complimenting Bai Zhan, that's what he thought from the bottom of his heart.

Shang Zhen is the battalion commander. If he wants to bring the team back to his guerrilla zone, isn't it just a matter of words?

The soldiers who didn't know what was going on just thought that the military situation was urgent, so they really packed up their bedrolls, used carriages to pull the trophies they captured in the Battle of Cangshan, and set off on their way back.

Shang Zhen was so anxious to lead his troops to retreat that he only sent someone to notify Zhang Yingjie's troops.

No one knows Shang Zhen's psychology, but of course Shang Zhen himself understands.

He also knew that other Northeastern troops had poor military discipline, but they actually harmed many women. How could this be done by us Northeasterners? Only Japanese devils would do this!

He can't control it but he can't. If his camp is in front of him, he will have to fight with friendly forces. So what can he do except escape?

So the reason why he urgently went back this time was due to Shang Zhen's own psychology. He didn't want to stay here for a minute!

Logically speaking, if Shang Zhen was in such a hurry to leave, he would naturally need to use a carriage to pull the loot and supplies.

Is there a carriage? Of course, the carriage was following them.

Is there room on the carriage? Of course there is.

Although Shang Zhen and the others said they also had trophies, the trophies were not so large that even the carriage could not hold them.

But who would have thought that he had to spare a few two-legged people when the beast with four hooves was not used?

Why is this?

This is of course because Bai Zhan took his class to the foot of the mountain and stole other people's chickens, ducks, geese and dogs.

Unfortunately, those friendly forces who harmed the common people's homes also killed the common people's dogs.

When Shang Zhen returned from the mountain and Wu Ziqi brought him some dog meat, he was really shocked!

The news he heard from the people was that killing dogs was associated with harming women, so he ordered Bai Zhan and his team to be shot.

But then he thought again, it would be too outrageous to say that Bai Zhan was stealing from Thaksin, but that he was harming women.

Upon closer questioning, he discovered that it was just a misunderstanding. .

But even though the people were harmed by friendly forces, Shang Zhen's helplessness turned into anger towards Bai Zhan.

In addition, when Leng Xiaozhi stayed away these past few days, he told them many times about having a good relationship with the people.

But as soon as Leng Xiaozhi walked away, his gang went to steal the people's dogs.

When Bai Zhan dared to go out and steal dogs when he stressed that he would not allow harm to the people, wouldn't that mean he was committing a crime against the wind?

So "If you are punished by death, you cannot escape by living." Come on, your class can go and carry supplies for me, and it will be treated as punishment.

They had just started on the road not long ago, and Bai Zhan and the others were not tired yet, so he was bragging about his skills in order to maintain his omnipotent image in front of the soldiers in his squad.

In fact, he also released the news in the camp about what he was punished for.

Of course he didn't know that the friendly forces not only harmed the people but also killed dogs. He thought that if he just killed a dog, wouldn't it be a big deal? Of course he hopes that the old old people can help him at the critical moment!

But what Bai Zhan doesn't know now is that the news about him being punished for stealing a dog has really spread in the camp.

But as far as he thought, none of the old people wanted to help him, but instead they became happy!

This is not to say that Bai Zhan is very hateful, but his little mouth is always talking.

In fact, Qian Chuan and Qin Chuan are also very talkative, but they have a good sense of scale and won't cause trouble!

But what did Bai Zhan say?

Some people say no, but they say that when someone has bad luck, he won't look at them and try to patch them up after they fall, but he will often say something cheerful and sprinkle salt on their wounds. Dry!

What does tit for tat mean? Now is the time for him to retaliate!

"That's right! I told you to kill the chicken for nothing. Isn't it more powerful this time?" This was Ma Erhuzi's first reaction after hearing the news.

"Let's go take a look!" Hu Zhuzi grinned.

But just as they were about to move, they saw Qian Chuan'er, Qin Chuan and Ma Tianfang walking back at the front of the queue.

When the three people came over, they naturally saw them.

When the eyes of both parties met, there was an uncontrollable smile on their faces.

"Are you going too?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"Yeah." Ma Erhuzi and Huzhuzi nodded.

have a look!

There was such a tacit understanding between the veterans that they knew what was going on without even saying anything.

"You can't just watch the fun and get confused all at once. What if the battalion commander finds out? You wait a little longer." Qian Chuan'er said hurriedly.

How about Qian Chuan'er being careful? He could tell that Shang Zhen was in a bad mood.

"Yes, don't go too much that time." Qin Chuan also said.

"Yes, take turns laughing at that bitch, and let that bitch have a good time!" Ma Tian said casually.

So how come Bai Zhan's "combat plan" was achieved!

But when they walked slower and slower in the team, Chen Hanwen walked over from behind first.

"Has Gaha gone?" Qian Chuan'er and several other veterans asked together.

"Then can we go?" Chen Hanwen replied, then shook his head and said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved!" and walked forward again.

Based on Chen Hanwen's words, "Rotten wood cannot be carved." Do you even need to ask what he was doing?

At this time, Bai Zhan, who was still carrying the bullet box at the end of the team, was no longer bragging, but was instead waiting hard to find a place for himself.

That's of course because Chen Hanwen is here.

When Sun Hanwen appeared in front of Bai Zhan, who was like a silly wife waiting for a spoiled man, Bai Zhan, who was full of joy, still thought that he didn't like the scholar, but he didn't expect that this scholar was the most interesting.

But after thinking about it, Chen Hanwen shook his head like an old scholar and said to him, "Rotten wood cannot be carved," and then he got lost!

You say this is a waste of energy, how can you save yourself from fire and water? Is this talent obviously here to cause trouble? How could this make him brag to his subordinates?

Hurry up and get a good guy! Bai Zhan began to pray in his heart, no, started to pray.

And at this moment, Wu Ziqi shouted in surprise: "Qian Chuan'er is here!"

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