The War of Resistance

Chapter 1613 Catching Deserters (1)

At the sound of Bai Zhan's gunfire, a Japanese soldier was shot and fell down more than 200 meters away. He was one of the Japanese scouts.

It turned out that the Japanese scouts had already advanced into the woods on the roadside in front of them.

But this is no longer the most important thing. The most important thing is that Bai Zhan's gunshot has exposed their position.

Just after Bai Zhan's gunshot, the Japanese scouts judged the direction of the bullets and started shooting at them.

At this moment, Bai Zhan's soldiers were stunned.

They have also fought, but according to the Northeastern dialect, it is called "big gang coaxing". Anyway, everyone joins me and I join to embolden each other.

That means, they say bullets don’t have eyes, so bullets aren’t just looking for me? Of course, whoever dies will accept his fate!

They were confused, not only because they were leading soldiers for the first time, but most importantly because of what Bai Zhan said just now, I am no longer working here, I am leaving. What does this mean?

After being stunned for a moment, the soldiers realized what they meant by leaving? Isn’t this just about being a deserter?

Except for Bai Zhan and Wu Ziqi, the soldiers in their class were old men, and the rest were recruited later.

Bai Zhan is their backbone. Now that the backbone says he is leaving, what will they do?

But how could Bai Zhan care what they thought? But he said directly: "You go back to the camp, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Bai Zhan took his rifle and his box cannon and ran down the mountain.

Of course, this time he didn't run back, but ran diagonally down the mountain. It seemed that he was leaving Shang Zhen's camp.

It takes courage to be a deserter. If you are caught, you won't be able to deal with it easily. What's more, if you are a deserter during the war, it will definitely be a "decision" to catch you!

But precisely because of this, it can also be seen that Bai Zhan has made up his mind to become a deserter this time.

After the soldiers looked at each other for a moment, they finally didn't have the courage to follow Bai Zhan, so they had no choice but to run back.

But in other words, Bai Zhan didn't invite them to join him as deserters!

At this time, Bai Zhan was running quickly.

This time he was really stimulated by those veterans, and he decided not to be angry with those veterans.

What he was thinking was that I had walked through the Nanjing and the North train tracks and had my legs crossed, and now I have learned how to shoot, and my marksmanship is not bad. Wherever I go, I can’t eat or drink, so why should I suffer from you being so mean to me!

That's why he took the initiative to talk to Shang Zhen about being a top soldier.

Why be a vanguard? Isn't that just to create an opportunity for yourself to escape?

In order to escape successfully, he first shot the Japanese.

In this case, Shang Zhen and the others would have to deal with the Japanese army and would have no time to send people to chase him.

He is not stupid, he will not escape with those soldiers. Even if those soldiers want to follow him, he cannot take them!

It's one thing to run away on your own. Even if you can't run away, the Phalanx may not be able to do it yourself with military law. But it's another thing to take others with you as deserters. If you are caught by Shang Zhen, it will definitely be a "beheading" Decide!”

Besides, those soldiers under his command, what are they called soldiers? The whole thing is like a tiger, you don’t understand shit!

He said that he would take them to be the vanguard, and they came to be the vanguard. They were so beautiful!

One by one, especially! This guy Wu Ziqi is really a second-rate guy, and he's as stupid as if he was worth 250,000 yuan.

Didn't he think that being a top soldier would lead to death the fastest? Just like last time, Gao Chang and his platoon's leading soldiers directly ran into the Japanese army, and in the end they were all killed.

So when they met Qin Chuan on their way over, Qin Chuan bowed to them.

What Bai Zhan can be sure of is that although Qin Chuan admires them, he must also be thinking in his heart, these idiots!

Of course, in Bai Zhan's plan, he did not expect to hit the Japanese army so soon. He just wanted to wait until night before escaping.

But at this time, they encountered the Japanese army.

Since he was the top soldier in his squad, he would take the bad guys under him to fight the Japanese army again. If he got himself involved, he wouldn't be able to make the mistake.

Taking advantage of the cover of the terrain, Bai Zhan was careful not to let the Japanese troops on the opposite side notice him and ran into the mountains.

"We encountered Japanese soldiers ahead. Is there another squadron?"

"What? Bai Zhanji ran away?"

Two sentences in different chronological order were enough to express Shang Zhen's surprise, and then his eyes narrowed.

In any case, he never expected that Bai Zhan would become a deserter.

But now that things have happened, they must be faced immediately. As for why Bai Zhan ran away, he didn't have time to think about it.

Next, Shang Zhen's mind began to spin rapidly.

He's quite a thief. Seeing that he encountered the Japanese, he took action first. He wanted me to be distracted!

But no matter what, we can't let him run away. This kid ran away blatantly. So far, there has been no precedent for deserters in his camp!

If this sets a precedent, will everyone become deserters when it becomes difficult to fight the Japanese? So we must capture Bai Zhan no matter what!

But suddenly they encountered the Japanese again. The Japanese wanted to fight, but they couldn't cause big losses to their team.

After a while, Shang Zhen issued the order: "Qiu Bo, take command. Let's capture the hilltop in front first. You can provide us with cover. The purpose of our battle this time is to get rid of the little Japs. The key is that we have to get rid of the little devils." Bai Zhan caught him.

You guys, big old fool, horse and two tigers, come with me! "

After saying that, Shang Zhen ran forward and started touching the box of cannons while running.

Bai Zhan ran away from that mountain.

At present, the mountain is a commanding point on this road.

If their battalion can hold this hill, they can block the Japanese army on the opposite side, and he can take the opportunity to capture Bai Zhan.

Shang Zhen ran fast. This time, he sprinted to the hill in front of him at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

He had just asked the soldiers who came back. The Japanese scouts were about 200 meters away.

This distance is about the same distance from the hill they are now, so this hill is very important.

Whichever side occupies the top of the hill first will have a geographical advantage. The side that does not occupy the top of the hill will become the opponent's target.

Due to time constraints, Shang Zhen did not ask how many scouts the Japanese army had, but Bai Zhan heard back that the Japanese army had a squadron, and it seemed that there would not be too many scouts.

According to Shang Zhen's experience, when the Japanese soldiers came running over, they must be holding guns. If the arms of the person holding the gun couldn't be relaxed, it was unlikely that they would run too fast.

So in order to save time, Shang Zhen did not load the wooden box up now, but ran forward desperately holding the box cannon.

At this time, there were also footsteps behind him.

Shang Zhen didn't even look back but he knew it was Big Boss. Even though Big Boss ran just as fast, he couldn't get away from him.

After a breathless run, Shang Zhen rushed to the foot of the hill.

In the short time it took him to run over, the gunfire from the other side stopped.

Presumably, the Japanese army thought that this was the Chinese army using guerrilla tactics again, so they shot away and ran away, so they must have been heading to this hill.

Shang Zhen walked up the mountain quickly and glanced back. He was indeed the old fool following him.

He then stretched out his hand and pointed to the left, meaning that the old fool should first look at the foot of the mountain on the left.

And just as Shang Zhen was running up the mountain, Big Laoban's box cannon at the foot of the mountain rang first.

Shang Zhen was going up the mountain, and in terms of speed, he was definitely slower than Lao Ben.

He continued to walk quickly up the mountain, and at this moment the sound of gunfire rang out at the foot of the mountain, including the sound of box cannons and the sound of Type 38 rifles.

He didn't have time to look down. It must be that his follow-up personnel had caught up and were already engaged with the Japanese scouts.

When Shang Zhen rushed to the top of the mountain and lay down on the top of the mountain to look down, he saw two Japanese soldiers desperately climbing up the mountain with their heads lowered and guns in hand. They were already halfway up the mountain!

Of course, Shang Zhen didn't believe that the Japanese army could run faster than him. If the Japanese army could reach half the height, it only meant that the Japanese army was closer than them when they ran over.

It is at this moment that the enemy and we are fighting for the top of the mountain. Whoever gets there first, even if it is only one step ahead, is to shoot from above. The advantages and disadvantages of the battle are absolutely different!

The two Japanese soldiers said they were halfway up the mountain, but how high is the mountain?

Two Japanese soldiers, charging toward the top of the hill with rifles held across their hands, also saw Shang Zhen, a Chinese soldier, appearing.

The two of them instinctively raised their guns, but no matter how fast they were, how could they be faster than the box cannon?

Shang Zhen's box gun sounded, and he knocked the opponent down with two short bursts.

Only then did Shang Zhen have time to look towards the foot of the mountain.

He saw that there were seven or eight Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain here. Some Japanese soldiers were raising their guns in a warning manner at the foot of the mountain. Some had already taken out grenades, and some had even aimed their rifles at him.

At the foot of this mountain is Da Laobeng and the others. The enemy and we are actually so close!

Shang Zhen shrank back, abandoned his gun, and turned to the side. A bullet hit the spot where his head had just emerged.

But when Shang Zhen rolled up again, a grenade was thrown down the hillside as he stood up.

At the same time, the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain also threw grenades up with all their strength.

To say that the strength of the Japanese army is not small, but it is still a little far away from Shang Zhen.

The hand landed on the hillside and bounced upwards, then fell back down again!

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